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23 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
54.7 timer registreret i alt
Doom the game, that like the main character, is just too angry to die, living on in a constant stream of re-releases, wrapping those age old wads in newer shinier packaging now with controller support and customization.

The original Doom team started before Id even existed working on making Super Mario Bros 3 work on a PC. The controls were impressive for the game, so mirroring them with the graphics onto a PC was quite the feat. Footage was uploaded by John Romero to celebrate Commander Keens 25th anniversary. From the description Romero says, Nintendo was impressed with the team developing the working clone for PC. Nintendo as history notes didnt want any of their proprietary games running on non Nintendo hardware. So the bad news is no Super Mario for PC and the better news is that we got Commander Keen out of it which then led to the creation of Id the creators of.... DOOM (insert dramatic explosion)

But the story of Doom and Nintendo doesnt end there!!! What about that other Doom game that isnt a Doom game? That one other game, the infamous Super Noahs Ark 3D available on steam here:

Super Noahs Ark 3D was an UNLICENSED game made by Wisdom Tree for Super Nintendo which bypassed the Super Nintendo lockout system by using a licensed Super Nintendo Game on top that plugged into the Super Noahs Cartridge like an old Nintendo Gameshark to work. Anyone interested in hitting up those devs be sure to ask where our Hellraiser game is because alot of gamers are still waiting to have their souls torn apart sadly not on the family favorite Nintendo Entertainment System, Hellraiser was going to come out back then... Why not Hellraiser today on the switch with that sweet puzzle solving pleasure that only the handheld switch can deliver for the right price, sir.

Many reading the above are surely thinking, HEY That Super Noahs Ark 3d Game is based on all of the levels of Wolfenstein not DOOM, you no nothing entitled gamer. But there is a connection since prior to that Id released Doom on the Super Nintendo. Was the later release of Super Noahs Ark Connected? Looking into the Ark never ends well so some questions are best left unanswered.

One of the devs has a youtube channel mostly lovecraftian stuff so here are the handpicked Doom videos for you:

The best insider ramblings about Doom from an insider rambling about Doom when hes not yelling at clouds:
Learn about the DOOM virus called Deathmatch that could shut down servers faster than a script kiddie on an iphone with an autotyping emoji keyboard hacking the illuminati.

Tom Hall way back in the year of our Lord 1992 created a blueprint for doom known as the Doom Bible which can be viewed here:
Ever wonder why the monitors all read "Tei Tenga" instead of Mars, that original name came from the Doom Bible. Without breaking any of that treasured immersion consider that "Tei Tenga" is the name of the UAC base instead of the geographical area and all is right with world again.

The Doom Bible doesnt end there folks! The Doom Bible was used to create future games as well. Its Free Real Estate for making more games that are not even directly tied to doom so the ride never ends and is still going to this day. All of this started with this randomly inserted fact that the Demons being hellspawn evil demons of course committed the foul atrocity of taking out Doomguys pet rabbit, not just that but putting its head on a stick. BRUTAL! And thus the journey to Rip and Tear was born!!!

Want some Pinky backstory? Who doesnt, so check out the Doom Movie from 2005 to drive some Nine Inch Nails into your head where the end credits alone make it worth watching. The movie itself is a love letter to Doom, making it the best RomCom ever. (PERIOD, end of story, the BEST RomCom ever made!!! Ask someone what is their favorite Christmas movie these days and all the cool kids say in choreographed perfect unison "Die Hard", the same cool kids who shouted down those who dared to stand up back in the day proclaiming Die Hard as the best Christmas movie ever. Today the best Christmas movie has been hijacked by a bunch of Trancers from 1984 as if were all in some cyberpunk Orewellian nightmare not knowing the real deal best Christmas movie ever. Same thing goes with the great debate that rages on over what is the best RomCom, the debate is settled because the best RomCom is DOOM 2005, period, end of story.)

So you wanna rip and tear??? Then why not RIP INTO SOME CHEX CEREAL!!! Just TEAR then box open with your bear hands then RIP into that Chex goodness to find that free doom wad mod CD at the bottom of the box like its 1996. Might sound like a joke saying there is a Chex cereal game based on Doom but its a thing. A thing that boosted the sales of Chex by 295% leaving the public frothing at the mouth from eating all those Chex, which led to Chex Quest 2 and Chex Quest 3. Maul those Flemoids with your Zorcher!!! Anyone who calls themself a doom fan but hasnt yet battled the Flemoids can still play catch up here on steam:
Standalone Installer from one of the developers here (Includes the entire Chexology):
(Be warned, when you stare into the Flemoid Dimension, the Flemoid Dimension stares back.)

This review could go on and on like the legend that is Doom itself so like Doom it shall have no end, since the battle against EVIL will never end!

Rating: 10/10
Value: Priceless

This review brought to you by the Steam Nomination Awards of 2021 courtesy of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes, Dr. Carmack says Unleash the Fancy Lad in you with Fancy Lad Snack Cakes!!!
Skrevet: 27. november 2021. Sidst redigeret: 28. november 2024.
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8 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
41.4 timer registreret i alt
Eisenhorn is an Inquisitor with a 3 book series to his name. Considering Jaq Draco who was an Inquisitor only got one book, that is pretty impressive for Eisenhorn who is just some rando Inquisitor and not a Secret Inquisitor like Jaq Draco. This game seems to deal with one of the books letting you play through the story. Voice acting seems very good, the gameplay is average, but there isnt much so not much to complain about. There are some open world puzzles to solve like Myst. Very creative world design, characters, and voice talent make this a worthy game for any 40k fan. Its not very long, but it is a complete story.

This is a walking simulator with some action telling the story in the 40k universe using the Unreal Engine for graphics which isnt great, but it isnt terrible either. This is a great idea that GW needs to look into more. GW makes audio books so the voice talent is there. Now make them into games like this, so we can play them, thats a million dollar idea!!!

Devs last time online was years ago so the game is not being currently supported. The game still has bugs, but its not unplayble. Below are some tips for squashing those bugs.
Bug: On a chapter there is a elevator that goes up and character falls through floor.
Fix: Crouch going into the elevator, activate elevator, and stay crouched.

Bug: On later chapters, character gets stuck climbing things.
Fix: Make sure original skin is selected.

Bug: On mine chapter, the enemies are missing, cant go up elevator at end.
Fix: Select original skin and default side characters, if no voices are heard during a cutscene restart and check.

(Calculated based off digital book being $10.00)
Without digital book: Rating: 8/10 Value: $9.99
With Digital Book: Rating: 8/10 Value: $19.99

Bonus Section:
What is an Inquisitor?
An inquisitor is an agent of the Emperor of Mankind who purges, mutants, xenos, witches, and heretics. Anyone who asks what dont they purge is probably a heretic in need of purging like all MUTANTS *cough* Space Marines who are allowed to parade around threatening the very survival of humanity with their existence. Not forgetting that there would be no Horus Heresy if not for... Spess Marine mutants who run around attacking the Sisters of Battle wearing their blood like some necron pariah because Spess Marines have no honor!!!

What is a Blank?
A blank is a human with no warp presence though they do have a soul (Depends on the book.). Yet necrons now have souls... hmmmmmmm

What is that Space Marine Guy?
Towards the end of the game, Space Marines from the Deathwatch chapter appear, which is an elite chapter of Space Marines but not the Grey Knights who are also an elite chapter of mutant space trash.
Skrevet: 28. juni 2019. Sidst redigeret: 22. november 2023.
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10 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.6 timer registreret i alt
This is the Dark Souls of HOG perfect for veterans who will hate the challenge at first then grow to enjoy the levels of mystery puzzle solving requiring skills on the level of Sherlock Holmes to get through. The game is very short providing a rewarding satisfaction from being able to solve the puzzles. All of the hallmarks of extreme difficulty are present, from objects hiding behind other objects, to tiny objects, to objects color matched to the background, their all here for the brave explorer willing to venture to the lost planet.

The game is very short, even the "casual" or easiest difficulty doesnt make the game much easier so go with expert which still provides a hint button if stuck or lost. Half of the puzzle solving is figuring out what the puzzle is, what to do next, or even how to solve a puzzle. No instructions for puzzles, and many barely have hints to figure them out making even solving the puzzle itself a mystery, let alone finding them.

Great cast and characters, not enough of them in game. While most games never have characters or the player is the character this has a small group of explorers part of a space mission which makes it that much more interesting than traditional HOG formulas.

Probably the most comfy menu screen in gaming with the whole game having atmospheric music that fits the feeling of an alien world. If anything the game can be worth getting just to leave the comfy menu screen on in the background.

Veteran HOG gamers should consider this title.
Rating: 9/10 Value: $4.99
Skrevet: 17. september 2017. Sidst redigeret: 22. november 2017.
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12 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
6.2 timer registreret i alt
Game randomly will delete your save games making it unplayable.

Not worth 1$ unless and if this is ever fixed, and its the 1 year anniversary of this game being out and basic things like game saving for many users seem to elude the developers.

Without even needing this review or any review to judge if the game is any good. Consider the fact that prior to this entry the official forums for the Deus Ex series at http://forums.eu.square-enix.com/forumdisplay.php?f=408 were always active with fans. Going to the official Deus Ex forums now to check in and it is a ghost town. Weeks since a recent post and threads from months ago fill the front page with the fans long gone. With one game due to their poor skills in game design combined with their lack of talent they not only killed the game, they killed their own community.

This game is one of those anti-games, made by people who hate gamers and gaming in general. All control of the experience is removed from the player, forced to sit through long cut scenes or the ridiculous credits at the end with no way to skip. Nothing says bargain bin development like not adding a skip button.

Their lack of creative talent is seen further in this game through the excessive use of micro transactions to purchase in game items. Once a praxis kit or other items are used from DLC their gone forever. Meaning the above where players lose save games, those items used from the DLC the game will not give the player again even though the game can lose your save file. That makes it clear the developers are anti-gaming making it so their microtransactions are more important than people being able to play the game. Just make the game Free 2 Play at that point when its so focused on micro-transactions.

Another example of poor development mixed with their need for microtransactions is there is no way it seems to get everything in game or from a new game plus. The developers limit new game plus to one playthrough making it not possible to run a third and then start a game with everything as a super cyber warrior limiting the potential of fun for many showing once again their hatred for gamers. The DLC is all stand alone, NONE of the rewards gotten in the DLC carry over to the main game at all, because gotta get them micro-transaction dollars.

This game is legendary as being a huge performance hog requiring beefy hardware to play.
Watch any youtube video of people playing maxed and notice that the graphics while good arent anything special for the performance issues that plague this game. The problem lies in the development team being some of the worst game designers in AAA gaming. For example the massive performance hit that many gamers experience can be attributed to just awful game design. Such as at the start of the game, look out and see endless flocks of birds that would make Alfred Hitchcock "The Birds" movie look like a walk in the park. Many areas seem full of extraneous details like these that are not only ludicrous, they ruin the immersion of the game because it seems the world has a bigger bird problem to deal with than any real threat from anything else. Normally in gaming when a game has high specs its normal to upgrade or need a high end rig, but in this case, its the fault of poor game design and lazy development using a high volume of unnecessary environmental objects like birds, etc...

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a beautiful example of how a game company can fall from grace in literally one generation.

Broken save:
Rating: 0/10
Value: $0.00

If the game ever works:
Rating: 6/10
Value: 9.99 (Would be higher but they will never fix the extraneous details causing performance problems, so save money for better hardware since their too cheap too fix it.)

*Eidos Montreal are the developers responsible for any complaint or praise for those who enjoyed the game. Feral Interactive are excellent developers handling the port of the game for MacOS and linux platforms and are in no way responsible for the problematic development of the game.
Skrevet: 24. august 2017. Sidst redigeret: 24. august 2017.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
48.3 timer registreret i alt
At its core this game is a mystery game more than a walking simulator. Great for mystery vets who pay attention to everything in the world around them. While still being forgiving to players who arent walking Sherlock's due to the gameplay features that allow you to figure anything out one way or the other without having to care about anything in the game. It is not an action game, but a story driven game similar to a telltale game with its choice mechanics.

The dialog and social dynamics as a slice of Americana are as real as can be like stepping into a modern Norman Rockwell painting. The people feel real without that forced dialog or forced morality choices of other games. No useless dialog preaching to the player makes this game a great choice for some real world escapism. Outside the main characters, if there is a side character they can be interacted with or just ignored much like real life. From the very start to the very end the same thing is there, no matter what changes, some things will always be there.

For any gamer looking to break up the monotony of same gaming, this can fill that gap. Game can probably be completed in a couple sessions if just play right through like a rebel with no looking back. If want to explore then there is alot of minutia to explore all excellently crafted fitting a real world setting which few if any games ever pull off. Since the game can be completed quickly it has decent replayability to explore other options or just revisiting the world.

Being a story driven game makes it difficult to describe anything without spoilers. Never bought into spoilers changing enjoyment a game, but google is a step away to get them. Like anything in life even with spoilers of knowing what can happen, its always better to experience it than let life pass you by even if you know the final line or that crazy plot twist since its about the ride, not the destination.

Rating for Mystery Game Fans: 11/10 Value: $24.99
Rating Non Mystery Game Fans: 9/10 Value: $19.99
(Anything under $9.99 shouldnt leave any regrets....)
Skrevet: 24. juni 2017.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
20.6 timer registreret i alt
In this game you play the worst firefighter in the world. The gameplay is awful, everything about this game is terrible. Its a simple idea but with so little polish it still feels like an alpha build. Oddly this game is a port from the Vita so one would think it would be a finished or better product for PC but its actually worse. This game once it got greenlit literally became abandonware the next day with the devs vanishing never to return to the community or fix any of the issues of the game.

This game has zero polish making it feel alpha. The rooms have doors that are impossible to see without rotating the camera. This could have been eliminated via putting breaks in the walls where a door is but instead they just gave up on game development. Worse is that the door if you open it might kill you. If there is any fire on a door it instantly kills the player. This would happen alot less if we knew where the doors were. This game has a time limit so all this camera sweeping to look for doors which could be anywhere takes alot of that time away which is gamebreaking for a game that requires a timer.

This game you need to rescue civilians but they just fall over and die when entering rooms sometimes. Other times there can be fire nowhere near them and they still just fall over and die. One of the worst things is there can be civilians who want an item like a woman who wants her purse. She will literally just stand in one spot and die if you dont bring her purse.

The firefighter literally cant handle fire. There can be a tiny fire in a room and the heat will build if you cant find it then you just die. You can walk into a room for 2 seconds and die from the heat. This firefighter literally has no protection at all.

The controls are terrible. The camera moves using the same thumbsticks as rotating the character. This makes playing the game a nightmare because you cant move the camera independently of changing your characters focus. This could have easily been fixed by putting the camera on the right bumper and left bumper. but why bother playing the game? most devs dont they just make it completely clueless about game design being more code monkey than anything related to actual game making. Anyone can make a game today, 8 year olds can and have and they work better than games like this.

The WORST part of this game is if it just randomly deletes your game save. This game is treated like garbage by the devs who just threw it on steam never bothering to fix anything making this game the literal garbage of steam and like all trash it should be removed from the steam store.

The devs dont care about the game and ran away once it was greenlit, so if the devs dont care about their own game why should anyone else care to buy it?

Rating: 0/10 Value: $0.00
Skrevet: 4. november 2015. Sidst redigeret: 4. november 2015.
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15 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.6 timer registreret i alt
This racer is easy, very easy, way toooOOoooo easy. Perfect for kids though any normal gamer will get real bored real fast. Music is awesome with real colorful worlds and a variety of racing types from car races, boats, and airplanes. There are diff modes from getting cupcakes to time trials but their all very very simple.
This game could have been great for all players with 2 simple fixes. Adding a difficulty setting, and adding online racing. Without those there is no challenge for regular gamers. Controller support is wonky, works in some menus while not in other menus.
Rating For Childrens: 10/10 Value: $9.99
Rating For Everyone: 01/10 Value: $0.99
Skrevet: 22. august 2015. Sidst redigeret: 23. august 2015.
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43 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
17 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
21.4 timer registreret i alt
Quite a curious thing this Alice of a game, muchier than the Movie which lacked muchness as such. Put on your best Futterwacken shoes for this Frabjous day as we celebrate one being better than the other, by one, its this one and not the other. Zounding for one to be far yadder than the other, like being small or too tall. We must hold up the movie to a mirror, going through the looking glass to arrive at this game, which was described in Alicespeak but now normalspeak.

This game from start to finish is a work of art in even the smallest of details. Alice is not the playable character, players take on the roles of the characters of the movie, hot swapping back and forth. These characters convey oddly more emotion than the movie with expressions, and camera shots one upping the great Tim Burton. The character animations surpass the acting in the movie done with such detail in every expression that they convey. There are TONS of extra recorded dialog and animations when just walking around, Alice may sit on a bench, point at things of interest. This extra attention to detail is what shows this game stands out. Many devs do the least to make a game, in this case they did more than they had to. This is what being a game dev is about, not making the cheapest game on budget, but the best possible game within that budget. These devs had impossible ideas, where they made the impossible, possible!

The musical score is incredible in the BIG budget way Disney can do but hasnt in nearly any of their games. Incredible Voice Acting, most of the cast from the movie return to voice their characters in game. The controls with controller are intuitive to the point of being a pick up and play game so everyone can enjoy it and share it locally via co-op with someone else. Not a hard game, with puzzles that make sense, no need to google, just apply common sense.

The graphics are not great, their good, but they all work well making the world feel alive. The Devs flex their skills to pay the bills with more breakable objects in this game than GTA V. Killing enemies is fun, slashing grass is fun! The sound effects make even slashing grass a fun thing to do and highly addictive though it serves no purpose really in the game. Attacking the Queens Card Soldiers results in parts of their armor being knocked off, they can be one shot after upgrading skills, but knocking off their armor is very satisfying.

There are no steam achievements which is odd because the game does have achievements. Completing achievements which isnt hard, unlocks concept art. This concept art with its detail is on the amazing level of Fallout. If only we could get a physical artbook it looks so good and we only get a bit of it in game. Sadly this studio is closed, because only the good die young. Lets hope like a virus this French studio infects the rest of the gaming industry with their talent to make all our games more enjoyable for all of us.

Rating: 10/10 Value: $14.99

Put on your Bee-ar goggles its time to go in depth on this ish. Celebrate because in 2015, the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland, this is the time to play an Alice game, this one, McGees or both?

Only 2 games ever made, came off better than their movie counterparts, this game and Wanted: Weapons of Fate. Wanted fits right in with Alice, you may be asking yoruself how that is? The studio who made Wanted is called Grin with pretty much the logo of the classic expression of our favorite Cheshire Cat.

You may be wondering why arent we playing Alice, why are we the side characters as if were just tagging along for the ride? Alice in Wonderland was written in a Fantasy Genre created that merely followed the character as they wandered around, this type of storytelling was very popular in its day. Another example is the author Charles Kingsleigh the father of Alice in the movie but not the book, who wrote Water Babies two years prior to Alice using the same storytelling style where we as readers go along for the ride on a fantastic journey. The game trailer follows this storytelling style saying in BIG words "Follow Alice".

Tim Burton broke this golden rule, by making the movie through the eyes of Alice not about Alice. A modern example of this storytelling style following the character around in a fantasy world is Mad Max. Mad Max written by George Miller is not really about Max, its the audience following the character Max as things happen around the character just like Alice in Wonderland. Meaning Max like Alice in wonderland is Max in Post-Apocalyptic Land. Hows that for dank?!?!

How is the game better than the movie?
The game takes HUGE liberties with the storytelling making it flow better than the movie. Key moments in the story such as when Alice grows large meeting the Red Queen. In the movie Alice sneaks into the garden with the Red Queen, she asks the rabbit for cake to be taller to save the Hatter. She then scarfs it down for no reason in the movie, also no explanation as to why being taller would help save the Hatter. In the game Alice is in the garden and needs to be bigger to get into a bigger door so she eats the cake from the rabbit but loving cake so much she eats too much becoming a giant.

In the movie Alice needs the Vorpal Sword guarded by the Bandersnatch who is missing an eye but the creature seems unhurt by this. Alice then steals the eye from the mouse to get the sword not caring about the bandersnatch at all. In the game its SHOWN that she sees the Bandersnatch in pain because its missing an eye. Alice demands the eye to help the bandersnatch and get the vorpal sword, everyone wins, we can have both!

In the movie Alice is almost forced to fight the Jabberwocky. In the game due to the battles the player goes through, Alice actually starts side commenting she feels more confident, then later invincible, growing beyond her control like a Marine in Full Metal Jacket. By the end in the game when it is time to fight the Jabberwocky, the player is salty, Alice is ready to eat her own guts and ask for seconds.

In the end of the movie Alice wants to go home so is given a potion from the white queen. Keep in mind Alice in the movie is a hero who just slayed a HUGE monster the Jabberwocky. Now she wants to go back to a world where she is being forced to marry some guy and possibly be alone forever like her aunt??? This movie ending makes no sense. This crappy cop-out like Dorothy in the Wizard Oz clicking her heels, because she wants to return to her inbred family on a dirt farm plagued by tornadoes is beyond belief. In the game Alice is tricked into drinking the potion by the White Queen because she wasnt leaving which makes actual sense! There is a great concept art that is unlocked showing all the characters waving, its real nice to see after that ending.

Does any of that crap that happens in the movie happen in the books?
Checked out the whole series and the answer is NO!

This game is better than the movie when held up to a mirror. How far does this mirror analogy go of right and wrong, what sources do you have?
Long review short, this mirror mess may go all the way to the top of the US government.

Exhibit A Newsweek May 7th 1979:
"Jimmy Carter Changed the part in his Hair from right side to left, the Washington Press Corps demanded an explanation"
Jimmy Carter while President after his malaise speech changed the part in his hair changing the tone of the entire debate, noone ever knew or knows what changed the publics perception, but it is the side of his head where he parted his hair that changed everything and the world???!!!
Exhibit B Superman:
Clark Kent the bumbling reporter parts his hair on the right, but the Man of Steel parts his hair on the left, hmmm: http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luvw1iNDwH1qdfhbno1_400.gif
Skrevet: 13. august 2015. Sidst redigeret: 26. november 2019.
Fandt du denne anmeldelse brugbar? Ja Nej Sjov Pris
58 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
11 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
22.2 timer registreret i alt
This game is spooky and terrifying more than just whats in the game. In the game, the world around you can fragment and break away as the world of silent hill infects everything around the character. Oddly this game has that effect in real life, making it more than just a horrific game to play, but a horrific experience for everyone in the world even YOU! *chains rattle

This is a throwback game to survival horror with exploration at its heart. The world thats made is pretty much free roam to be explored with items to find making it feel a bit like RE1. When this was released everyone hated it, its competition was Dead Space so thats a tough one to go against without bringing the A game. This game though does what few games do anymore which is exploration in a world of survival horror, the monsters while not diverse fit the atmosphere including a boss right out of Human Centipede named Asphyxia derived from greek meaning without heartbeat.

Anyone who hated the movie, will hate this game. Story is similar but vastly different in its approach making it fresh for fans who saw the movie a billion times. Those who hated the movie should check it out again now to see what a top movie studio can bring to blood guts and gore that they really havent done since if they want something to appreciate. For survival horror fans who couldnt stomach this game at release its the modern day now so all we get are walking simulators with spooky stuffs.

This game is horrific to look at visually, in all the wrong ways which somehow makes this game even creepier. Released for Xbox 360 and PS3 using the Havok Engine, which brought us everything from Skyrim to Oblivion and Dark Souls. Silent Hill comes off looking like some abomination mix of PS2 textures, with PS3 character models for some characters while others are PS2 looking or even PS1 with the fidelity of their textures. This mashup of quality lends itself actually to Silent Hill, where something is always a bit off. Something always lurking below the surface, in a good way this bad quality in any other game actually adds to its charm here of being an evil demonic messed up interdimensional crossover crazy kinda world.

The lighting however is pure genius, some of the best ever in gaming for this genre. The world isnt BLACK like other games to add a fake fear factor. For many games that is their gimmick a one trick pony of wondering whats outside the dark. Its a cheap gimmick, and people make that world, they design it for atmosphere and if we cant see it or feel the atmosphere their just wasting their time and ours. In this game its dim everywhere just right to get a feeling for the world or place you are in, there is a flashlight to further light up areas since its so dim. Dim means we can see the world its amazing a work of art that way in survival horror design where many games opt to just make everything black.

The gameplay is brutal, playing it on normal isnt bad at all, playing it on hard is doable as well. Dodge is almost broken but works under very very precise conditions relying on the skill of the player to memorize the moves of a given boss to anticipate them and react. On hard with bad controls every boss can still be beat with melee. The controls are as horrific as everything else, there isnt much if any of a tutorial so its just wing it and see what works with different weapons.

Bugs, well this game has em all, from being version 1.0 we bring you random crashes and bugs galore. The game will freeze erratically at times then magically unfreeze. Oddly many of these glitches somehow also add to how the game infects your computer and its own engine. The world of silent hill and how it wants to ruin everything can not be contained! None of these are gamebreaking, there are save spots so if it crashes no big loss.

1. Turn out the lights, play at night, say goodbye to the real world and hello to Silent Hill.
2. Use the knife for almost everything. The combo to use is Fast-Fast-Fast-Heavy
3. Enemies in the streets respawn, run by them when possible.
4. After fighting Curtis who has a buzz saw, go back in Curtis's room and get the 301 key on the wall, when leaving before the 1st gate get your weapons back in room 301.
5. Use doorways to your advantage many enemies cant get through them or only one can get through at a time.
6. Use the environment like desks and tables to heavy stab across out of range of enemies.

*Using a controller get this mod made by steam user grasmann who is an awesome member of the community putting in the button prompts for xbox or ps controllers here: http://steamproxy.net/app/19000/discussions/0/618458030648125452/

Rating: 7/10 Value: $9.99

Earlier it was mentioned this game was horrifying in the real world. This game can wreck the reputations of even the most high tech and largest corporations in the world, Amazon. It would be correct to understand that this game is made by Amazon who owns Double Helix game studios. Even scarier is currently if trying to visit the double helix website, all browsers will block you saying its an unsafe sites. Nothing is safe from the horrors of this game, while this game is for sale on steam, its interesting to note that Amazon does NOT sell this game on PC as of this writing. The limits of Silent Hill know no boundaries oozing into our world infecting all this game touches. Even scarier is wanting the game fixed calling a contact at Amazon who owns Double Helix only to find out noone has the phone number to the company they own. Who knows what nightmares will be unleashed if and when that phone number is found, but most likely problem with game is it was literally made for XP, so they gotta update it, gotta do something and its high time they fix it or at least were made aware we care enough for them to fix it, so lets hope we now get our update!

More fun trivia?
Silent Hill is based on a real place, hell on earth, a town called Centralia in Pennsylvania. A place of absolute evil that stinks of the bowels of hades with the burning smell of sulfur. A hell burns underneath this town from an underground coal mine fire that is impossible to put out so it just burns forever. A town covered in ash with columns of smoke rising randomly into the sky blacking out the sun on the brightest day.

The roads missing in the game thats legit, fun fact in Centralia there is only one road in and out. The government tried to build a highway through the city then the day that highway opened, a giant hole opened swallowing it up. The town is so evil, the government built the highway around the entire town keeping the town cut off. The town has few residents many part of a singular religion which has some unique elements to say the least.

Graveyards are actually full of children. Its rumored that locals had deformed children due to the toxic byproducts of the fire. These locals were too kind to kill their children, so they would put the children in the old mine shafts left to themselves eating eachother or the scraps the out of work mine town could afford, who knows if their still there or what tourists they feed on who make the mistake of making a pit stop.

These stories also gave rise to the Hills Have Eyes movies, and inspired Rob Zombie for the underground parts of Devils Rejects. At each entrance to the town are shrines to the Virgin Mary with candles, flowers all kinds of stuff, who lights all those candles? The town next door has a HUGE what must be 6 or 7 story tall statue of some christian preacher guy with his hand outstretched in a stopping posture towards the town of Centralia as if keeping the evil away. The whole area is suspect of supernatural something or other, yet most who go there trying to survive the night lose their minds or never live to tell the true tale of what lies within the dark heart of Centralia.
Skrevet: 11. august 2015. Sidst redigeret: 13. august 2015.
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The movie is free, with that said buying the game like it or not is a great way to support that awesome sauce of a movie. This game is NOT for everyone, many will find it boring, repetitive, tedious, which it is... With that said the game truly is a martial arts kung fu game of discipline for those who want a challenge. There is no changing backdrop or level and not many enemy types watcha see in the previews on the store page is watcha get. Being that the game is cheap and movie free, buy the game for you, for friends, family, its a good gift because people like gifts, the game works and its repetitive but its fun even for a hot minute which is really all that matters.

For those who accept the challenge to become a ninja, prepare to test those reflexes. Gameplay is similar to one finger death punch where you only attack left and right. Unlike OFDP, the player moves slightly meaning the attacks can be calculated by the player adding more strategery. Also there is only attacking left and right, no special moves, nothing. The goal is to get a high score. Mastering this game is possible, the more its played the more discipline the player gets just like real kung fu the better they get at the game. Try it out, when playing at first it feels boring, or annoying the score doesnt go up. But just like Kung Fu the more its mastered, those scores keep going higher and HIGHER!

Kung Fury Tips:
1. Find the keyboard, mouse, or controller combo that works best for you. Alot of keys, mouse buttons, and controller functions all perform the attacks, find which are quickest for you to be a more effective super ninja.
2. Count the number of hits diff enemies take, memorize their move pattern like the white nazis.
3. Plan attacks ahead of time to keep track of hits in diff directions.
4. Do NOT let the enemies clutter one side then you cant tell how many hits to throw. Stay focused as a Ninja, know where the enemy is to strike at them with FURY!

(Buy this game to support the movie, who cares the price!)
Rating: 4/10 Value: $1.99

Skrevet: 6. august 2015.
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