Ben Palmer   Kangwon-do, Korea, Republic of
GCSE failure 2016 (edit: 2 A*'s so suck it, education), A Level failure 2018 (edit: 3 A's so suck it again, education) and University failure 2021 (edit: awarded a 2.1, so suck it 3 times for good luck, education). Also have a TEFL certificate, but it's not a real qualification, really. Current life achievements include once wanking eight times in a single day and somehow moving across the world for a job. Currently in a relationship with someone far above my level and will be enevitably humbled. Will be accused of being a glory hunter in a few years as I support West Ham and our fanbase will be flooded with fake Indonesian fans who only like us because we have the word London in our badge (edit; 2018 Ben understands the London Stadium wasn't all glorious mega stadium it looked to be, but has great WWE fights). May possibly be a wishy washy radical centrist. Was copiously drinking whilst occasionally going to 'lectures' in a setting commonly known as 'university', although I didn't figure out why I was truly there (I have come back in 2023 to give the final verdict that politics is full of wankers).

Game-wise, I played FIFA. That was literally it. All the other games in my library are there so i don't look sad (except Democracy 3 and CIV IV, luv u bbs). Now, my main desktop is halfway across the world, so i don't play any games anymore. God, ageing is depressing isn't it?
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