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Megjelölés dátuma
Olyan elemek mutatása, melyek az összes választott kifejezéssel címkézettek:
1–2/2 bejegyzés mutatása
Mods you cannot live without
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Carnagion
This collection of mods (none created by me) consists of quality-of-life and other miscellaneous mods that do not change Rimworld's game mechanics, but make it easier for you to have more control over what's going on, reduce micromanagement, and make colon
Realism, Expansion, and Immersion
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Carnagion
This is a collection of mods that aims to drastically improve the Rimworld experience. It includes mods that add new gameplay or expand on vanilla gameplay and mechanics (such as the Vanilla Expanded series), and/or tweak them to be more realistic and bala
Laponként: 9 18 30