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1 person found this review helpful
308.7 hrs on record (42.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is an amazing foundation for what could be one of the best driving/production/logistic games made.

Everything feels solid, and while there is plenty of room for additional items to be added, it's obvious the Developer (a lone Korean man, if my information is correct) has taken the approach of making sure whatever's added to the game fits and works, as opposed to adding 1000 different things then spending months trying to fix/tweak them... I, for one, agree with the Dev here.

-solid physics model which is able to competently handle both racing while also capturing the feeling and weight of numerous large vehicles
-wide selection of vehicles and a wide array of differing vehicle types, which will all be needed due to the
-deceptively deep production and logistic framework in the background, providing a huge variety of different tasks to accomplish, and numerous ways to accomplish most of them
-solid open world that strikes a good balance between size and density
-simple yet thorough upgrade system
-the world has a charm and style that is consistent throughout, even if some (non-vital) areas feeling as though their still waiting for their occupants to arrive
-the groundwork has been laid for future updates to continue to add depth and richness to the game

-some of the controls are a little wonky, but for the most part, every control is re-bindable / adjustable
-the UI / Interface is functional, but there are some rough spots and some small changes that could be made to make it far more user friendly.
-It feels like there are a few features missing from each section of the game, so you are reminded somewhat regularly it isn't a 1000-person Dev team working on this, but most of the missing features are quality of life as opposed to foundational.. All of the foundational pieces are in place, well polished and feel good.

Do you like driving??? Get it, the driving is good..

Do you like racing??? Get it, the racing is great!!

Do you like logistics??? Get it, there is a surprisingly robust logistic system here..

Do you like facilitating production chains, be it feeding in the raw resources, or delivering the finished products to a store, or even any of the steps in between?? Get it, you'll get your money's worth and a lot more..


Last thoughts - surprisingly good, the relatively simply graphics belie complex and flushed out sims beneath the surface..
Posted 24 January.
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233.5 hrs on record (27.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This could be a classic in the making...

There is an amazing foundation here.. If the team stays on the right track (or if their vision lines up with the possibilities I see here, more accurately), this could be the next sandbox we're all playing in for the next decade.

While on the surface it doesn't resemble it at all, for some reason I keep finding myself thinking "Next Generation Minecraft" while I'm playing. The building system is robust enough to provide a lot of possibility, while still maintaining accessibility to new players.

The rendering engine is simple enough that it can scale and display vast landscapes without bogging down, making it accessible to a huge playerbase as well. I noticed the graphics for, maybe, the first hour, but after that the little details I initially saw as "unrefined" have melted away and everything has come together as a complete package and I notice nothing but a stylized beauty to the engine now.

The lighting effects that have been put in place, probably due to not spending so many system resources on the initial models/textures, are simply amazing. The way the mood of any area can completely change based on the weather and time of day is second to none. You will be hard pressed to find a game that does a better job of using light (and the lack thereof) to better affect.

I can't fairly comment on the tools/possibilities available to players throughout the mid and later game right now, as I have been slow-rolling this one and taking my time, but assuming late-game tools/options are available, or there are at least plans to make them available, a few simple tools that open up huge versatility/possibilties for customization & building long-term, this one is here to stay.

On a side note, while it's not he same Studio, CoffeStain has been hitting home-runs left and right lately. I'm starting to think they somehow infuse their stuff with addictive and illicit substances. I've been torn between Satisfactory and Valheim for two weeks now, and CoffeeStain is involved with both.
Posted 20 February, 2021. Last edited 20 February, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
265.5 hrs on record (214.3 hrs at review time)
A ton of DLC for additional items, great progression system, and all-around fun.

Good game that eats up someone's time!!!
Posted 25 February, 2015.
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106.5 hrs on record (101.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The groundwork has been laid for an awesome open-world experience.

Even with it being rough around the edges, the basic tools and building blocks (figuratively and literally) have been put in place to allow for some of the most memorable gaming experiences you'll be a part of.

Whether you decide to explore thge world and systems on an unpopulated server to wreaking havoc on a fully populated server, this game provides the freedom to hit many different gaming desires.

This game, in its early form, captures something that many aged games grasp for and never quite get. If this beginning is .any indication, RUST will continue to improve and attract players for many years to come
Posted 3 March, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
733.5 hrs on record (302.5 hrs at review time)
One of the few Pixel-Art games that trancsends it's graphical fidelity and offers an amazingly deep and versatile experience.

On the surface the concept is simple and rather common; gather materials, convert those materials into something else, and build. But there's so much more here. With holiday events built into the game, thousands of recipes, melee weapons, guns, bombs, armor sets that confer special abilities, spells, hundreds of mobs, sky cities, boss fights (which effect your world), dungeons, tree houses, the list goes on and on. This is one amazing Sandbox in the truest sense of the word.

As I said, this game is so much more than it appears on its surface. While the single player experience is rewarding, multiplayer worlds is where this game shines. Get a few of your buddies to start playing and before long you'll be building structures togther, killing bosses, or trying to get that last NPC to move into the house you made for them. With the light weight dedicated server that's provided, anyone can easily set up a 'server' (dos window) for all of their friends to play on, and it won't kill your computer to keep it running.

The graphics take just a bit of getting used to, if you're not accustomed to the pixel-art style. While the game looks like it would feel like a platform game, it never actually feels like that.

All in all, it's a rare gem of a game that jumps up and grabs you, and a month later you still haven't figured out all of the reasons you enjoy the game so much.
Posted 26 November, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
5,393.0 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
Awesome game here, and it's only 1/3rd done.

Super polished WW2 Ariel fights, with Army and Navies coming in the future.

Truly a free to play game, money just gets you some additional content and/or acellerated progression!

Truly 10x more polished and fun than I was expecting, beautiful!
Posted 19 August, 2013.
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26.2 hrs on record
66% Off for the 2013 Steam Summer Sale : amazing price for an awesome game!!
Posted 13 July, 2013.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries