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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.1 hrs on record
Posted: 28 Jun, 2017 @ 11:07am

See written review below or watch it here: https://youtu.be/n8Zooz3xTxE

You are searching for your brother who seems to have vanished into thin air. While looking for information, you stumble across an ancient brotherhood that protects a powerful object called the Eye of Basir. I don’t want to give away too many details, but as the story developed, there was the potential for the game to really delve into the supernatural, and psychological horror.

The gameplay feels like that of a walking simulator. The atmosphere may be a little spooky at times, but the game’s attempts at jump scares fall flat. As you play, you will need to find and interact with objects in order to trigger events. You can only interact with the specific items that are intended for immediate use, and you wind up having to do a lot of backtracking to trigger events before you can progress.

On the Steam store page, the game claims to have “difficult puzzles,” but frankly, the “puzzles” are a complete joke. You use an item to view the world a slightly differently, but the majority of the game feels more like a series of fetch quests and item search rather than anything else, and it’s not particularly engaging or enjoyable. I don’t consider walking to pick up an item, and then taking an item to interact with something else to be a challenge at all.

  • the environments look decent
  • the voice acting for the narrative is okay
  • the music is good, and the ambience is decent enough, and the atmosphere is sometimes spooky

  • puzzles are practically nonexistent despite the game advertising "difficult puzzles"
  • lots of backtracking since you need to trigger items/events to progress (for example, in one part in the game, you need to input a 4-digit code, and even though you find the code from a hint, you are forced to do several other tasks before you can actually use the code)
  • the story never takes advantage of the opportunities to venture further into the supernatural/psychological horror elements, and the story overall winds up being somewhat bland
  • (nitpick) some minor texture issues, poor anti-aliasing, and some invisible walls that seriously hurt the immersion; the game also lacks basic graphic and audio options aside from just changing the resolution - this lack of options wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn't for some of the lense flare effects being sometimes blinding, and the blurry vision effects being distracting at times
  • (nitpick) the controls are not customizable (WASD, F, shift, M1, M2), and there is only partial controller support right now

The game took me about 2 hours to complete, but there were lots of times where I had to backtrack to click on a specific item, or walk a certain way for events to trigger properly.

No70: Eye of Basir aspires to be so much more than it actually is. The “puzzles” are nonexistent, the “unique atmosphere” isn’t anything special, and while the psychological horror elements had some potential, they failed to come to fruition. No70: Eye of Basir isn’t a terrible game, but it’s mediocre at best.

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You can also view this review on my website here.[www.azralynn.com]
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Valérian 18 Jul, 2017 @ 5:33pm 
Thanks for the review, I'll be skipping this game.
Hellbishop 29 Jun, 2017 @ 10:07pm 
Thanks for the excellent highly detailed review here and on your Youtube channel.
WildCrd007 29 Jun, 2017 @ 1:26pm 
Great review. There are a lot of games you reviewed that I agree with and since I love survival horror I really appreciate the heads up on this one. It doesn't sound like a bad game but it looks like it may be misleading with how it actually plays out compared to how it appears it will play out. Thanks for this :)
Moltherion 29 Jun, 2017 @ 8:31am 
Tamam yapımcı öyle söylemiş olabilir de aşağıdaki linkten oyunun 2 saatten kısa sürede bittiğini görebilirsin. Çoğu yayıncı da en fazla 3-4 saatte bitirmiş. At gözlüğünü çıkart lütfen. @GuiltyPanda
Tonguc 29 Jun, 2017 @ 6:55am 
@Royer sen mükemmel bir insansın.
OverrideZ 29 Jun, 2017 @ 5:52am 
hastalık senin beyninde sen muhabbeti dinlemeden atlıyorsun seni ne bağlıyor birader sen kimsin de sohbete ortak oluyorsun da avukatlık kesiyorsun
Azralynn 29 Jun, 2017 @ 5:08am 
@Guilty Panda It doesn't matter what the producer says the game's length is... The game IS less than 2 hours. Here is my FULL COMPLETE playthrough of the game: https://youtu.be/7wzGi7QFYX0
OverrideZ 29 Jun, 2017 @ 3:34am 
@ayrıca killgharrah mısın nesin ülke insanını ezmek yerine biraz kültürlensen senden adam olur belki bana ilk yorum atan dallama sen daha olayı kavramadan facebookta orda burda ssler atmışsın sanki ben seni sosyal medyada yakalayamam :) bak benden kaçmaz önce şu videoyu izle sonra ben o adama git neden oyunu bitir de gel dediğimi anla tamam mı canım benim
OverrideZ 29 Jun, 2017 @ 3:32am 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_HJO4s_lNQ Sizi gerizekalı olarak ilan ediyorum bu videoyu oturun izleyin bakalım yapımcılar oyunun uzunluğu hakkında neler demiş ondan sonra bana laf sallayın aciz zavallı insanlarsınız ondan bundan örnekler atıp tutacağınıza yada gevur savunacağınıza adamlar ne demiş önce onları bilin ben burda yapımcı yalancısı konumuna düştüm o ayrı bir mevzu ama sizin yaptığınız acizlikten öteye geçemez
Runie 28 Jun, 2017 @ 10:45pm 
Great review!