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11 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Time Lord

Completed one of each of Antioch's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.

Now You See Me

Completed one of each of Severy's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.


Completed one of each of Axus's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.


Completed one of each of Priorals's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.

Washed Up

Completed one of each of Soltres's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.


Completed one of each of Arsenal's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.

Power Chord

Completed one of each of Milandria's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.


Completed one of each of Ennat's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.

Sky High

Completed one of each of Leta's Standard, Duel, and Discovery trials.


Unlocked all trials, conversations, and codex pages.

1개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

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