Nie podano informacji.
Cryptic 10 lipca 2020 o 12:16 
them hacks are so needed for faggis like u
ethics 20 maja 2020 o 6:17 
Russian fat virgin
Robi 20 maja 2020 o 2:42 
revoker summoner antheus is QP, and yet bad
Old Spice 18 maja 2020 o 6:03 
this guy flames people for not cheating, how the irony.
Old Spice 18 maja 2020 o 6:02 
l2p? you mean use cheats, and the must easy mode loadout ever? ok ill do that.
nostalgeek_ 18 maja 2020 o 3:32 
Мудак даже в квик плее через эмоции смотрит за стенками :steambored: