
Ayarea 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 21-30 項,共 50 項
4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 2.8 小時
It wasn't really an investigation, more a walking simulator.
Very little horror/ jumpscares. It had some good moments, but a bit little.
The story was kind of confusing and the end felt cut super short.
There's some things in the game that look like they will be part of the story, but they ended up just being nothing to the story.

For the current price I would not recommend it. I'd say around the 7 to 8 euro marker is a much fairer price for this game.
Decent game, roughly 2,5 hours of play time, but just not worth the full price.
張貼於 2023 年 5 月 6 日。
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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.8 小時
Alright so honest review time.

- Graphics, great. It's nice to see a different aesthetic, and it seems it's all original artwork. At least I haven't seen these characters or surroundings in any other indie games that I've played so far. It kind of gave me walking dead vibes for the characters with the black outline. The hotel looked great as well.
- Sounds and such, were all pretty good. Apart from the AI voice acting (and maybe the sounds the rabbit made), it was terrible. I know the reasoning behind it, I saw the tweet, but it would have been nice to have a toggle voices on or off. I think I would have had a much nicer experience just reading the lines out loud myself.
- Jumpscares were pretty decent. They got me good a few times at least.
- Story wise, I'm a little conflicted. I can see the direction where it was going, but the ending felt super hastened. The beginning and ending make sense and feel like one story (although not entirely either), but the in between was a bit "eh ok, makes perfect sense I guess". SPOILER DO NOT READ Especially the friend who just left with the pizza guy, I don't know why that was put in there. I think having done much more with the ghost story. More time/ puzzles in the hotel before the final room would open up already. More lore about the ghost haunting the hotel. The tunnels below the hotel I think it would have been awesome if it was more than just follow a ghost and eventually it pops up like that. I know it was directing us to an item, but the entire tunnel system felt a bit of a bummer . It was a bit too short in my opinion and could have done more expanded storywise.
- Puzzle wise I didn't really feel there were many puzzles in this game.

All in all I would still recommend it and just compare it to a super short story that doesn't have too much depth in it.

Feedback for the dev pure options wise:
- Mouse sensitivity
- Toggle voices on/ off

I will definitively keep an eye out on the dev and future projects. :)
張貼於 2023 年 3 月 10 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 3 月 10 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.9 小時
It looks interesting. Sadly it's not. :(

The graphics look great, despite it being a standard asset pack where the rooms have been slightly altered.
Opening cupboards doors, push you aside or on top of them - very annoying.
The controls don't work properly, it says E is for interact, but it doesn't work, even assigning a different key for it, same results. I got stuck on opening the door upstairs, apparently you needed to right click, then left click for it to unlock. There's no sense in it whatsoever (usually games have 1 button to take an item then you left click it, or it unlocks as you leftclick).

As a detective fan, finding clues is the biggest fun in games, but there was nothing in this game that remotely made me feel I was playing a detective. Just a pretty bad walking simulator.

It could have potentional, but there needs to be more story involved, better optimalization of the key/controls and the surroundings not pushing you around. And if really going for the detective kind not just walking back and forth to places to find more keys to open more doors.

I couldn't finish it due to the above things, and it got me so annoyed I had to close the game down.

Do wanna say, do not give up. There is potentional, but don't bring out an early access game in this kind of state.
張貼於 2023 年 3 月 4 日。
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一位開發人員在 2023 年 3 月 10 日 下午 4:03 作出回覆 (查看回覆)
總時數 0.9 小時
Gave this game a chance. Sadly it kept crashing quite a bit. Next to that, it was just not fun. The intro was actually really good and I had high hopes for it, but the game itself is lacking a lot. There's not much happening, I didn't feel like I was actually doing some exorcism. I was just walking around, looking at the missions and had to wait for certain things to trigger.

All the equipment didn't feel like it brought anything to the table at all.

I'm sorry, I really wanted to give this a chance and I did, but it's just not fun.
張貼於 2023 年 3 月 3 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 4.0 小時
Alright, so I finally got around to play the game!

- Great atmosphere, there was a feeling of something or someone lurking quite often.
- Good story. I would have liked some more random notes around the house from the story involved for extra immersion, but the plot overal was pretty good.
- Sounds etc are really good (sometimes a little loud though)
- Graphics are good.
- Lots of puzzles. Some alot easier than others. Although some felt a bit unlogical having to go back and forth.
- Jumpscares, not over the top, just right.

- Mouse sometimes leaves the screen, or is visible olny to disapear again. When streaming alt tabbing is impossible.
- If unlucky one of the items can glitch causing it to show over the items in your inventory (not game breaking, but it was a little annoying
- I got stuck on one of the first puzzles because I thought too much about the clue given. Turned out it was much easier than that, but that's a me problem. It did cause frustration however. Since I got stuck for almost an hour if not more because of overthinking it.

Really liked the tidbit added after you finished the game (listened to both of them on stream). They made me giggle :).
All in all, despite being frustrated at some parts, I really enjoyed it. Once I got past that point it was alot easier. Although the back and forth between puzzles was a bit confusing a times but nothing groundbreaking.

Will definately recommend. The price is right for the amount of time and effort has been put in it. Can't wait for what else you have in store in terms of games.

Also really appreciate the key given through the form. Especially as a smaller creator that doesn't happen very often <3
張貼於 2023 年 2 月 28 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 2 月 28 日。
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總時數 2.2 小時
Awesome graphics, scary atmosphere. Just way too short sadly.

Still worth the 4 euro price tag, see it as a short movie. Would have loved it being longer. It's been a while that a 3rd person game scared the living s*** out of me .

The only annoying part was trying to not get caught by the ghost(s), it got very frustrating without any real sense of direction followed. I had to look up a video to see what the intention behind its routing was.
張貼於 2023 年 2 月 3 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 5.4 小時
Great game. Wouldn't list it under horror myself, but more adventure/ puzzle. Having the hints is super helpful if you get stuck on certain parts - so thanks alot for that!

Pretty decent graphics. Wish we would have done more with the special goggle thingie. Atmosphere great. Puzzles pretty good, not too hard, not too easy (sometimes accidentally solved when not having clues though). Just not a horror element in the game. Would have liked to have alot more lore inside the game. There was a bunch, but letters to and from family members or so could have added a bit more maybe.

Still, I really enjoyed my time, next to the Painscreeks killings this game really kept me wanting to continue playing and finish it :). Definately recommend!
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 24 日。
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總時數 3.1 小時
Story was a little confusing at times. It's definitely the lesser game of the bunch. Still bought it and show my support as all the other games were amazing. This one had some good moments, not too many jumpscares versus the other ones though.

I will still recommend it, see it is a movie ticket to a movie that does a lot of throwbacks to the previous games.
張貼於 2022 年 10 月 23 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 1.9 小時
Good game/ walking simulator, had me almost falling over while standing so I had to sit down again due to a good scare. Perhaps not as intense as the other games in the bundle, but definitely enjoyable.

No negatives. I like the fact you can choose a chapter at the end after the playthrough so you can revisit the ending.
張貼於 2022 年 10 月 19 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 4.5 小時
Played the Prologue and finished the actual game today. Really good. The voice acting was amazing and I was really invested. Some puzzles made me think too far ahead and losing the idea behind it, but generally the puzzles were ok to do. With help from my stream we finished it. I didn't feel a lack of ammo apart from 1 situation or a lack of saving coins either.

Graphics were good, cinematics were a bit of a hit and miss, sometimes really good quality, other times less. But that may have been on my end.

Either way. Well worth the money! :)

(Partly a spoiler for a moment in the game)

There was a chase scene in the game which made me almost quit the game, it was very annoying and I constantly ran out of stamina. So I had to press the shift on and off to make sure I made it and then I made it just barely.

Also streamer sidenote, both the prologue and the actual game got me dinged by HBO International (Facebook Gaming). I don't know exactly what for yet (apparently footsteps are copyrighted...). If I get more insight I'll let you folks know, because getting dinged as a streamer is not nice, not for them, but also not for the game designer.
張貼於 2022 年 10 月 16 日。
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