Oskar   Espoo, Southern Finland, Finland
Go to work -> Hit the gym -> Eat -> Play -> Repeat

Sum great games which i enjoy:

Fallout Series
Bioshock Series
The Last of Us
Witcher Series
Dead Space Series
Borderlands 2
Fallout New Vegas
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
Far Cry 3
CoH and Dawn of War 2 Retribution
Bioshock 1 and 2
Metro Last Light/2033
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat
Amnesia Dark Descent/AMFP
Killing Floor
PayDay 2

Feel free to add me as a friend
Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
Holy shit i found Steve Buscemi in S.T.A.L.K.E.R
16 5
Artwork Showcase
This is art
48 8 3
headsh0t9 29 Aug, 2020 @ 2:08pm 
I just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed your videos on Fallout 3, it amazes me how much a game could be changed and surpass the original version. If I gave my email address could you email me your custom Fallout 3 soundtrack mod?
MrGandolfini 13 Apr, 2020 @ 3:53pm 
hey I love your custom tweaked version of the blackout enb on your new vegas playthrough! Any chance you could send me the files if i send you my email?
aubri 27 Feb, 2020 @ 6:46pm 
love your mods man. a lot of them i don't play without and they inspire me to make my own stuff. thank you for your work and effort :)
Marinko 9 Jun, 2019 @ 6:02pm 
Hi there MorningWood. I hope you aren't too bussy atm, if you are please do get back to me when vacation hits haha. But alas, here is my question :

A while ago you said you were gonna share a few of your custom mods with me via email. For personal use ofcourse. Thing is, that was months ago and I expect you forgot.

Are you still in posession of your f3 mods folder and would you be willing to send me a few things? (We'll discuss what things I'd like after your reaction.)

Cheers and thanks in advance!
Dennis 22 Apr, 2019 @ 10:34pm 
Hey, i am trying to install ATMOS enb and it doesn't seem to work. I would very much appreciate it if you can help me out. Thanks in advance.
Hewet 3 Dec, 2018 @ 6:29am 
Hi can u help me with some modding etc.?