A Squared 21 sierpnia 2012 o 17:25 
Note to self, hide from Azad.
LD 19 sierpnia 2012 o 19:04 
Just looking through my comments on your profile and saw this:

Azad Mar 2, 2010 @ 9:18pm
Hey, I'm back :)

Solid contender for most creepy use of a smiley face ever.
SpyCake 14 sierpnia 2012 o 8:36 
awex i <3 u
LD 12 lipca 2012 o 11:36 
Hey I decided to comment on your profile because I wanted to see how you were doing since I'm such a great friend. Yep, this has nothing to do with the stupid steam sale achievements that always force us to be massive ♥♥♥♥♥ by using a friend's profile to obtain a tf2 hat or something.
LD 7 sierpnia 2011 o 9:02 
Dayum that sucks. It's why I check my email constantly even over the summer. Never know when you'll be invited to an alpha or offered 10 million dollars from a Nigerian prince or something.
LD 30 lipca 2011 o 10:00 
Jesus it's like they read all the feedback and decided to do the exact opposite.
LD 20 lipca 2011 o 10:39 
Nicely done. Were they series 19+?
Atomo 11 lipca 2011 o 16:57 
Hey so i still have no credit card on here but im gonna pay you and azad in person next time i see you guys so if you wana buy something on steam or where ever now im gonna pay you both
LD 2 lipca 2011 o 10:32 
Getting a ticket kthxbai
LD 25 lutego 2011 o 8:53 
Alex i hate you for not being online anymore. Nub
LD 22 stycznia 2011 o 17:21 
Aw, c'mon. The Blops SP wasn't that bad. I mean, the CoD formula is inherently bad for SP, but Treyarch did a good job with what they were stuck with.
LD 12 stycznia 2011 o 14:48 
You've been playing BC2 without me!
LD 28 grudnia 2010 o 12:47 
I hate you for buying the Move.
LD 20 listopada 2010 o 11:47 
I'm lovin' the new avatar.
LD 24 września 2010 o 14:27 
lol ur computer iz broked
LD 22 września 2010 o 16:12 
Why are you part of so many ♥♥♥♥♥♥ groups. Protip: If the group has more than 100,000 members, it sucks so don't join it.
Worm God 24 sierpnia 2010 o 13:56 
Obviously you suffered a tragic accident that damaged your taste buds.

And you better get started on the Huck Finn Paper. SCHOOL APPROACHES!
LD 24 sierpnia 2010 o 6:48 
Our tastes are too refined for lost.

Which sucks.

I just found out school is starting next week. I still have to write that Huck Finn paper.
Worm God 21 sierpnia 2010 o 17:35 
Worm God 21 sierpnia 2010 o 17:34 
I'm trolling your Steam with Lost....... LOST IS THE BEST SHOW EVERZ!

Its too bad your to dumb to like the show.
LD 19 sierpnia 2010 o 17:52 
You didn't...

You didn't get Borderlands...

WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥!?
Worm God 15 sierpnia 2010 o 16:21 
I love Monkey! d^-^b
LD 12 sierpnia 2010 o 7:35 
That sentry gun is a SPY!
Worm God 21 lipca 2010 o 6:52 
That Alex is a SPY!
LD 23 czerwca 2010 o 8:55 
Why don't you just exit Hamachi when you aren't using it? You failure.

I'm crying right now.

Like, on the inside.

Okay, on the outside too
Worm God 21 czerwca 2010 o 17:28 
LD 16 czerwca 2010 o 12:06 
Micah has played more than you, you need to play more.
LD 20 maja 2010 o 14:42 
100 Hours in Left 4 Dead 2. We started playing at about the same time and I have approximately a third of that.
Worm God 12 maja 2010 o 15:19 
I kicked you...ha ha
Worm God 12 maja 2010 o 14:50 
I am on steam hackin your bases
LD 2 maja 2010 o 8:20 
You can remove the code for verifying your GMod account now.
LD 2 marca 2010 o 18:18 
Hey, I'm back :)
LD 27 stycznia 2010 o 13:51 
Happy Winter-Een-Mas!
LD 7 stycznia 2010 o 17:51 
Built meh computer!!! Let's play L4D sometime.
LD 29 grudnia 2009 o 6:49 
Dude, you are going crazy. And why would you ever buy Mirror's Edge??? Or Alpha Prime? But Psychonauts and Republic Commando are great. Wait til the last day of the sale to buy stuff that isn't a Daily Deal, otherwise it might end up as a Daily Deal.