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Évaluations récentes de AveryHyena

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
9.4 h en tout (2.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I am about 2 hours into the game and it has exceeded my expectations for being a spinoff game.
The only problems I really have is the texture resolution being really low for no reason even on highest settings (And just now they released another patch that allowed an option for higher res textures!), and the world being scaled too big, which makes the humans seem weirdly large - but you can fix this by changing world scale in steam vr settings. (I've found 90% scale to be good).
All the other problems I've seen in the reviews (like how orientation of hands/guns on index controllers are bad, or the game crashing) seem to all just be from the pay for early access, and they've since fixed all of these complaints.
Évaluation publiée le 8 novembre 2024. Dernière modification le 9 novembre 2024.
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23 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
13.8 h en tout (13.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Filled with bugs, intended interactions and terrible game design. Even the bug report feature is bugged and doesn't work.
Things like; if you get into the pizzeria on night 4 without the firecracker, the game acts like you already have it even though it is not in your inventory. Also, why is the save point for night 5 so far away? So if you die before you get into the party room, you have to start all the way back at your house.
Sometimes, you can't even get the 3-star ending even if you have all the requirements and will need to restart the entire game and just pray it works this time.
Only buy this game if/when it is fixed.
Évaluation publiée le 8 aout 2024.
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Un développeur ou une développeuse a répondu le 14 aout 2024 à 17h15 (voir la réponse)
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
31.5 h en tout (16.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Good game overall. It is fun, but a lot less scary than HW1. (Unsurprising, since we are now post-Security Breach).
The only real problem I have is with the Sister Location custom nights. Ennard is way too easy, even for a younger player. There is also no reason to have extremely loud BRRWORRWW sounds when an animatronic is about to attack. They all already have their own audio cues. It completely ruins the immersion and ambience.

Another thing to consider, is that this game is TERRIBLY designed for new players, or players that haven't played Ruin.
Aside from not knowing essential things to progress the game that they would have learned in Ruin, new players are also badly affected by the new tutorial screens. What I mean by that is this: In Help Wanted 1, on every tutorial, there is a prompt that says "Pull Trigger", to prompt players to use the trigger to scroll through pages of the tutorial. There is no such prompt in HW2, leading to many players not even realizing there are multiple pages to tutorials even until halfway through the game.
Évaluation publiée le 25 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 12 janvier 2024.
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6.0 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023.
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7.9 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023.
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10.7 h en tout (10.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If not for The Cat Lady meaning a lot to me from when it came out, Burnhouse Lane would be the best Rem Michalski game ever made.
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
747.8 h en tout (623.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
- Better than phasmophobia in every way
- Has actual depth and techs
- Has cool puzzles
- Has actual gameplay instead of standing around waiting for evidence

"Gameplay" in Phasmophobia:
- Sitting in a room in a modern house for half an hour waiting for evidence saying "How old are you? Are you angry? Where are you?" over and over.
- Sanity does nothing except determine when the ghost can hunt.
Gameplay in Forewarned:
- Exploring a randomly generated tomb with randomly generated traps and puzzles, while stealing as much gold, rare artifacts and documents as possible, as you gain evidence passively.
- Hundreds of unique insanity and spirit events, a lot of which are unique to certain tombs.

Being attacked in Phasmophobia:
- You are completely safe when the ghost itself is not attacking.
- While the ghost is hunting; doing nothing and sitting in a corner for a minute straight waiting for the hunt to end.
- Ghosts are almost the same with only slight differences and are all but one beaten by just hiding.
Being attacked in Forewarned:
- You are in danger even if the Mejai (ghost) isn't manifested, being attacked by monstrous beastmen, reanimated corpses, crawling abominations and more. You are also in danger from traps.
- While the Mejai is manifested; you are forced into interactions with the Mejai since you need to look for the blue lever to escape and cannot just hide and do nothing.
- Mejai are extremely unique with massive differences and ways you can combat them.

Endgame in Phasmophobia:
Endgame in Forewarned:
If you survive the Mejai, access to the lower tomb is granted, containing a range of randomly generated puzzles, and if you collect all the materials needed, access to a randomly generated ritual banishment where you have to solve puzzles and co-ordinate with your team while fighting off hordes of enemies, after which you gain the ability to shoot ranged elemental attacks.
You can also focus on collecting rare artifacts and lore pages to learn more about the story.

Quality of Life in Phasmophobia:
- Constantly have to rebuy equipment
- Boring forced progression system that is just a time sink
- Get out of breath from sprinting for 2 seconds
- When you die you are just in spectator mode
Quality of Life in Forewarned:
- Only have to rebuy equipment if you prestige
- Impactful equipment upgrades and new equipment
- Infinite stamina
- When you die you can help your team by finding gold and levers, or if PVP is turned on, you can choose to go against them.

If you're wondering "if it's better than Phasmophobia in every way, why is it way less popular?", it's because Phasmophobia came out first, and most importantly, it appealed to zoomers. This is what caused it to go viral. Zoomers like funny ghost hunting in modern houses. They do not like ancient Egypt and old dusty tombs with puzzles that you actually need to think for.
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023. Dernière modification le 30 décembre 2024.
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60.1 h en tout (26.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 9 mai 2021.
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92.1 h en tout (70.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 1 octobre 2020.
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