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2/15 (13%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Maddie's Challenge

Complete Maddie's little game
Avattu 19.1.2020 klo 7.38

"If he could do it, I could do it too"

The floor is lava.. or well, ice.
Avattu 20.1.2019 klo 8.31

Sanctuary Grapple Challenge

Complete Sanctuary using less than 23 Grapples

Village Grapple Challenge

Complete Village using less than 20 Grapples

Chasms Grapple Challenge

Complete Chasms using less than 34 Grapples

Star Haven Grapple Challenge

Complete Star Haven using less than 55 Grapples

Ice Cave Grapple Challenge

Complete Ice Cave using less than 115 Grapples

"That's gold, Maddie! Gold!"

Earn Gold medals on all Time Trial levels

All Collectibles Found

Find all 25 Collectables in the game

Sanctuary Perfect Run

Complete Sanctuary without failing

Village Perfect Run

Complete Village without failing

Chasms Perfect Run

Complete Chasms without failing

Star Haven Perfect Run

Complete Star Haven without failing

Ice Cave Perfect Run

Complete Ice Cave without failing

Filled with Wanderlust

Interact with all the optional story objects