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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Vince 🐧

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278.0 godz. łącznie (190.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
-Better with Friends
-Large Map to Sail around
-Two servers for PVP and PVE

-Toxic Playerbase
-Noobs will be hunted down for easy farm
-Top Clans monopolize all Shipbuildings and investments at ports
-Grindy as Hell, Worst than Black Desert Online Grind
-The AI has many buffs to win against the player (i.e. Fires while not loaded, Unlimited Double shot, Etc.)
-As of Patch June 23rd Patch, the game is basically Dead with most of the playerbase leaving
-Game Mechanics take too long to learn and properly implement in battle
-Trading Goods is not worth it if Players just hunt you down
-The AI is recreating Tokyo Drift while fighting players
-No Refunds on Buildings if port is taken over by another nation
-Not New player friend due to Veterans (i.e. Blockcade Capital port)
-Ship classes are completely useless with the 6/23 patch (Demasting and ship stats)
-Dog Pile issues = 1v1 of Equal BR turns into a 1V4 due to "Friends" / Clan Members joining
-Devs destroyed trading and NPC mission battles for income which lead to deflation of items
-F2P with the same wipe schedule as Rust (Game takes months to grind Exp & Items)
-The War server is mostly empty and only a matter of time for it to be shutdown

Overall, most of the problems stem from the playerbase and the players are reaping what they created. Blame me for being critical, but I spent all my hours in the PVP server with 90 hours actually fighting players.

Updated Cons on 11/26/22
Opublikowana: 29 czerwca 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 26 listopada 2022.
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