Morgan   Isle of Man
I want a PX Scarab
Review Showcase
157 Hours played
Game's great. Here are some great features you may encounter while having great fun playing this game:

Every Charger is basically a scripting Sion.
Spit hitboxes are so small they can hit you from like another galaxy.
Don't forget the 1,622,314,321 hunters on your back 24/7.
You may encounter a stalker that will walk 500,000 miles and will walk 500,000 more just to combo you into oblivion.
Ship upgrades are placebos.
Orbital barrages are basically a bluff.
On that note, 60% of strategems are borderline useless or have too long cooldowns.
The most consistent thing in this game is fire damage and gas strike. While playing quick play, they do nothing every time.
You can experience a magical journey inside some hitbox, not able to move.
Sometimes strategems turn into rubber balls doing their own thing.
Your character has this fun condition; they will climb every supply beacon they see and you can't do anything about it.
You find a good strategy that actually works and doesn't get messed up by glitches? Great, now shut up and make sure no one knows about it because the devs will nerf it so it does nothing like the rest of the equipment.
When fighting bugs, expect to spend at least 50% of your lovely time slowed or concussed while getting chased by the whole zerg army led by Zagara herself.
Get used to the mental conditions of your character by exploring all the things you can't climb just because.
Spend countless missions trying to get any value from random strategems, all the while exploring all the borderline useless weapons and realizing some weapons are just straight better than others (Pocket SMG to the standard pistol).
See all the classic gun differences, like the standard SMG shooting slower and dealing more damage than the standard assault rifle.
Experience the new D&D game by using any gun; damage dropoff makes it feel like throwing a D20 every time you hit something.
See great servers that will rubberband you in the worst possible moments. You're on fire and you try to save yourself by diving or using a stim? Too bad, server said you're dead.
Test your CPU by launching anything above difficulty 6 and see your usage skyrocket.
Use the great stims that will even regrow your limbs (well, at least when your character actually decides to use one).
I can't say anything bad against bots; if you bring something that makes smoke and take your time, you'll be fine.
-You'll know if you're in range of enemy artillery. An angelic voice will inform you about that.
XENOX 8 Jul, 2024 @ 12:07pm 
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notRaku 3 Jul, 2024 @ 11:05am 
+rep misiu patysiu
creampie 11 May, 2024 @ 10:41am 
+rep scariest myers i ve played against
meg(a)useless 7 May, 2024 @ 6:51am 
u like meta builds a lot right XD
Frisk 5 May, 2024 @ 10:48am 
told me to hang myself in pre game for no reason massive weirdo
Speedwagon 4 May, 2024 @ 9:13am 