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269.7 hrs on record (265.0 hrs at review time)
For a free to play game its pretty decent enough, nice and casual with a pleasant graphical atmosphere thats good to explore and look at.

For what its worth, the content isn't bad. Atm you get two main zones (with a new one coming next year) along with several mini zones for events and quests, as well as some mini-games (cooking, fishing, etc). As well as a nice large housing plot you can work on (which also has some fishing/farming/etc areas you can use).

You can easily get a good several hours out of it, especially more fun when you play with friends in co-op.

Not for everyone, especially those who like combat (there isn't really any, unless you count hunting animals with a bow/arrows or fishing).
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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92.3 hrs on record (92.2 hrs at review time)
Times like this I wish there was a neutral option.

Compared to the first game this one was a let down. Quite a few bugs an other issues, and the combat and parkour feel watered down compared to the first. There is also quite a bit of bloat that just isn't needed. There are many side missions that are nothing more than parkour challenges which thankfully are optional. Overall the game felt very dull an rather annoying at times. An the recent dlc is just meh.

Thankfully I bought this on a decent discount sale price, otherwise I'd have probably refunded asap, lol.

All in all, I'd say stick to the first if you enjoyed that one, and if never played play that one an avoid this one.
Posted 25 November, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 31 Mar, 2023 @ 1:03am (view response)
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30.4 hrs on record (21.4 hrs at review time)
Honestly wish there was a neutral option. This is kinda fun (especially with a friend), just so very empty an a bit boring at times. Needs more to do, or more enemies to deal with, the only vehicles are pedal bikes an they're so slow.

Game has promise, but needs more work.
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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14.9 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
If you are after a simple an casual gameplay an very basic rpg with a Zelda-like graphic an some puzzles to work out then this might be something you'll want to check out.

Although I would only recommend it on sale as others had pointed out its a bit linear on the story with limited choices and pretty short. The developers added some random encounter thing as you are exploring the map but this I found was more annoying than anything else, sure it helped gain xp an mats an random gear to sell or use as you grind away but more often than not I just kept immediately leaving the area soon as it started as I just wanted to get on with my quest.

Some of the quests weren't exactly obvious where to go next, an I experienced a few bugs wherein that if I didn't go to a specific location and do a specific thing it might not have unlocked where to go next properly.

But overall I quite enjoyed playing the game for a easy going casual hack & slash with friends, and so for that it wasn't bad. And at least unlike other games the devs are still updating it.
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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16.5 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Showing a lot of promise, bit buggy atm (think alpha or beta so expect bugs) but the developer is quite active and listens to feedback and responds and is very helpful.

The game itself is simple enough to play, with a nice look & feel to the game that is somewhat relaxing (although the orcs are a little ugly and that scream as your player orc makes as it drops is both creepy and funny at the same time).

Gameplay is very easy, you control an Orc ("player orc" as such) and at first you get dropped on a planet and need to rescue your fellow orcs from prisons then you can ask them to do tasks such as retrieving lumber or stone/etc, and get them to build bridges to other islands or other constructions. With the goal being to collect some gems that are scattered about the place inside crates you can smash. All in all, a simple enough task you'd think but depending on the size of the planet and the resource node locations/etc it could take a while.

A good little casual time waster which I look forward to its development.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
I can extremely NOT recommend this game. First off it is NOT free-to-play, it is a TRIAL game you get to play with heavy limitations (eg max level 10), and full "Members" access is SUBSCRIPTION based which it clearly does not display at all on the store page. There are also big billboards ingame advertising and trying to lure users to be full members, etc.

I will very much make sure to warn all my friends and their familes to avoid this game at all costs. It is a real shame as if it wasn't for those problems this would have been a real nice fun game for younger players. Hopefully the developers will change these "features" and if so then I will totally recommend this game. But for now, as-is, I can not at all recommend and would infact strongly suggest avoiding this entirely at all costs unless you don't mind subscription based games.
Posted 8 August, 2014.
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33.1 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
If you loved the old Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 games then you'll find this to your liking. Its pretty much the same game but with a few twists and features to make it stand out. Try the demo out first mind, :-)
Posted 18 April, 2013. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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0.5 hrs on record
Its kinda like playing TF2 but with more rewards for team play & actually doing the objectives, etc. Pretty fun gameplay too, like having to blow up mines with dynamite, etc. Good wild west humour & style. Pretty decent game.
Posted 4 December, 2012. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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198.6 hrs on record (165.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you like Action/RTS style games like LoL or Dota2, etc, then you'll probably find a home in AirMech. Its got various game modes, such as survival (1->4 players against waves of enemies) or co-op (humans vs ai), or of course pvp & ctf. Can get pretty intense on some smaller maps.
Posted 10 November, 2012. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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4.1 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
I actually bought this (thanks steam, don't give existing owners any free stuff or anything now that this is F2P! *BEEP*!) when it was on offer, its not a bad game. Kinda like Team Fortress 2 in comedic style gameplay. Its got some very silly weapons & gadgets. And now that its F2P you might want to consider giving it a chance as it can be quite fun and intense at times.
Posted 31 August, 2012. Last edited 25 November, 2013.
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