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15 people found this review helpful
24.3 hrs on record
I backed the game and I'm not disappointed at all. It's very narrative-rich, complex and mastered. There's always something new to discover, so the sense of repetitiveness is not really felt before near the end of the game.
You don't need to know Hamlet's story already as the game deals accurately to not lose the player. There's enough options of ergonomy. It's still a rather difficult game, but in a good sense in my opinion.
You'll need 20 to 30 hours to complete it. It's really not a small game, there's a huge sum of work within it. Know that there are 11 endings to unlock plus one or two "true" endings after that; don't reach for a "perfect" end that you cannot attain before you have access to the conclusion.

On the minus side: the side stories added to the original piece may or may not please you, but can you harsh a writer for not writing as well as William Shakespeare ? I find some of them were great.
And the game I played, before the public release, had numerous bugs, including some that requested relaunching the game. But they were patched one after the other.

I highly recommend this game.
Posted 23 July, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
14.5 hrs on record
Portal-like puzzle game + Resident Evil-like TPS fights + Zelda-like progression.

The puzzles are good and well-crafted throughout the game (except a couple that are unfortunately really badly designed). Level design is the best thing about the game with shortcuts very well placed and no misconception in all this complexity, the dev thought of everything. The game is really long, 10 hours for 10 levels which is appreciable for an indie game.

On the bad side, fighting is meh, loadings are too long, running pace is too slow as you go back and forth seeking your way... and the game is plain ugly. But that's what you get when you're just an indie without a whole artistic team to design Aperture Laboratories and GlaDOS and Wheatley. :))

Overall a good game that I might suggest if you're hungry for puzzle games after Portal and Talos Principle.
Posted 7 May, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.0 hrs on record
Ca devient beaucoup trop vite extrêmement redondant, répétitif et ennuyeux. Je ne peux pas conseiller ce titre qui part d'une bonne idée mais qui est raté.
Posted 28 March, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
24.0 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Le jeu est correct, mais il est aussi mignon que bancal dans son level design et son game design. En passant du Metroid-like au Mega Man-like, il ne résout pas des problèmes plus profonds: un faible nombre de niveaux (pas bien grands de surcroît) qu'on vous invite à faire et refaire pour trouver les secrets nécessaires à la progression et au 100%; des transformations adorables mais bien trop souvent complètement inutiles. De fait, le jeu n'exploite pas ses bonnes idées et paraît bien trop court. Comptez 6h30 pour votre premier run, 8h pour un 100% (à peu près autant que les précédents, en fait).
Posted 20 December, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
496.3 hrs on record (487.8 hrs at review time)
La meilleure adaptation en jeu vidéo de Game of Thrones.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.2 hrs on record
L'idée de base de game design est brillante mais quand il y a une douzaine de touches à retenir il ne faut pas en appeler aux réflexes du joueur. La campagne solo est trop buggée et d'une difficulté annapurnesque et incohérente. Le multi est semble-t-il fun mais je ne l'ai pas essayé. Je ne conseillerais le jeu qu'à petit prix voire pas du tout si ses extensions sont mieux faites.
Posted 31 December, 2014.
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18.6 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Il se donne des airs de Sonic (avec des persos style fan-characters) mais c'est en fait un run&gun ! Beaucoup de combats et des boss impressionnants et assez durs. Heureusement tout est très bien exécuté, trois gameplays vraiment différents et maîtrisés, des niveaux longs et variés, bonne animation, jolis graphismes 16-bits, une histoire kawai comme il faut, un style propre légèrement sinisant.
Posted 23 September, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries