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Recente recensies door BigSexy808

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96.4 uur in totaal (52.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Went into this game wanting to love it. Big fan of the tabletop game, painted minis, whole 9 yards. This game, to its credit, tried to be as accurate as possible. Its beautiful, the execution animations are insane, and its got a lot going for it to be absolutely honest.
THAT BEING SAID I hate playing this game now. After 52 hours I have come to the conclusion that the game feels terrible to actually play. The poorly polished doge and parry system leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The infinite amount of stun-lock coming from the hordes of small enemies leaves you no option but to die sometimes. It really feels like the game wasn't properly play tested before it was launched for 70 USD.
Why does the heavy bolter feel weaker than a regular bolt rifle? Why can't the heavy dodge or parry while ads but every other class can? Why does the AI lead bot companions away from enemies? Why do some imputs just not register? Honestly just really disappointed with the state of this game on launch, it was built up to be "the best mele based fps" but it feels like every other buggy, poorly balanced game thats been forced onto the market this year and the year before. I hereby accuse the devs of Heresy.
Geplaatst 22 september.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
59.7 uur in totaal (43.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Negative rating until they fix the stupid wanted status
Geplaatst 6 augustus.
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194.2 uur in totaal (78.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game could be amazing. It has a wonderful concept that drew gamers in from day 1. Huge expansive maps, multiple enemy types, and seemingly endless missions to conquer. But here I am, posting a Do not recommend. So why wouldn't I recommend it? Its too early. The games just not ready to be played to its fullest. Its riddled with bugs, and I'm not talking terminids. Inputs don't track, animations glitch, armor values didn't even function when the game first got released! We as a community should be sick and tired of these games releasing before they're finished and yet waves and waves of people have praised this half polished turd and to that I say IT STOPS HERE. Do not play this game, Do not settle for this half ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ developers are shoving down our throats. MAKE THEM FINISH THEIR GAMES BEFORE RELEASE.

Edit 4/23/24
After numerous patches and bug fixes it appears the devs have no intention of fixing anything to actually make the game play smoother. They seem to be focused on drawing more players into the game and adding fun and exciting new concepts. I say again, this game could be amazing, if only they made if remotely playable. Hitboxs aren't arent consistent, rag-doll physics keep you rolling on the ground after a 1 ft fall, the spawn mechanics are scary inconsistent, some stragems still dont function as intended. Like just work out the bugs man. Why does this game still feel like a beta when they're asking 40 dollars per copy? Thats not right, and we shouldn't stand for it.
Geplaatst 10 maart. Laatst gewijzigd 23 april.
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537.0 uur in totaal (258.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you want to know how Apex is as a game, just play it. Its free. It'll be the worst 80gb download you've ever experienced, followed by the usual E.A antics of not listening to their player base and instead tweaking things nobody asked for. The in-game coms are trash. The chat box wont even let you finish a thought before it cuts you off and makes you retype your whole sentence. The pings are actually nice, but nobody uses them. Really this game is only fun if you have a 3 stack you regularly play games with, but if you're a solo. Just dont bro.
Geplaatst 1 oktober 2022.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
79.0 uur in totaal
Honestly. Don't get this game if you've had good times playing Halo 3 or before and want to keep those memories intact. This game will ruin Halo for you. This isn't Halo anymore, its a Halo skin on a terrible FPS game. The spawns are garbage, the replaced the fun nostalgic guns of old, with terrible new "shock" weapons. The achievement system is so geared to drain the money from you that it becomes a seemingly endless grind if you're not paying them money. Oh, and if miss a few challenges on the event, you just can't do it. They wont give you more challenges. Horrible.
Geplaatst 21 april 2022.
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4,051.4 uur in totaal (3,242.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Before you jump into the ever growing world of CS:GO here are a few things you should know: 1. You get placed on cooldown if you get kicked from matches. (This is absolute crap because the members in your team choose your fate). 2. The community is filled with people using clients and various other work around for Valve's "Security" to gain an unfair advantage. (ie. X-rays, Aim bots, and Spin bots). 3. There seems to be very little effort going into preventing such "hacks" from getting through. 4. If you're a new player get ready to get demolished by high ranking players on fresh accounts. So called "Smurfs" purposely create new accounts for the purpose of beating up on new players. 5. The community is filled with people who exist for the sole purpose of ruining your days. People leave games, throw games, or afk just to take the fun away from everybody else.

I have over 3k hours in game, please head my warnings and play at your own risk.
Geplaatst 21 augustus 2017.
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460.8 uur in totaal (122.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
I dont normally write reviews, but something here needs to be said. This game was running fine a week ago. I don't know what happened recently but the hit registry has tanked and the server's seem worse than they've ever been. I had a guy knock me out from outside my building through a shut door. Ive dumped clips of smg into the back of a player only for them to turn around and hit me once with a shotgun. Something needs to be reverted because the new fix only broke it further.
Geplaatst 25 mei 2017.
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