Welcome to Space World! Let's go.

Hackusation Counter: 26*
(As of 10/26/17)

1."oy blue kick your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aimbot chris"
2. "how the ♥♥♥ -- stop hacking"
3."don't act as if you're skilled, you're a lousy hacker, you don't miss shots, don't spew that BS"
4: "lmaooo hack a palooza"
5: "please kick chris he's cheating"
6*: "Chris your hacking your rifle makes people press the disconnect button"
7: "i think chris is hacking"
8: "CHris you hackin ?"
9: "Chris is hacking" (as a Heavy, even)
10: <Forgot to snag the quote>
11: <Forgot to snag the quote>
12: "hows that lucky or hack shot working for you?"
13: "hacker"
14: "chris hax"
15: " can we just kick this guy?"
16: "Can u kick chris hes wall hacking -- Ummm no ur wall hacking kiddo"
17: "Kick Chris; he's hacking"
18: "dude i can see the hac mate come on"
19: "I have a feeling chris is hacking no offense"
20: "hax ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿"
21: "chris is hacking - bruh"
22: "chris is hacking"
23: "chris is hacking" - 7/7/21
24: "‎‍​⁠​​⁠‬‎‎‬‌tf aimbotter like ass"
25: "‬‍‏⁠‍‬​‍‏‎‎‍axe is cheating‌"​⁠‍‎‍‌
26. ​‬​​‍‬​‬"‌‌nice walls axe" (Proceeded by LOT of other stuff afterwards. God.)‬​‌‬​​​‎⁠

*May or may not have been a joke
" lol i saw chris down there and bounced the ♥♥♥♥ out"
"I'm playing heavy and I'm afraid of Chris"

"I am afraid of no man
but that chris
he scares me"

Time-Travelling Brandy Thief: GO SHOVE YOUR
Time-Travelling Brandy Thief: AND THRUST YOURSELF TO THE MOON

Time-Travelling Brandy Thief: Or something.

Rooster )RAGE(: LET'S YIFF?

Chris's Hitman's Heatmaker has reached a new rank: Hale's Own!

Switch Code: SW-6617-3313-5706
Σε σύνδεση
InterstellarFirefly 25 Νοε 2024, 1:05 
Hey, just wanted to say it was great playing TF2 alongside ya!! Have a great one, yo! :)
Chr1sR 20 Ιουλ 2024, 5:35 
HEyheY CAN U PLS CHANGE UR ID IN sTEAM I NEED cHRISr FOR MY ACC :lunar2019grinningpig:
20 Μαϊ 2024, 15:04 
best sweps ever
7H3_HuN73R 2 Δεκ 2023, 15:51 
hello, do you keep doing mods on gmod?
Ska Bloodtail 21 Σεπ 2023, 9:56 
Do you remember🧐🤔 the 21st night of September📆 Love ❤️ was changing the minds 🧠of pretenders While chasing the clouds☁️ away
Ꮥofi🎨 18 Ιουν 2023, 15:10 
Accept my friend request bro