
DoubleYouTee 最近的評論

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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 2,395.4 小時 (評論時已進行 2,394.8 小時)
This is one of the best WWII FPS I've played so far. There is alot of teamwork and communication required to win as a team. You can't win this game with lonewolves like in COD or Battlefield. The big maps allows you to come up with a strategy to attack from all sides. Although I'm not a tanker, the armoured overhaul just looks awesome. I've played this game for many hours now, I even got some videos of gameplay on my YouTube channel.
For clans there is a tournament set by the community that is seasonal and being broadcast on either Twitch or Youtube. The community is very helpfull and respectfull to new players.

Update 01/07/2024: Well Reign of steel came out. And one major gameplay mechanic that I enjoyed having has been removed. And that was the rally timer. Apperently it was too difficult for some players to press T and click every 4 minutes. So with that removal they made the radioman obsolete. Yeah people still argue that it isn't but basically it is. Do I still recommend it, sure it is still a good game. But for me personally playing as a squad leader it is not so much fun anymore. It makes me lazy and not care anymore about where or when to put a rally somewhere.

So I will still recommend it out of love of this game and comunnity but for me personally for now it's over...... I will check up from time to time and see if it is still worth playing for me....
張貼於 2021 年 11 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 6 月 30 日。
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