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4 people found this review helpful
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0.9 hrs on record
Got stuck at loading walls and cannot progress through the game. Cannot recommend a game with breaking bugs/issues such as this.

Apart from that issue, i was having a lot of fun. Somewhat decent gameplay so far, very amusing and interactive dialogs.
Wait til the developers do more bug fixes, then purchase.
Posted 31 December, 2023.
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77.4 hrs on record (64.7 hrs at review time)
Joining the "Steam Grand Prix 2019" Review spam lol.
Oh.. might actually put a few words together though.. don't want to make it too pointless..

- Some of the best story telling i have seen in a game in ages. Enjoyable for both the player and the viewer.

Yea.. thats more than enough.

9.5/10 - Extremely low chances of a regrettable purchase.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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26 people found this review helpful
60.5 hrs on record
Took me a while to choose between a Negative or Positive review for this game, as i found it a very enjoyable Jigsaw puzzle game. But alas, i decided the Con's outweighed the Pro's.

  • Highly customizable settings.
  • Plenty of jigsaws to complete ( see Con's ).
  • Monthly Challenges.
  • Many size and shape variations.
  • Extra Jigsaws are mostly found by purchasing DLC's that lack content for the prices offered.
  • individual unsnapped jigsaw pieces cannot be snapped together unless attached to the board.
  • Many images contain pieces that can be hard to identify, thus resulting in guesswork. (randomly placing pieces upon the board til they snap into place).

As i mentioned, i personally felt that the cons outweighed the Pro's. This could be easily rectified, by:
  • Making DLC packs contain many times the number of Jigsaws worthy of the price, OR,
  • Remove the DLC's altogether and add the extra content to the game and charge a purchase fee for the game.
  • Allow loose jigsaw pieces to be snapped together.
This would be the best Jigsaw game i have played, if the above notes were added. But this is just my own opinion. Unfortunatly, due to those points, and until rectified, i feel like i cannot recommend the game.
Posted 12 August, 2018. Last edited 12 August, 2018.
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14 people found this review helpful
43.3 hrs on record (41.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First thing i would like to note, that at this current stage, the games storyline and area's are still being developed. And the development progress is in small and sometimes slow doses between updates. For me personally, i have stopped playing til the game is complete so my experiance is not lost by the partial development.
With that in mind, do not let that put you off from purchasing the game. It will be one great experience once complete, and even between.

Meanwhile, until the game is fully developed, you can optionally beta test and help the developers stamp out any nasty issue's found, make suggestions towards the development via the games forum found upon their site, or simply play the addictive Arcade mode. Or perhaps you just dont mind playing the game in partial installments.

"Grind"ea? True to it's name, there is some grinding involved here and there, though it is done and balanced rather well.

I Love the detail that has been put into this "JRP Zelda type". From the artwork, to the gameplay details such as the skill system. Finding a game of this type with such TLC from the developers (also explains the slow rate of developement), that also supports cooperative multiplayer.. is just rare.

One thing that the store descriptions fails to mention, is the existance of the crafting system (Unless that is a part of the "hidden content").
Weapons, gear etc can be crafted from various ingredients found throughout the game.

There is not much else i can tell you, apart from what the store page describes. So ill finish this with a personal rating..
9/10 - Would buy it again.. and again. I Love this game, and i love it's ever promising future.
Posted 12 December, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record
Short and sweet, such an amazing game.
Parkour styled gameplay, beautiful enviroments and a great story told to you and experianced as you play.
It was a rather short game to play, but enjoyed every minute of it with no regret.

Recommendation? Just buy it.. you know you want to.
Posted 30 October, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
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4.9 hrs on record
If Jim Carrey was to write a review for this game, he would sum it up with one simple word. "B-E-A-UTIFUL!"

Unique dexterous gameplay, stunning enviroments along with an amazing stoyline.

My recommendation? Throw your money at it! It is worth it!
However, if you are into purely fast action gameplay.. then maybe this is not for you.. but would you really want to miss out on such a great experiance?
Posted 30 October, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
32.5 hrs on record (31.4 hrs at review time)
Loved this game so much that i also brought it for several freinds!

This game reminds me so much of the old arcade classic "Metal slugs, in regards to format, graphics, and even playstyle. But this genious game offers so much more with crafting, rank system, upgrades, multiplayer, mission types and even with enemy types.

When i first started playing, i fully expected to just run through a one direction level blasting everything without much thought, but it suprised me.
Firstly, each level can be "explored". You can go up, down, left, right.. there is a full map to traverse!
Each enemy has vantages that can make you think as you approach it. It's not all mindless blasting ( well you can try, but you get beat up a fair bit ). Then there is the bosses. They each are challenging and have unique weaknesses.

  • Wonderful arcade style graphics.
  • Many hours of playtime.
  • Great fun with a few friends on online multiplayer!
  • Challenges around every corner with enemy types, bosses, objectives, items and gear setups.
  • Many missions and a few different mission types to keep things interesting. I Personally Love this.
  • Each "mission" has side objectives and even secret objectives. Keeps things more interesting while giving you a chance to earn some extra dosh. So it's not always a single minded objective.. you have the choice to take things further.
  • Crafting! Craft you own weapons, be it automatic, semi auto, bladed, single blast, double barreled.. so many possabilities! You can even install bullet types for different effects. I Had some fun mixing weapon parts.
  • Upgrades! Upgrade your armor, install skills & effects and some camp vanity. Just to make things more interesting.
  • A Large map on each mission to explore. "where am i suppose to go? Oh hello... there is a map! D: "
  • Just addictive!

  • Initial keyboard setup can be frustuating initially. ( Though remapping or plugging in a controller makes it excellent ).
  • Some missions that fully require certain items to complete it can become depleted thus making the mission void.
  • Lives are shared in multiplayer. So if you have a reckless friend who plays like a lemming, you will see the lives dwindle thus Failing the mission once depleted.
  • Quite a few skills (mods) seem to have some negative effects that overwhelm the positive.

    I Would recommend this game 110%. I Would even encourage multiple purchases so you can share the fun with friends!!

    "Now waiting for Mercenary kings 2"
Posted 6 August, 2015. Last edited 2 December, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
Playtime: 1 hour to complete / 2-3 hours for achievement hunters.
Storyline: I Personally found it interesting, but lacking. I felt that more could have been added, thus increasing playtime. But I enjoyed the multiple endings, choice scenario's and it's rather unique story.
Gameplay: A Typical cheap RPG maker game in regards to graphics. The Game itself is solely story driven, you wont find much action or basic rpg elements.
Price: $5usd in my opinion is not worth it.. perhaps at $2 would be more encouraging. ( though i grabbed it in a bundle ).

If you can: grab this cheaper, appretiate indie development in RPG maker format, can enjoy a game for it's storyline alone, then go for gold.
Posted 6 August, 2015.
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7 people found this review helpful
10.9 hrs on record
Ten hours.. finished adventure mode, survival, and took no time at all to realize that there is little point to sandbox mode.
The game is seriously lacking any content beyond the basics and truly felt unfinished. After playing the game, i had to double check to see if it was an Early access or not, cause it felt that there was much more needed to be included to the game.

Yea sure.. the basics are there and are fun for a short period of time. Build your base, survive, gather submarine parts and escape to the surface. But thats all there is to it. You could increase difficulty, but thats all there is to attempt extended gameplay.

As this is a negative review, i'm keeping it short and straight to the point.

  • Lack of content.
  • Quick to complete.
  • "Sandbox" is pointless due to lack of content.
  • Could have easily added achievements.
  • Feels like mere foundations of a greater game.

Honestly, i paid less than a dollar usd for this game, so i am pleased with my experiance. Though if i payed the full amount of fifteen, i would be less then happy.

Development really do need to revisit the game and extend upon what they have built.
Posted 4 May, 2015. Last edited 31 October, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
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5.4 hrs on record
DuckTales! Woo-oo! It's a duck-blur!

If you are an old school gamer such as myself, you may remember these tales of derring-do on the old Nintendo entertainment system ( NES ) or even the Nintendo Gameboy. Or even perhaps the cartoon series & comics. It was a pleasant suprise to find out that they brought this great game back to life with more passion and detail!

  • Beautifully remastered graphics & music.
  • Voice-acting for the characters ( The Surviving members from the television series cast were included! ).
  • Two new levels exclusive to Remastered
  • Expanded story content.
  • Harder difficulty levels offer greater challenges.
  • Replayability due to difficulty levels and achievements.
  • Purely a nostalgic experiance for those who have played the original title.

  • Regardless of the little extra content and difficulty modifyers, it can be a rather quick play for adept platform gamers.
  • I Personally felt that they could have included the old version of the game as a bonus or unlockable feature.
  • The Theme song is just too damn catchy.. like seriously.. it's been stuck in my head for weeks now.. "DuckTales Woo-oo!"... help! ._.

If you have never even heard or experianced this game in its original state, i would recommend giving it a go, or just go ahead and give this remastered version a shot. You never know, you may just get that song stuck in your head as well, while you bounce around on your pogo with glee.

Get your Quack on!
Posted 1 May, 2015.
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