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office_mouse 9 Nov 2023 @ 10:58pm 
best 40 year old prodigy talent. legend <3
coops 1 Apr 2023 @ 1:44am 
Signed By Grubb
Backpackothy 13 Jan 2023 @ 12:06am 
Signed By Grubb
firebunny 30 Apr 2022 @ 1:39pm 
By crikey if it isn't that time of year. Just a quick update on those NIO shares at $35 each! They have gone up to $16.70 now!! Now I'm living it up at the soup kitchen. Enough of that! How have you been? I heard you like some sort of Maplestory coin token thing :maple: ? Well clearly my decision making abilities are ahh yep and I approve. I am wishing good luck to you. I may be down but just you wait buster, you haven't seen my final form yet *smiles* (homeless).

As always, Signed by firebunny, the moderately tiered surfer :cyanheart: stay kawaii :orangeheart:
Tazidevil 14 Des 2021 @ 2:04am 
Just lying down having a soup - erase 2021
Big J 15 Apr 2021 @ 11:55pm 
Hello, am I speaking to Chris Crypto Magnumdong III? I heard you've come in to quite a sum of wealth via insider trading and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RNG. I'm an investor myself you know, however, in this economy it's proved quite difficult for even investors of my tier not to be burned in this market. That said, I would like to contact you and see how you would feel about a loan or potential gift chuck? I believe this would be good exposure for you as I am very well known amongst the rich.

I eagerly anticipate your response!

Positions: $GME 22 @$283