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Reseñas recientes de Azimuth

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I only tried out modern versions of game maker because game maker 8 unfortunately does not support HTML exporting. There's a fair few improvements to the game maker language that I like and improve the quality of life. However the modern version also comes with a lot of downsides, mainly the UI, and the speed. Opening up Game Maker 8 takes only a few moments, and you can get game-making, while Studio 2 takes like half a minute, because it updates, does a bunch of networking stuff, and occasionally you even have to log in because your session expires. After that, when I got into the actual IDE, I wasn't very impressed either. Sure, it looks nice, however I noticed myself just scrolling a lot, and resizing windows. It's not very efficient with space, yet still feels overcrowded. Then I noticed that the default folders the IDE creates are practically useless, since the IDE doesn't categorize your assets, so you'll have to do it manually. You can put any asset in any of the folders, which isn't bad in itself, but the fact that these folders don't really work as one would excpect them just makes it a bit awfull, because either you sort them yourself, or waste a whole lot of time looking at the cluttered mess. There's absolutely no reason for those folders to exist if they do not work as expected. Things like the grid in the room editor are also hidden behind another button, whereas in game maker 8, you could just set it easiley. The room editor is also slow, and inefficient, having to drag each object into the room individually is really time consuming. You can press right alt to paint objects like in game maker 8, however it's laggy. It misses spots, it places multiple objects in a single place. There's also Feather, which is a strange feature that I disabled immidieately, since it slowed down my coding process, and kept warning me about code that is otherwise valid, but it didn't like. There's also just random lagging and slowdowns. When you write code fast, or sometimes just open a window or something, it stutters for a few moments. I admit, I may not have the most powerful hardware, but I do think that if I can run way more demanding software, or games then game maker stuttering isn't because of my hardware.

to sum up:
> lots of tutorials for many things
> wide range of export options for platforms
> better syntax than gml 8
> lots of features

> unfriendly, infefficient, often confusing UI design compared to game maker 8
> slow, clumsy level editor
> bootup time & updates, ocasionally having to log in
> weak performance in the IDE (games made with it run good)
Publicada el 4 de mayo.
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870.9 h registradas (702.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I like this game, it was one of the first FPS-s that I've played, and I enjoyed it greately, unfortunately however due to neglect and malicious actors, the game has become unplayable, and full of bots and cheaters.

They fixed the bot issues! :D
Publicada el 25 de noviembre de 2021. Última edición: 4 de agosto.
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72.4 h registradas (53.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 7 de julio de 2020.
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This is the first card game i ever played, and i am impressed. The animations are smooth, The gameplay is solid, and the graphics can run on a toaster such as my computer. It is really intresting to play. My only issue is that the enemy AI always seem to get rarer cards than me. It truley can be infuriating when the AI pulls the fourth card which give all their troops +2 Defence, while i rareley get any special cards. Overall i recommend you give it a try, and i certainly see myself playing this more.
Publicada el 18 de junio de 2020.
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166.0 h registradas (97.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)

> Simple, but sometimes pretty looks
> wide range of tools to use that you can use to craft pretty realms
> gameplay encourages cooperation: If you want to get anything done, you'll have to make friends.
> economy, and trading systems
> interesting world and references
> fun events every now and then


> The game doesn't feel at home on PC, the UI, the controls are a bit awkward.
> There is no support for non-standard characters. If your language doesn't fit within the standard English alphabet, you cannot communicate properly. Writing a' instead of á is awkward. That's not to mention zero support for any other script either.
> micro-transactions that give shortcuts to people who are willing to spend real world money.
> new players are sort of left in the dust, allow me to explain: In the ancient days, upon creating a new account, you'd receive a pretty decent-sized realm (a realm is in essence your own personal world that you can build in), and over time to prevent people from just creating new accounts, the size of the realm was decreased. There was a fairly basic, but pretty tutorial level to get you familiar with the mechanics of the game. It has been replaced with one, which explains more in terms of content, but is visually a bad introduction to the game. It's just stacked grass blocks, and some fences. The game has an opportunity to prove it's visual capabilities to the player who just created their new account, but instead opts for a design that just portrays carelessness instead.
>> before the Overworld update, there were several large overworlds, in which you could publish your realm into, allowing anyone to hop in, and see your little chunk of the world. This has been changed, in favour custom overworlds, that are just like realms, except you can place your realms there like you could in the overworld. Your own overworld costs in-game currency to buy, so you can no longer just have your little corner of the world be freely available. It's still probably available trough the search bar, but you can no longer get exposure from the overworlds as easily. And since there are so many tiny overworlds now, it's hard to find. A vast map full of realms where you could stumble on anything replaced by effectively a search bar. There's little to no dynamic exploration any more. Popular realms often have their name copied, so even the search bar is unreliable.
>> some issues reported in the public-beta of the overworld update still persist.
> updates are few and far between, and usually just consists of cosmetics or blocks that you won't see often after the initial sale.


I had fun with cubic castles for a while, but I could never fully immerse myself with it. I didn't have the dedication, neither the money to achieve anything major in it. I met some great people who I have become friends with, but those eventually faded, and they stopped playing the game. After the introduction of the new overworld system it lost that feeling of exploration for me, and I become aimless. I didn't want to work extra hard so I could get an overworld that would just get lost in the sea of the thousands of other ones.
Cubic Castles isn't the game for me, but it might be the one for you.
Publicada el 9 de julio de 2019. Última edición: 12 de julio.
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