C-DroidOS on YT
Why should I tell you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gamers, I am C-DroidOS and here's a few things about me:

I do have a Youtube account for those who just want some funny clips or videos. Subscribe if you want i guess...: https://www.youtube.com/@C-DroidOS

Cat Status: Maize, my beloved cat that I've had for most of my life, passed away in my arms on September 10th, 2021. He was a companion I grew up with, cared for, and cherished every moment I had with him. He and I practically saved each other. May he live on through the cherished memories I have of him and forever rest in peace knowing he saved my life as much as I saved his.

Maize, The cat that changed my life: Feb. 5, 2004 - Sept. 10, 2021

Favorite games: TF2, Xenoverse 2, Warframe, and Spyro: The Reignited Trilogy

Favorite class(es)/Character(s):
TF2: (mechanics): Engineer, (voice and design): Heavy, (stupidity): Soldier
Warframe: The Speed Warframe, Gauss.
Xenoverse 2: The ever present male saiyan (SSG)
Spyro: ... Do I really need to say it?

Favorite weapon in a videogame: Thunder Gun from COD:Z (A ragdoll cannon? And it's a solid weapon at any wave? Sign me the f*ck up!)

Least favorite weapon in a videogame: F*cking Frontier Justice from TF2 (cheap free crits for not doing your job.)

Pet peeves: Toxic players, pronouncing my name as CD and not Droid (I just prefer to be called Droid since it's easier. Is something wrong with that?), scammers.

Things that’ll get you blocked immediately by me: toxicity towards me or other gamers (especially if it becomes personal), scammers, personally attacking any of my pets through slander or wishing death upon them. (You will never know the loss of another, unless you experience it yourself... So don't be an a**hole to those who had lost someone/thing close to them.)

There you go:

Profile inspections will be required before I consider even adding. Any and all discrepancies will be treated as if the player is a scammer/hacker and dealt with accordingly. I will never trust anyone I don’t already know. You must also provide audio of your own voice via discord, steam calls, or through game VC. I WILL NEVER ADD ANYONE WITH A VAC BAN OR "ADMIN" STATUS, EVEN IF ITS TO CHAT. (Call this last one harsh, but I've had way too many of the "I false reported you" sob stories.)
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I am a humble man with some humble trades available. Feel free to contact me about them, but do note that I am a bit tight on security when it comes to trading. Been scammed one too many times in the past and will not tolerate an unfair trade or scams.

I do offer discounts on the items seen in these slots, but other items are available if you so inquire about them.
Item yang Bisa Ditukarkan
Item yang Dimiliki
Pertukaran yang Dilakukan
Transaksi Pasar
Here's some extra slots i picked up on the steam point market... so why not use them to show off some of my more expensive wares. Here, these will be up for trade, but no discounts are applied. These are featured high value trades.
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 1.161 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 12 Jul
Tercatat 49 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 9 Jul
Tercatat 329 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 9 Jul
Roxxane [she/her] 22 Sep 2023 @ 4:56am 
Thank ya for the talk & motivating me to go try Godot! :D
I would message you but Steam is being funky.
C-DroidOS on YT 8 Apr 2020 @ 10:14am 
Scratch what I had said before about the lag-♥♥♥ crisis. They literally fixed it the day I stated something about it in this comments section. Valve does care about the game. It's always been obvious. They just had their time and resources elsewhere during that time and once alyx was released we got the fix to the lag-♥♥♥ crisis that we desperately needed. Casual is playable once more.
C-DroidOS on YT 7 Apr 2020 @ 5:51pm 
So I found out the sad news of the state of TF2 casual matchmaking. It's depressing, but lagbots are definitely destroying valve servers at a rate faster than they can be restarted. I found out this little fact, however, and I'm requesting everyone to spread the word: Competitive mode is lag-♥♥♥ free. You can actually play a full game in comp without having to deal with lagbots or aimbotters. Until this whole lag-♥♥♥ crisis blows over, make comp the new casual for now.
C-DroidOS on YT 17 Mar 2020 @ 9:18pm 
I was told by someone today that I should kill myself and hoped that my cancer afflicted cat die painfully as well. This was by Conquito Papi. I request that he not be hunted down for this. But if you find him in any of your games, promptly block his ass.
Duck 4 Des 2019 @ 3:10am 
damn hate to hear that. ive lost cats in the past myself.
C-DroidOS on YT 1 Nov 2019 @ 10:40am 
he hasnt lost weight thankfully but he has been getting a bit more irritable about not getting the chin scratches that he used to get before the drooling started. otherwise he still very energetic.