New York, New York, United States
Rain. It's more than just a phenomenon that exists in our world. Going back to the very cradle of humankind, the rain has been our companion wherever we have gone. Sometimes it has been appreciated, other times tolerated, but never has it really been friend or foe, just always a companion. If you've ever wandered the streets during a downpour, fallen asleep to the pattering of the droplets, or smelled the sticky and humid air after a summer thunderstorm, you know that we humans get rain. We understand it on a level where not much else can compare.

- jfietkau


"Getting old isn't a curse. It's an achievement."

- Julianne Natalie Stingray


"The more of a fool people take you for, the more you'll learn of their true nature."

- Weird Machine from Nier: Automata


'Madness is the esscence of gambling, isn't it? Therefore, gambling gets more fun the crazier it is!'

- Jabami Yumeko