Tempo di gioco nelle ultime 2 settimane:

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1 achievement su 18 (6%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali

First step

Make the first choice
Sbloccato in data 2 apr 2023, ore 2:49

With a clean slate

Himitsu bad ending №1

Leaving friendzone

Himitsu bad ending №2

Under lock and key

Himitsu bad ending №3

Some tea for (you)

Himitsu good ending


Catherine bad ending №1

Showdown in Little Tokyo

Catherine bad ending №2

Deep breath

Catherine bad ending №3

America Behind!

Catherine good ending

High society

Ellie bad ending №1

To a flame

Ellie bad ending №2

Rock in Budokan

Ellie good ending

Astral journey

Kagome bad ending №1

Social inequality

Kagome bad ending №2

Serious business

Kagome good ending


Unlock the entire gallery

War and Peace

Achieve every ending

Patience is a virtue

See the credits to the end