Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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0 von 18 (0 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

A Small Village

Few Villagers are better than none, though some more would also be fun.

A Medium Village

More people are coming to town, now please don't let them down.

A Large Village

Your city is expanding! Take care, more people are demanding.

A City!

One hundred townsmen, this is a city! Having them starve would be a pity.

A first townhall

Home, sweet home, your townhall is built. You better prove worthy or they will speak guilt.

Raiders stopped

The raiders 've been stopped, the town is saved. You are the saviour, the path is paved.

A new beginning

You have completed Chapter 1

The wetlands

You have completed Chapter 2

A long, rocky road

You have completed Chapter 3

Strangers in Paradise

You have completed Chapter 4

Ship ahoy!

You have completed Chapter 5

New Hope

You have completed Chapter 6

Stork has come

A baby has been delivered

On Guard

You have extended your Townhall


5 houses in your settlement


10 houses in your settlement


50 houses in your settlement

1 versteckte Errungenschaft verbleibend

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