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9.0 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
A very well-thought and awesome remaster of the original version of this game. I spent many years as a kid playing this game non-stop, and I will definitely say that buying this version will slowly start touching your really hard nostalgia.

It's not like most encounters you're typically used to. You'll of course be nervous at first, since this is only the first time you've been able to meet this beautiful game. From there, the game will start touching your nostalgia, nice and slow at first, but then harder and faster as your gameplay grows deeper... A few minutes later, it'll start to rub that nostalgia - soft and slow at first, but then go harder and faster as you finish off on the first mission.

I started developing a sweat when things went from second level to third level. Things went from one thing to another very quickly... The pharik, the charge cupling, the nava card, OH YES... the arc hammer! Oh God! Here it comes! I gotta make it that that imperial shuttle! I'm gonna beat the game..... I'M GONNA BEAT THE GAAAAME! Ohhh... Ohhhhh, OHHHHH, YESSS, ALMOST THERE, HERE IT COMES! KABOOOOOOM! The EXPLOSION! OH MY GOD..... Oh my God..... Darth Vader disappointed.... that was....... amazing..............

If you're feeling a bit mischievous and want have a great night, and a good time....... I've met a lot of videogames over the years, but nothing was able to satisfy me as good as this one. Only $29.99, you'll definitely be satisfied with what it gives you.
Posted 28 February, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
203.8 hrs on record (53.8 hrs at review time)
Great game that'll get you hooked once you learn the mechanics and get past the (small) learning curve. I remember playing this back when it was out in 2003, and I was happy to see that it got a re-master and re-release on Steam with the expansion. I definitely recommend this game for someone who likes real-time strategy games such as Age of Empires or Age of Mythology. For the price it is now, the fact that this was the 2003 game of the year by Gamespot (back when they were decent) and some other reviewers, and the unique gameplay, I definitely recommend this not only for new players but especially for people who played this before and enjoyed it. Again, I'm super glad that this game was remastered for newer Operating Systems, graphics, and screen resolutions.
Posted 9 April, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
8.3 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
The Positive: Cuphead is a BEAUTIFUL game. The graphics, the sound, the music - are completely accurate to what a 1930's cartoon would be in the day, and I've seen my fair share. The story is classic-feeling and (again) something a 1930's era cartoon would be about, and it's not complex. The price is fair, and there's no BS like in-game DLC, loot boxes, or the other junk that companies like *COUGH* [MOSTLY ALL OF THEM NOW] add to their games in order to repeatedly try and tap your wallet. The controls are basic and not overly-complex (I cover more on this - see "The Mixed" below) and the tutorial is fast and covers them quickly and makes you aware of what you need to know in order to progress through the game - which isn't too many. Overall, I think the developers did a great job and focused on the aspects that many companies sadly overlook - the gameplay. The level navigation, progression, and design is diverse and well thought-out. The only bug I found was a graphic that didn't disappear when it should have - the "crying tears" of the 'onion boss' didn't disappear after I had defeated it, and it remained during the rest of the level. However, I was only able to produce it once time and it didn't affect the gameplay.

The Mixed: While the game is themed around a 1930's cartoon, don't let the cartoon-style looks fool you - this game is BLOODY DIFFICULT! You can lower the difficulty down a notch but only on the battle-styled levels, not on the "gun and run" stages. The controls aren't complex and neither are the number of moves you're required to learn in order to play, but you better memorize them and you better become a master at which key does which, or you're not progressing at all. You press the X key instead of the Shift key and make a mistake, you're not finishing the level and you're better off just selecting "RETRY" in the pause menu and starting over. I don't count this as a negative, as I love challenges and I can't knock a game down because of that. This difficulty can be disheartening for some and motivating for others. However, I feel that when I play, there's a big frustration factor that the difficulty absolutely plays into. I'll play for one hour and exit the game having not progressed a single level. However, it's not frustrating to the level that I stop playing - I find myself coming back after taking a break and having at it some more. I will say this, however: I feel that I am progressing through the game partially by mastering the controls, but also because I'm memorizing exactly how the level plays and when I should move, jump, shoot, or dash. Again, I'm mixed on the difficulty. I feel that if I could knock the difficulty down a notch on all stages and take a lower score, the game would appeal to those who just want to play and without yelling a curse word after dying for the 10th time on the same level.

The Negative: Pretty much nothing. The only thing I call BS on is how I'll attempt to hit a pink object and it'll occasionally both count as a "success" (as in I successfully hit the object) and also count as a "hit" (meaning that the object hit me and knocks off 1 HP). It's miniscule and really not worth mentioning as a negative, but sorry - if you're going to make a game this difficult, you should expect people to call you out on things like that. Other than this, that's pretty much it.
Posted 13 October, 2017. Last edited 13 October, 2017.
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