Chillweaver 4 Mar @ 9:41am 
good mate
76561199129948829 16 Jul, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
Signed by me :) Lets play csgo
76561199060222698 30 Jun, 2023 @ 6:55am 
signed by me :) lets play in party
Shady 24 Jun, 2023 @ 11:54am 
Are you looking to sell the awp redline 3x complexity?
♛ Runnin 14 May, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤 :steamhappy:
Nihilus 26 Jan, 2020 @ 4:38pm 
rip kobe...tossing something will never be the same without saying the name "kobe"
Nihilus 11 Mar, 2018 @ 2:05pm 
Ok these csgo trade scams are getting out of really man I've been in the trading field for like 5 years...good attempts guys, but I've reported each and everyone of those accounts and will continue to block them. *Locking Comments section as a result*
Konko 5 Aug, 2017 @ 3:51am 
i saw your comment that this guy ( fanatyk) tried to scam. He tried to scam me too when i wrote comment on his profile he deleted it. Now his link is on my profile. Did u report him too ?
Nihilus 20 Jul, 2017 @ 7:33pm 
RIP and Linkin Park were my childhood :sfsad:
Nihilus 4 May, 2017 @ 12:55am 
over the span of 4 years lmao
cr4zy0 3 May, 2017 @ 10:27pm 
2.2k hours on warframe??? damn
Nihilus 29 Nov, 2016 @ 4:48pm 
#ForçaChape :caster_sad:
Nihilus 5 Nov, 2016 @ 11:51am 
"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November"
Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
Nihilus 3 Oct, 2016 @ 2:22pm 
ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ


ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
Nora ♥ 18 Jul, 2016 @ 5:16pm 
𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀! 𝒥𝓀 𝒻𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊! - 𝓇𝑒𝓅...𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒽𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝓃 𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒻𝓇𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝟙 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓉...𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅𝓈 𝓈𝒶𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒽 𝟙𝟘𝟘,𝟘𝟘𝟘 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝓂𝒽 :steamfacepalm:
Nihilus 4 May, 2016 @ 12:24am 
Happy May the 4th be with you day!!!
Nihilus 14 Mar, 2016 @ 10:12am 
HAPPY PI π DAY GUYS :D 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751
Jimmibob99 1 Jan, 2016 @ 12:05pm 
Jimmibob99 23 Dec, 2015 @ 1:32pm 
:2015holly: Merry Christmas :2015car:
Little G 17 Dec, 2015 @ 8:33am 
+rep nice guy
Nihilus 21 Nov, 2015 @ 7:38am 
Nihilus 26 Oct, 2015 @ 2:27am 
く__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´
      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、
     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',
   イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ!  i
    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |
     !,/7 'ゞ'   ´i__rハiソ|   |   
     |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./   |
     レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i  |
      レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. |
       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |
      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |
        kヽ>、ハ   _,.ヘ、   /、!
       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'
         ト-,/ |___./
         'ー'  !_,./
Marcus 9 Oct, 2015 @ 9:29pm 
Nora ♥ 9 Oct, 2015 @ 7:03pm 
Hey! Let's go KBBQ!!!
Nihilus 11 Jul, 2015 @ 12:15am 
10 Jul, 2015 @ 11:56pm 
heeyyyy qt ;)
Nihilus 6 Jul, 2015 @ 4:48pm 
❝I am the bone of my sword

Steel is my body, Fire is my blood

I have created over athousand

Unknown to Death, Nor to Life

Have withstood pain to create many weapons

Yet, those hands will never hold

And so as I pray,

Unlimited blade works❞
Jay 26 Apr, 2015 @ 6:21pm 
+rep Friendly and Fast Trader :)
CRVX 8 Mar, 2015 @ 3:21pm 
+rep good trader :)
Nihilus 2 Feb, 2015 @ 3:12pm 
RIP Monty Oum T-T you will be changed the way my childhood was with your amazing talent of animation and creativity. From the haloid samus vs master chief video to red vs blue to the dead fantasy series all the way till the RWBY series T-T you will be missed
Nihilus 28 Jan, 2015 @ 6:22pm 
RIP KITTY0706....always loved your tf2 videos...We will always miss you...hope you are in a way better place now :(
Nihilus 15 Dec, 2014 @ 6:11pm 
Nihilus 5 Nov, 2014 @ 11:00pm 
remember the fifth of november....happy guy fawkes day
Nihilus 5 Nov, 2014 @ 10:59pm 
But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the "vox populi" now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.
Nihilus 13 Jul, 2014 @ 2:55pm 
Deutschland wins world cup...too bad Messi couldn't do anything :/ was hoping he score once
Pronounce 29 Jun, 2013 @ 1:50pm 
96.2% of the people who read this will not have the guts to re-post this. When Goku died in the explosion with Cell, he thought of both you and me. If you are part of that 3.8% that doesn't feel ashamed to love Goku, repost this. Thank you Goku. I lifted up my arms when you asked for energy for the spirit bomb.