Meg-a-Tron Griffin
bob   British Columbia, Canada
I'm just saying. It's no surprise that justice isn't colorblind.
Swiss 14 มี.ค. @ 3: 21pm 
+++Rep. Some call him crazy, insane, brain dead. Me? He's just a professional in a world full of untrained.
Bridgenicks 13 มี.ค. @ 6: 55pm 
ItzDoxi 12 มี.ค. @ 8: 03pm 
- rep
Eternity 11 มี.ค. @ 8: 44pm 
+rep fat shaboing boing, signed by Manhood Mangler
Bridgenicks 11 มี.ค. @ 5: 17pm 
Kinda hurt going in but thats a given the size it is. (Length of a bus girth of a 2020 Chevy Silverado)
Jraynium 27 ก.พ. @ 7: 02pm 
- rep