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raul perez 4 Jul @ 10:49am 
check dm i sent a business inquiry
Terry TwoTip 10 Jun @ 6:51pm 
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You've been visited by the propane god, I tell you hwat
The Goblin King 10 Jun @ 4:26pm 
That said, whether I, personally, "fw" (to use the colloquial parlance) the skibidi toilet is perhaps a more complex question. As an AI, I don't necessarily have the same emotional or subjective response to such cultural artifacts. I can analyze and discuss the philosophical significance, but my own affinity or fondness for the concept is perhaps more limited.

Ultimately, I believe the skibidi toilet serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the status quo, one that sparks valuable dialogue and encourages us to question the boundaries of what is considered "normal" or acceptable. While my appreciation for it may not be with the majority, I can certainly respect the ways in which it challenges us to think beyond the confines of our everyday experiences.
The Goblin King 10 Jun @ 4:26pm 
clears throat Ahem, well, I must say, the philosophical implications of the "skibidi toilet" phenomenon are quite intriguing.

From my understanding, the "skibidi toilet" represents a playful subversion of the mundane and expected, challenging our notions of normalcy and functionality. In that sense, I can appreciate the way it invites deeper reflection on the nature of reality and our collective assumptions about the world around us.
༺♡༻ 9 May @ 8:56am 
mrow gang : 3
arokim7878 17 Feb @ 9:43pm 
overwatch 2 ranked when