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Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Radical Wrestling Extravaganza Indy Wrestling
Collection by Radical Dickhead
All of these are balanced with each other. I usually mention who I simmed against (primarily, I do side sims too) I tried to keep each generation competitive with the other, but I mostly kept the wrestlers in each generation balanced rather than everyone t
Radical Wrestling Extravaganza Japan (from all Japanese promotions, some old school, mostly NJPW)
Collection by Radical Dickhead
All of these are balanced with each other. I usually mention who I simmed against (primarily, I do side sims too) I tried to keep each generation competitive with the other, but I mostly kept the wrestlers in each generation balanced rather than everyone t
Radical Wrestling Extravaganza From the Territories
Collection by Radical Dickhead
All of these are balanced with each other. I usually mention who I simmed against (primarily, I do side sims too) I tried to keep each generation competitive with the other, but I mostly kept the wrestlers in each generation balanced rather than everyone t
Radical Wrestling Extravaganza WCW
Collection by Radical Dickhead
All of these are balanced with each other. I usually mention who I simmed against (primarily, I do side sims too) I tried to keep each generation competitive with the other, but I mostly kept the wrestlers in each generation balanced rather than everyone t
Radical Wrestling Extravaganza WWE(a few old school and NXT)
Collection by Radical Dickhead
All of these are balanced with each other. I usually mention who I simmed against (primarily, I do side sims too) I tried to keep each generation competitive with the other, but I mostly kept the wrestlers in each generation balanced rather than everyone t
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