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Ghost's Neolithic Mod Reccs
Коллекция от Ghost
This isn't a complete modlist but more a collection of mods i recommend using for any Neolithic / Tribal / Primitive play-through. Considering neolithic runs are my primary thing I do I'll try to keep this updated. 1.3 mods included in this list implies th
The Duck Pond - "Dark Ages"
Коллекция от RedRuM
Collection of mods used in the Dark Ages themed wipe on MrAtomicDucks Patreon backers server Updated for March 2023
Build 41.78 Solo Overhaul
Коллекция от Panopticon
The purpose of this list is to enrich your Project Zomboid experience as deep and optimized as possible, while retaining that vanilla+ and lore-friendly vibe. The multiplayer version of this modlist with server mods will be created and linked below eventua
Strippin's Collection 3.0 OMEGA ULTIMATE EDITION
Коллекция от Boon
This is the second iteration of the last mod pack, but this time improved for this next upcoming session.
Rimworld: Biotech Quality of Life Pack [Updated 21st February 2023!]
Коллекция от Mr Samuel Streamer
Please bring any technical issues to my Discord: https://discord.gg/fkreDYG This allows us to look at technical logs, give clear instructions on fixes, and link to relevant other mods/files! 0: Contents 1. Introduction 2. Necessary Files 3. Installation Gu
Naked Brutality Tribal (AdamVsEverything Stream)
Коллекция от Adam vs Everything
This set of mods are what Adam uses when playing No-Pause Merciless Naked Brutality on stream at twitch.tv/adamvseverything Adam is live Monday through Saturday from ~9pm - ~2am est. You can also check out Adam's YouTube content at youtube.com/adamvseveryt
Essential Mod Pack [1.3]
Коллекция от ExplosiveFridge
Vanilla Expanded + Quality of Life Mods + Various Small Tweaks = FUN. Nothing that significantly changes the core Rimworld experience, just makes it more enjoyable and adds more content. Will add more as mods are updated to 1.3. Feel free to recommend any
Squiggles' Squabble Server Mod List
Коллекция от Glornt The Guilty
A complete list of mods for multiplayer built off of the Strippin Collection. Host: Enable mods through Steam Workshop tab, then remove the old versions of the mods from the mod list. NOTE: Once the server is generated, logging in the first time from the h
Ultimate Immersion - Complete Collection
Коллекция от Anthonest
Massive cosmetic, sound, texture, linguistic, and interface overhaul that fundamentally changes the way you experience Men of War. https://i.imgur.com/i0Sd5Z1.png https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1856072527055725166/51887EDD97FACE7B763A1A4F2E7CCB
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