One Bad Dude   Cleveland, Ohio, United States
If you want me to accept your friend request; post a comment on my profile about why. You will get blocked otherwise.
Seve #LoadTF2 22 mai 2021 la 5:36 
Aublak 21 mai 2021 la 21:59 
I just don't want phishers and other undesirables on my friends list
Seve #LoadTF2 19 mai 2021 la 11:02 
Let's say I sent you a friend request and a comment, and you decide that you will NOT accept my friend request. Would you block me or just not accept my friend request.
CyborgParrot 30 mai 2020 la 17:43 
No problem, keep up the good work with your Half-Life Mods Guide. :thumb:
Aublak 30 mai 2020 la 5:41 
thanks for the update