I like simulation, sandbox and card games most of all. FPS-type games are fun, but I am not very competitive in general with those kinds of games unless I have a reason to. Open world games are ok as long as they aren't the kind the end up empty or have zero side goals. I'm ok with co-op but my internet is garbage so keep that in mind if u wanna hit me up.

I don't have much income right now so I basically can only buy games on discount less than 10 €. There are a few exceptions, where I save up for a long time to have enough.

I'll review the games I feel confident I've played enough to be able to recommend or discourage from. I'll try and review all the games in my library. And also the workshop items I try out, too.

Also, I will play any game at least once. So, if u wanna buy me something you're sure I won't like...I'll still try it, at least the one time. Maybe even record my pathetic attempts to play whatever game it is.

I speak English, Spanish and Galician fluently. I can also speak French, though not so fluently. I can understand Italian and Portuguese (and Brazilian).
Currently Offline
Alissah 21 Oct, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
Hey, are you still online sometimes? I really miss talking to you.

Youre a really great person. I dunno im trying to not be cringy.
A fae friend, with love 17 Apr, 2017 @ 3:25pm 
23:24 - Azur: if I had a mask and a voice ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Alissah 11 Jan, 2017 @ 5:59pm 
18:16 - Azur: u look good for someone who lost half their face
Alissah 7 Jan, 2017 @ 1:12pm 
22:10 - Alissah ^__^: theyre like online gamers
22:10 - Alissah ^__^: they get agitated so easily
22:11 - Azur: ♥♥♥♥ sapien saltus
Krop 8 Dec, 2016 @ 12:01pm 
ayy you still want Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen?
Alissah 2 Nov, 2016 @ 12:45pm 
20:44 - Azur: like all the bodies are in the same area and they keep throwing their stupid balls ar them