When an individual whom has yet to reach the age of twenty-one years old in the wonderful nation of America, attempts to "puke-and-rally", proceeds to fall asleep in the unit which contains urinal, fecal and vomitary matter, also known as a stall, this person is later confronted...while sleeping on the toilet, by a large man with a walkie talkie. This man proceeds to utilize his breathalizer unit to arrest the individual whom has blown a .09....man is now responsive.

2) When an individual flags down a police officer, assuming that it is a taxi.
The individual is arrested for public intoxication. The indivual is released from custody then advances down the street and falls asleep in front of an ice cream shop. He is awarded with an underage drinking citation.

The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that your sexuality was a "phase." Refers less to the holiday and more to the 1993 Bill Murray comedy film in which the main character experiences the same day over and over.
"My visit home turned into Bisexual Groundhog Day. My mom acted shocked when I told her I'm going to Pride next week, so I had to come out to her as bisexual AGAIN."
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childforsale69 11 Jan, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
debossdave 13 May, 2022 @ 9:02am 
weeb who likes lolis
childforsale69 30 Nov, 2021 @ 5:00pm 
very handsome young boy. i love this man because he met up with me and rammed my arse like its never been rammed before. it was just so delightfull if possible i would defo try get a ramming session with this man as it was just 10/10. he had me waddling off like i was a penguin.
Zide 4 Oct, 2021 @ 10:12am 
Wood 1 Sep, 2021 @ 6:24pm 
Seykawa 7 Feb, 2021 @ 8:57am 