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0.1 hrs last two weeks / 523.0 hrs on record (176.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Nov, 2023 @ 9:25pm
Updated: 25 Nov, 2023 @ 11:03am

At first, I was sceptical. It's been many years since I played any form of Battle Royale and don't often play PvP games due to my performance anxiety- but once I got into it, it's actually a really fun game!
There's a good spread of abilities across the characters, naturally most choose the 'beam team' option and stick to ranged or high mobility characters.

Server's can be a little iffy at times and there are a few bugs unfortunately, but they have been acknowledged (in some form or another) and hopefully a fix will be issued for them.

EDIT: Some quality of life updates have been added since this review with the introduction of Season 2.
* Now, the KO is rewarded to the player who downed the enemy and not just who happens to snipe it. This has helped resolve that 'vulture culture' but is unfortunate in brawl situations where people can still just easily get the reward for you leaving a player at low health. It's always going to be something that can't be fully solved but it's much better than it was previously!

*Players can no longer retire from the match when they're downed. A lot of toxic players used to do this as when you left, it stopped whoever downed you from getting credit for killing you and stopped them getting a free shield. It was a very spiteful act.
This is a very much needed update- Though it also means players are now just teabagging and emote-bombing downed people which is annoying in itself, moreso that they can basically keep you hostage because you literally can't leave until they kill you. Can we just not be toxic please?

There is now a penalty for players with 'high disconnect rates' and they are now being shoved into lobbies with players that also have a high 'disconnect' rate, so that's some nice Karma. I don't know how that works with the new system- maybe if you disconnect and leave your team mid-battle or in the waiting lobby?

I look forward to the events, more game-modes, characters and skins they have coming - and hope soon that all characters can be purchased with a character ticket.

(HINT: Don't waste your tickets trying to unlock Kaminari on the roll system, he's one of the Beta characters and you can unlock him with the character purchase ticket from the in-game shop. Shiozaki can now also be purchased with one of those tickets and you can buy multiple.)
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