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Évaluations récentes de eschaton

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
81.2 h en tout (58.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Bought this thinking it was just gonna be a cute fun romp with the usual japanese flair. I was dead wrong, and it gets surpisingly dark surprisingly fast. Im not familiar with other games of the dungeon rpg genre, but i can see at the very least this is a fun game that lets you build your team in any way you prefer. Id suggest using the google docs guide which you can get by asking around somewhere, its probably in the steam guides section. Theres a lot of little things here or there that the game doesnt explain that youll want to know before starting a run. What items to sell, how to build your fighters, etc.

If not for the fact that the game doesnt have a menu option to go reread tutorials an the fact that so many facets of the game are left unexplained, id give it an 8/10. Id right it 7/10 because of the aforementioned reasons
Évaluation publiée le 11 novembre 2018.
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115.3 h en tout (2.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I deleted my old review since it was based on performance on my old machine. I went ahead and got a new machine to see if perhaps i was being to quick to judge the performance of the game on my then outdated specs.

My new pc runs the game beatifully, getting my 100 fps with all settings maxed. I wouldve given a neutral rating if possible only because i still believe in the concept of optimizing a game to be able to play on lower end specs, otherwise why even bother having graphical options?

my review remains negative however because square seems to refuse to patch their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ games. the game still has a memory leak issue that causes random stuttering and extremely low fps at times in the game. for now, i cant reccomend the game to anyone, if ever, since square isnt know for actually patching their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ games
Évaluation publiée le 7 mars 2018. Dernière modification le 5 avril 2018.
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124.3 h en tout (106.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Dankest souls
Évaluation publiée le 28 décembre 2017.
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20.2 h en tout
A fun game with lots of unlockables. If you love devil may cry youll both love and hate bayo. Reason being one of the main aspects of the game is the fact that tons of different combos are available from the start, so unlike dmc you wont be using the same 4 moves early in the game until you buy enough new attacks. The main problem with the game is also the fact that it throws a huge amount of combos at you early in the game. Theres some 50 or so different possible combos to learn. The comboes arent as difficult as say a fighting game, but memorization and muscle memory are a must of you want to ace the game. So long as you understand how the basic combos work, such as stringing punches and kicks, holding buttons and making pauses between attacks to change the combo, you can somewhat button mash your way through in normal mode. Some attacks as mentioned previously are purchasable, but are usually flashier moves that in and of themselves dont translate well into a combo, such as a teleport dive attack or more utility such as an air dodge. Additionally, different weapons have their own combos and mechanics but i didnt delve to far into then.

One complaint i have personally is the way enemies are treated in the game. The game doesnt have quite as many bosses as other action games normally have, with about 8 different bosses not counting rematches and an unlockable boss. To make up for it some normal enemies are much tougher and require more time to take down and fought either alone or in very small groups of the same enemy, such as flying snake angels where you fight no more than two at a time with out any smaller angel enemies. Id prefer more varied enemies on a single screen like dmc.

Personally the difficulty seems a bit skewed at times. Despite playing in normal mode ive found myself getting comboed by certain types of enemies for a quarter and up to half of my total health and a distinct lack of healing drops when killing enemies. I dont recall dmc being so stingy and brutal, just something you have to get used too in not dmc.

The game also makes use of witch time, where time slows down for a few second after a successful last minute dodge. This is great and all but for some fights the mechanic is almost required to get by on top and not half way to the grave. This is especially tue of enemies that are on fire, where you can only damage them while in witch time and take damage yourself when not. Im still not to sure how to get around this effectively since higher difficulties remove the witch mechanic altogether. Perhaps my skills have dulled over the years having not played a game of this genre for quite some time.

Anyways, this is a great game if you got time to kill and want a nice fast paced action game to play over a weekend, and an even greater game if you take the time to master the mechanics. 20 dollars well spent
Évaluation publiée le 28 décembre 2017. Dernière modification le 28 décembre 2017.
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53.9 h en tout (50.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Final fantasy with pogeymans.

A fun game with some difficulty spikes at some points, but otherwise very enjoyable. My main issue with the game is the post game is rather sparse compared to other ff games. Of course post game does exist, but mainly as recycled areas where the monsters stats are jacked up to the point that even at max level you cant really just mash a to win. Enemies in these areas also give small amounts of exp such that you have to plan your post game team ahead for grinding purposes, because you very well can spend an additional 10 hours just grinding your team to level 100. This isnt neccessary how ever as with the proper set up even the two superbosses at the end of the game can be beaten with a level 80 and above team. Im under the assumption that post game is the multiplayer aspect, though i never got around to trying it myself and id imagine it would be dead considering the modest sales of the game. Id reccommend to play the main story and stop afterwords, but its your call if yoy want to satiate your obsessive compulsive disorder.
Évaluation publiée le 28 décembre 2017.
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36.3 h en tout (12.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It should be noted that controller support, atleast in the case for the ds4 in my experience, is well supported. The issue at first was that pressing x or o while the game loads does not activate the controller. Instead, one must press start. Seems odd but not a dealbreaker.

As for the game itself, its most certainly a fun game but i do have my gripes. Although my play hours seem low ive played for much longer in offline mode for personal circumstances. I have yet to complete the game but i think ive played enough this far to make a fair judgement.

First and foremost, the game has TONS of collectibles. You'll constantly find yourself backtracking to collect praise or stray beads after collecting a new brush technique. You have to feed animals, rejuvenate trees, and much more in order to collect praise, which you can call the equivalent to "exp" of sorts used to upgrade a trait of your choice. Praise can also be acquired from story progression for that matter. The issue is how ever that the amount you get for each one is rather small, counterbalanced by the sheer number of collectible praise. At some point it becomes a bit of a chore that takes away from being able to enjoy the main game. Of course you can just do any praise collecting thats happens to be in your path but why gimp yourself for the lategame? At the very least the game has lists of sorts for some of these collectibles, but not all of them, such as for rejuvenating clovers.

The game is also bogged a bit more by constant hand holding. Occasionally some hand holding is needed. For example, when your given the crescent brush technique to make it night time, youre supposed to make a simple curved line from top to bottom. I kept making a full backwards c from bottom to top, frustrated until the game pointed out exactly how to make the proper stroke. Japanese stroke order is serious business. Beyond that however youre constantly given text explaining everything even after its already obvious what solution is needed for a given circumstance. Some dialogue here and there cant be sped up, and constant story dialogue that tends to be needlessly long is peppered through out the game. I feel the game could be trimmed about a quarter of the total play time just by removing needless text and dialogue.

The game is also relatively easy. You'll hardly find yourself struggling against encountered enemies and bosses. Bosses tend to be slow and their gimmick as obvious as broad daylight. The game doesnt quite require the technical skill in combat as say zelda for instance. Bear in mind ive only fought 4 actual bosses thus far so perhaps its to early to say that other bosses may not require more skill, but when i havent gone below 75% of my health once the entire game the difficulty becomes questionable. Its laughable that theres a mechanic that once fully upgraded allows you to be revived up to 4 times(if i understand correctly) during a fight. I have to wonder if the team behind the game wasnt sure if they wanted a younger or older demoographic for the game during development, or if the play testers have never touched an action game once in their life.

Anyways, for the modest price of the game id still reccomend picking up the game. Even for a zeldaesque game it rivals smaller and older jrpgs for completion time. Enjoy the game and take your time making your progress while you enjoy the beautiful visuals of okami.
Évaluation publiée le 26 décembre 2017. Dernière modification le 28 décembre 2017.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
14.2 h en tout (10.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
stop sucking streamer ♥♥♥♥♥

seriosuly all streamers should die in a fire
Évaluation publiée le 23 aout 2017.
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21.6 h en tout (21.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
>killing floor
>you dont kill floors

Bad games bad
Évaluation publiée le 14 aout 2017.
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81.4 h en tout (80.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Ah nothing like the feeling of nuking your technologicaly inferior neighbors to hell and back
Évaluation publiée le 14 aout 2017.
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1.3 h en tout (1.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
unoptimized garbage
Évaluation publiée le 18 mars 2017.
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