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Postat: 1 iun. 2014 la 11:05
Actualizat: 18 oct. 2021 la 12:07

In the 21st century at an early age of the decade in a country that is a replica, at times of fall, great unrest and instability, time to play games was over. A game has decided to play you and gathered outside right at your doorstep. Depopulated many times throughout the history a dream was dreamt no longer. As the bell clock has started ringing, trumpets were blowing, at the playground a castle made of sand was soaked in blood, the cemetery emerged from the ground. Judgement rained down upon the living with burning flames of horror, pestilence, famine and war, leaving only scars of what was known as the land of freedom to the ignorant and the land of trickstery to the rest. It burned, as they hated her. As it happened, yellow headlines were flashing in front of the sleepwalking eyes. Their eyes were filled with panic, fear and false hopes as they watched roses stacking up all the way to their homes. Terror moved as fast as lightning and struck all. Everybody fell on their knees and started begging skies for help, as heavens pissed all over them drowning them in sorrow and their own mistakes, showing them no mercy. Only corpses were left on the ground slowly suffocating in blood and melting in an agonizing pain. Economy has collapsed, families and love have been shattered. A disease has surfaced and the time is up. As the ships have sunk and planes have dropped, fifth column has poured finishing touches towards the spreading fire. Nothing was black and white, but the clothes they were wearing with the smiles on their faces. A new world order was already on the horizon and it was time to mourn America.

Taking the rose-tinted glasses off and looking behind the curtains would lead to a devastating picture. Outside the box it was all set on fire, the size of which is not to be played with. It was already knocking and licking it’s lips. It was time to think outside the constructs that kept you regulated, time to turn tables, not to hide under them, like you always were. Survival has taken a priority number one. It was no time to pray, as you were their prey. Decide the best for the cause: cleanse it with pure water, or let it in for a tea and a coffee with sugar, succumbing to their dance party. If none of it is an option, then death would be an attractive alternative to hope for. If you expect your guests to bring a cake with them and not a rubbing teeth full of snot, then the cake is a lie. An efficient solution is not always a cheering one.

While the country was burning, the red wine was flowing at the scientist’s madhouse and deep in the states in the underworld nests where the pesky insects crawl, where the ritual sacrifices are carried out, where the human life isn’t valued, and no morality is set, appointed times have marked the calendar. Under the red fat moon at the stroke of 12, black suits with their long nails and wobbling eyes were goldmining for ages, sticking their large noses and digging straight through the soul of the country, leaving it cold and empty. It was sparkling fool’s gold from their noses, as they were picking it out and hanging it on walls as an achievement. Golden horses on their desks serve as symbols of everybody they left poor, destitute and silenced with their tongues cut off. In these newer times, people were kept as lab rats they could test anything on, forcing them to stay inside their chambers. Those, barricaded inside would have to spend the rest of their lives with families, parents, annoying girlfriend or as a complete loner in silent paranoia. The martial law with checkpoints was established. Anybody passing by would show his mark of the beast or would be gone to camps where the fish food is made out of them. Compliance and law-abidingness is a weak man’s act. Injecting it through your veins would turn your heart stone cold, in a sacred place where there is soul – what’s left is mold. «Progress» and DNA-manipulation would leave your humanity behind. Everybody’s tied to a chain and headed one way. People have forgotten to question, letting the reality shift to matrix. Dreams of freedom and free will just be a settled dust, history no one will live to know about. They got the world under their net while the humanity was cheering in joy. Most of them were no different from the creatures in charge, chasing greed and control, driven by their hypocrisy, ignorance and instincts unattached to the sober state of mind and engaged in engineered distractions. They lived and they died, without knowing their purpose, while liars kept pulling the strings. They’ve had blood money up in their sleeves they were playing with like cards, passing it around. Deaths of people have been paid for, their lives were sold. The beast has been unleashed and the onslaught has reigned on the streets. Riots prevailed on the streets, mousetraps have been placed and people were blind as bats stepping right in them. A recipe for a breakpoint of society was all prepared by the book and it’s the people that have let this happen. On these streets, you were not safe, step out and fall under the wheels of panic or step in and stay a victim of nerve wracking screams of children on the streets, men and women spitting their guts out, constant loud sirens, noises of a physical agony and worst of all, reality TV shows still broadcasting and the news spreading an even larger fear. In times like this you might not even have toilet paper to strangle yourself with. The collapse was yet to reach it’s final form and it was only the beginning. The world is a stage and is their playground.

But behold, there was still some humanity left. Some people were still fighting for the humanity we all remember. With the faith and courage they stand, regardless of weight on their shoulders. The ground quakes at fold mountains, but at the face of trouble, they stay on them. Faced with adversity, the only way forward is hope. The path is distorted, the waves are rogue, they keep climbing a rope. They are carrying out a red line through the cities, into the wilderness, back into the light onto the bridge where the destiny has called. For one it’s all in chocolate, for another the love is in hate, another lived a man, died a man, and the girl… is a love of my life, Amen. For the sake of the old, they will keep sailing where the webs unfold. Let’s hope for them it all goes and they will not see there no malls.

"Nick": So you’ve been wasting all our time just for it to turn out some lousy love story at the end? Happy I’m not the only one that needs meds prescribed… And enough with these twisted stories, Ellis, i mean "El Goofball". Get in the car, keep driving. Just don’t drive us into another wedding, I’ve got some bad memories, and Rochelle, sweetheart, you better know how to wash multibillion dollar suits. It still stinks inside my head because of that pigsty tour. Let’s not repeat the same mistakes, shall we? Ellis, I’ll eat you alive with that sewage sauce, keep your hands on the wheel, not in your pants! And keep your mouth shut this time, okay? My head is bursting.

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1 comentarii
VoodoPeople 20 oct. 2021 la 11:17 
Не зря чел ежедневно играет
Аж лонгборд забабахал:papyrus: