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Wyświetlanie 31-40 z 76 pozycji
Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
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14.7 godz. łącznie
Game is not as bad as these stupid reviews say. It's not perfect yes, but which game is that?

Very cool are the original voices of the (new) Star Trek movie.

I'm not a Trekkie or something, the movie was nice, the game had many things you like in Star Trek and more. Even if's more action based as the movies, also killing so much aliens isn't really Star Trek like.

Anyway. You can dive, fly with wingsuit, shoot with Enterprise turret, you can walk on the ceiling with magnetshoes which was my favourite XD, you have to solve some puzzles, hack turrets,doors etc and many more. Your tricorder is your most important tool in this game. You can upgrade it, same for the weapons ofc.

You can't fly the Enterprise. :( And game has/had some bugs, mostly with coop which is not fully working as i heard from other players. (I do not play coop-poop)

It's a movie-game and it has something like an Open-End but it has it's good aspects. For me it has good 6/10
Opublikowana: 30 kwietnia 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
171.6 godz. łącznie (169.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Who needs bugged Sim City 2013? EA/Maxis, watch out!

- Cities are huge (1 city in CiM2 is almost 1 region of SC)
- You get money if people use your busses/trams etc.
- It has a metro...
- much more street options (buslane streets / tram can drive everywhere)
- vehicles looks awesome
- much better AI for vehicles and the Cims (Sims)
- Map Editor
- much lower price for a much better game
and and and...

Of course, you can't really compare these games cause 1 is a city- and the other a transport simulation but i do cause CiM2 has much more SC style as SC itself.

If you want to expand your city you just need to build some streets and the game generates some random houses. And the whole city is dynamic, that means more busses/trams/trolleys/metros/watertaxi lines you make, the more the city grows.

I was already fascinated by CiM1 while ago but CiM2 is much better. Of course it still has some missing features i would like to see but i totally trust the developers cause they do what the community want. They will also publish Modding Tools for this game as it was in CiM1.

CiM2 came out exactly at the right point, already see many players who totally forgot SC and play CiM2 now. Don't feed EA/Maxis anymore...

Sim City 2013: 5/10

Cities in Motion 2: 8/10 (if they do the features the community mentioned, what they will do definetly, it will have 9/10)
Opublikowana: 8 kwietnia 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 12 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
29.9 godz. łącznie (29.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Words can not describe anything for this game, i also won't describe anything cause you really have to enjoy it by yourself and not getting spoiled by reviews or bad LP's.

So i do it with numbers.

Graphics: 9/10
Sounds: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Gameworld: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Gamelength: 9/10
Emotions: 9/10
Story: 11/10
Ending: 15/10

= 10/10
Opublikowana: 4 kwietnia 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
24.4 godz. łącznie
Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?

Insanity is playing this game over and over again until it has completed to 100% and then you start to play it again and again and...

The island is huge, the story is mysterious, the characters (especially Vaas, the guy on the cover) are great. The beginning of the game is implemented cinematically and gives you the real feeling of getting hunted by pirates and then lost on a unknown island.

After ~60% of the game the story slows down a bit but still keeps a good level of entertainment.

The hunting parts are awesome, 200% better then Tomb Raider ofc. You can do what you want on that island, that's why i always caught myself by sitting in the high grass of the jungle and aiming at a bear, leopard or many many other animals.

The lighting effects looks awesome, the (tourist) attractions like wingsuit or parachute are pure fun.

Opublikowana: 31 marca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
4.2 godz. łącznie
What a funy game. XD It's a puzzle game with a creature which always looks different, you have to control the arms with A+S or K+L, different directions. The Singleplayer has ~150 Level, some of them are really hard to solve. But really interesting is the Level Editor where you can create your own levels and creatures and share them to everyone. You can decide if the other players have to build the creature or if they have to use the one you've made for this level.

The creations always looks really funny then they walk or crawl on the ground.

Great game idea, creepy, funny and many challenges. 9/10

Check out my "Humanoid" creation.

If you own the game (Desktop version) here is my little "Humanoid" level. :)
Opublikowana: 18 marca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
17.3 godz. łącznie
Really great Survival Game. You wake up in a random generated world and all you have to do is "Don't starve".

Chop trees for wood, also get some grass to make a fire, that's very important at night cause the darkness is your death. Also search for food all the time like beeries or carrots, second can used to catch rabbits. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ After a while you can build a camp with a science thing which gives you upgrade options and new items for easier survive, craft, create food and so on. You can unlock many different characters with special skills. You have to fight against monsters, you can make friends which will help you.

In normal mode this game is kinda hard which is good on one side cause it's a survival game but bad on the other side if you die too fast. Good that it has now a mode where you can generate a world with your own settings. Find more food...

Totally reminds me of games like "Stranded 1+2"

Opublikowana: 10 marca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
2.7 godz. łącznie
Great and weird puzzle game. After beaten some puzzles you will get a gun which is almost like the HL2 Gravgun. You can pickup little blocks and put them on another place. If you come further the gun will get upgrades so you can do much more with these little blocks

The puzzles in this game are very good and almost broke my brain. And i had to use a bit help sometimes...

The main menu and the map is placed on the lobby wall, same for ingame collectibles which looks cool and new. 8/10

Puzzle Example?

There was a floor which seems to be endless, after walking for minutes in 1 direction i just turned arround and there was a new way... made me crazy. xD
Opublikowana: 9 marca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
20.4 godz. łącznie
Great game, awesome graphics, beautyful locations, good voice actors. But it has not much to do with the previous TR-Games. It has puzzles and jumps and climbing but this TR is taking more focus at Action and Story. The playtime can be arround 20h if you want 100%. The new Lara looks awesome, totally naturally. (normal boobs) XD

Your first weapon is the bow, all weapons can get upgrades. You can hunt animals but that's not necessary, only for more XP.

The island totally reminds me of LOST with all it's secrets and stuff. It's big and has many different areas which all are connected. You will find camp fires where you can handle your upgrades and later using "Fast Travel" for jump between the camp fires.

The puzzles were mostly a bit too easy. Not like previous TR's.

I don't really care about MP but i've tested it and i have to say, the server connection is bugged for now, only "Quick Match" worked for me and it does not made much fun. Also not much players where arround.

Game was very good at all. Great entertainment. 9/10
Opublikowana: 9 marca 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 września 2014.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
3.3 godz. łącznie
Cute little Puzzle Game.

A sweet Sugar Cube escapes the Cockie Factory trough 90 Levels. Every level looks a bit like a chessboard and fields next to you will turn around if you pass them.

Game has 5 chapters with a Boss Fight. Some levels are way too easy and the playtime was around +3 hours for me with the good ending unlocked.

Soundtrack is nice, Controls are easy. Price ~5€ is ok. 7/10
Opublikowana: 19 stycznia 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 września 2015.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
37.8 godz. łącznie
Very nice game with a nice story about the plague in late 1800s - early 1900s.

You are Corvo, the bodyguard of the empress. You come to jail cause they say you've killed her. So you have to prove your innocence and rescue the empress daughter Emily. In the beginning of every chapter you mostly have to kill someone. You can do your missions in many ways like stealth, shooting or both. The maps are big and gives you many options to reach your goal.
You also can solve sidemissions and you can solve the whole game by not killing anyone or not even get seen by anyone. On normal difficulty it seems a bit too easy (did not played on higher) cause enemies acts very stupid sometimes. Like i cast a "turn into rat" spell on me in front of party guests and guards and nobody cares. ;)

What i really like is the art of the game, you can totally see that Valves Half Life 2 City 17 Art Team was into it. You can see enemies which almost looks like striders, you will see similarities for the pod train, the vehicles and the town itself.

You can unlock supernatural powers like teleport (story) or slowmotion etc. and upgrade them by finding runes or artefacts. Game has more than 1 ending depend on how you play.

So if you like Sneak/Action Games at all or Half Life 2 you will like it for sure. 9/10
Opublikowana: 3 stycznia 2013. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 września 2015.
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Wyświetlanie 31-40 z 76 pozycji