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Can't authenticate ownership. Can't Fix it. Tried every option I could google, or dig up, nothing. Can't get my money back. Honestly download the UNO on mobile, its Free, and 10x easier to connect with friends. Save your money.
Опубликовано 12 марта 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
7.5 ч. всего (6.6 ч. в момент написания)
Its a beautifully made game, and there are parts that I didn't expect, but lets get into it.
Remember that everything I say, is based on my experience, I did play side by side, my best friend, so it was a time. haha.

-Beautifully, and artistically smooth.
-Was super easy to run on my PC, but even so, it should be easy to run all around.
-The characters are disturbing but I love it.
-It was pretty easy to figure out.
-And running around and being so tiny, made me smile.
-Toilet Paper Buddy <3

-There is a constant piercing sound, and although I looked up and did the steps to fix it, it would happen again when i restarted the game, and I had no way of fixing afterward.
-Had to play the game muted, due to the piercing sound.
-I lost my toilet paper buddy ):

I hope this helps you even just a little, but be prepared if you have the piercing sound issue, you might have to play it muted, and I hate it for you if you do ): I hope the second one has that issue sorted out because I am playing that next.
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
35.0 ч. всего (18.2 ч. в момент написания)
I have been waiting for anything related to Little Big Planet to come out on steam or PC period. I literally was talking to my best friend about how I wanted to play LBP with her, and then low and behold, Steam releases SackBoy...Talk about listening to my inner thoughts. Anyway, on to the review.

This review is based off what I have done so far in the game, I have not played it with anyone else yet, so I can no speak for multiplayer or team levels.

-Definitely, stayed true to LBP vibes.
-The story is cute, as is all things Sackboy related.
-It is ten times more immersive and challenging than its counterparts.
-I love that I have levels I can play alone.(Makes me feel better that no one else bought this game) o-o'
-Replay value is 100.

->-> the running levels always make me cringe, because you have to try to get everything as you go.
-My friends haven't bought it, or they won't get it because they suck ass.
-Its rather short if you think about it. (Its like all the little big planet games, you think its a lot of levels and stuff, but it isn't.)
-You will always miss something the first run through

Honestly though, if you like games that make you want to 100% things this is it, replay value is high, because you will have to go back over and over to find stuff you missed.
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
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3,436.6 ч. всего (324.6 ч. в момент написания)
Okay hear me out.

I get to play with my friends and get simped for by killers, Wraith daddy pls.

I get to play with my friends and get murdered by killers, Michael pls, I luh you.

That's based on my game play. Either way you will love and hate it at the same time.

So I stand by this, its honestly been up and down the past year. I do enjoy this game, and I wished the PEOPLE that played, learned to lighten up and learn to have fun. People get mad at the killers so much for so little. And Survivors give up way to easily. So I am giving a new Pros and Con list, based on my game play since.

I get to play with my friends.
I get to be sneaky and confuse killers as a survivor.
I get to take people off guard when I am playing killer.
Michael and Ghost Face exists.

The game scale of balance always leans one way or the other when a new killer or survivor is released, more so killer than survivor, but it does happen on both sides.
Solo queue, can be hell, if you think about just you, you can do hatch game, which sucks for the rest of the team, but yay you, you escaped..
Solo queue, can be tons fun, you don't have to be worried about anyone anymore, and now you can be weird and do silly things because well, your team might not help you anyway, so might as well have fun.
The Merchant and Singularity exists.

Again, its all based on what I have been through, I have issues playing survivor more than killer, because killer side, is definitely easier than survivor side. Mostly because unless you are a swf, you get screwed over by other survivors. However, as of 11/21/23 I actually met a decent survivor, who was a random to me, and now we have played together. So it gives me hope for survivors coming into the game and those of old, have better attitudes. The game is not the problem on any sense, its the players. If you want the game to be better, do better. That is basically it.

Yes I tame killers, I can't turn this charm off, its a curse.
Опубликовано 24 ноября 2021 г.. Отредактировано 22 ноября 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 8
3.1 ч. всего (2.1 ч. в момент написания)
Visually a beautiful game. You play as a fox, going through the trials of the past to learn what happened, and its magnificent. I am being bias as well, because I overly love foxes, so getting to play from the perspective of this wonderful creature made my day.

Play as a Fox.
Solo play, no real threat of dying.
Laid back game play, you can do while relaxing.
Music is very calming.
Just play it.

None really, just pay close attention to your surroundings and you will be just fine.

Please don't take my word for it, just try it for yourself. Ultimately you make the game great or not, by how you chose to play it. Have fun and good luck!
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
425.6 ч. всего (228.5 ч. в момент написания)
I found this game good for friends to play together, but only after getting through the beginning and establishing a decent economy.

- Allows you to join others, prioritizing friends on the top of the list.
- Gives you the options to change what people can and can not do on your farm.
- Plenty of missions, not hard to accomplish, but you still have to put work in which is perfect for people who like being busy.
- Pretty simple to understand, and easy concepts of game play for easy growth.
- Achievements are always my favorite, they aren't hard to earn, just something you HAVE to work toward.
- Plenty of guides for new users, to make starting even easier.
- Private games, so you can enjoy the game with the one person who got you the game.

- Honestly a bit of frame lag here and there, but that is probably just my PC. :p
- No shared farms. (Keep reading to understand what I mean.
- Animals are a pain in the ass, lol.
- Some missions are annoying af. If you play, trust you will see it xD. Still worth playing.

- Shared Farms: If I was to go offline, and be away from home, and my boyfriend wanted to work on my farm, that he could access it with me offline, as a saved farm. You would have to be friends on steam to be able to access, and then given permission to start a farm with someone, and then yay, each person gets a set of money, and missions, and then the farm has shared missions, where both can work toward it, and only shared missions for the farm level it up, promoting working together toward the farm goals. Something like that.
- Farmhand Tasks: If I have to work to pay them, I should be able to choose what what I can make them do. Example: If I plow the land around them, I can make them plant and harvest certain things, or give them a mission that I have, they can work towards it based on whats available with the land around them. Land is plowed, and i give them a mission that requires planting and harvesting, they will do it, until they have done all that they needed to do for the mission. If the land isn't harvested and they have to do something with trees, they will plant a tree and harvest it until they are done. The blow back from that is, say they put trees down, after the mission was over, they won't harvest the trees they planted after they are done, so you still have to make the effort to pay attention.
Another Idea: Farmhands should have levels too. So like if you have a farmhand that just takes care of flowers or trees, or even fish, they get that task leveled up, and you benefit from it.

(I have to go, for now, I will update more later, with the rest of my ideas.) Hope it helped~
Опубликовано 21 февраля 2020 г.. Отредактировано 26 ноября 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
12.1 ч. всего (11.1 ч. в момент написания)
Honestly didn't know what to expect, like a copy of something old or what, but nope, it was like i was 9 again, and headbutting orcs ;-;!

I beat the first game of the trilogy, 120% as it should be done ^-^ ANYWAY~

You don't feel like anything has changed, you see that its grown with you!

10/10 on the REBOOT! This is how reboots should be done! Thanks Devs for making my childhood memories flood back!
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
6.5 ч. всего
A great puzzle game (to be updated.)
Опубликовано 29 июня 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
13.8 ч. всего (7.1 ч. в момент написания)
This is one of the cutest games I have played in a while.

This is based off my gameplay, with the moments I have and all the things that happened while I streamed the game to my boyfriend.
+Easy to run, I am pretty sure if you are on a simple laptop, you would be able to run it.
+Simple to learn, and easily functional.
+Achievements aren't impossible to get, but you have to work fort them, I like that.
+There are super cute chickens that make you giggle, from the exercises they to to the conga like line they walk in.
+Easy save, and controls.
+Did I say cute chickens? Oh I did, my favorite is the one I call Dr.Quackers. (if you play the game you will learn what I am talking about.)
+Free to Play, the dev I assume is new to the board, and gave us a taste of what they can do.

All in all, I think its a cute game to play when you want to be able to walk away but want to play a game too, its not stressful or punishing.

This is just little things I would like to see the game have or well, not have xD maybe..
-It crashed a few times, but I restarted and it was fine.
-I finished the game in 7.1 hrs, and thats with a lot of afk moments.
-I want more to do, or at least more goals to reach so I can play more.

there isn't much wrong with the game tbh, it ended short for my taste, but if you are a acheivement hunter, this is a game to add to the library.

Anyway I love the game and I am excited to the next update (Christmas?)

Опубликовано 28 ноября 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 9
450.5 ч. всего (409.5 ч. в момент написания)
A friend gave me this game, by force. Trust me when I say force. Because I never wanted this game to begin with. But to get my boyfriend to play, they bought it for me to get him to play. Unfortunately, I couldn't return it, nor could I undo the misery this game truly caused. But maybe I can give you some pros and cons, to help your decision to save a buck.

Remember this is based off what I have dealt with...
+Fun to drive around in and kill your own teammates (Dan)
+Fun looting and walking simulator.
+Great way to kill time.
+Great to relieve stress from cs:go.. xD (Thats a joke btw)
+I can run it.. Now. Kinda.

Puns are intended..
-Dying for no reason. Hiding, great you are dead. Out in the open, great you are dead. You are in the zone? Great you are dead, from someone 10 miles in the BLUE. Why because logic.
-Its not very easy to run, unless you have a beefly computer, (Thanks Dan, Not Shank, lying ass)
-Uh, Lag is great, yeah that.
-Oh look microtransactions, why, because we are jerks and want money. :D
-Oh you are new to the game, well here, lets show you why you won't play alone anymore. (single player, weeee dead.) GJ
-ANYWAY, its runs badly, like i said before. So if you are getting this, well be prepared for A LONG DOWNLOAD, and then learning you can't run it. (I run it just fine)
-Uh idk really what else to put, other then the devs are greedy, don't deliver whats promised, and tries to sugarcoat their lies with 'free' things, that cost money :D

REGARDLESS, all the battle royale games are to over hyped and honestly not worth investing in. So just don't bother and buy a better game, or wait for a hypocrite friend to buy it for you and then never play it again. :D

Опубликовано 23 июля 2018 г..
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