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Recent reviews by Čáves Romáles

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8 people found this review helpful
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3.5 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Alright, here's the deal:

Yes, this game is a glitchy mess.
Yes, this game will crash.
Yes, this game will probably never have new content again due to legal issues.

When you look at some really cult horror, your eyes must rest on the Friday 13 series. A bloody rampage, in which a shapely lunatic with a covered face and a bunch of teenagers thinking only of sex play a role. Since its premiere in 1980, the film has had a number of sequels, TV series, books, etc. Given the immense popularity of the theme, it is surprising that the material has not seen more video game adaptations - only two. In 1989 and this year in the form of Friday the 13th: The Game, where you and other players get the main role. This is a third person survival game with asymmetric multiplayer. You probably already know that on one side there is a bloodthirsty Jason Voorhees, on the other side there are teenagers who will try to survive his rage.

Jason's rampage

Asymmetric multiplayer means different abilities. Jason moves slowly, but he balances his numerical and speed disadvantages with several special abilities, the vast majority of which are very interesting, especially when you learn to use them correctly. Jason's ability to move, whether at shorter distances or anywhere on the map, helps Jason catch up.

Basically, you can be in a pretty remote place in a second, which contributes to the feeling of insurmountability of the killer character and to building tension in all survivors. As soon as Jason, even if only by chance, approaches another player, the tempo of the music changes accordingly, until a chill runs down the man's back. But back to Jason.

The other two abilities are the senses, which help Jason orient himself in dark places (something like a flashlight), or better locate his victims. All special abilities have their cooldown, in addition, they are activated gradually in the game so that the survivors have a little advantage. In addition to special abilities, Jason can also use traps and throwing knives, which slows down his victims and increases his chances of "arriving".

The killer, who controls the game well, can then play nicely with his victims. It offers the possibility to turn off the light inside the quarters, where the hidden player is currently located, you can also walk around the closet, from where the poor victim is looking at you, or you can move behind her back. This is interesting not only from the point of view of active players, but also of already deceased individuals who can observe what is happening in the same way as in other online games.

Teenagers can spin it

Playing behind teenagers is a bit easier in the sense that you basically just have to hide well and press the button to hold your breath at the right time. Then, with a little luck, Jason can't locate you, and therefore can't kill you. But being hidden for long minutes and not moving is exciting so maybe for the first time. Fortunately, there are other ways to win.

First of all, you can call the police and get to them when they arrive. You can also put a car or a boat into operation, for example. That means finding a flashlight, gasoline and a key, installing and refilling everything, and then driving some distance to safety. However, you make certain sounds that Jason can pick up, so you're basically more fragile, at least if you can't handle a few basic options, such as sneaking in or hitting Jason, which stops for a few moments.

If you decide to actively fight, it is quite interesting to cooperate, however, the game has not yet balanced the cooperation. At least not as it should. Leaving aside the obligatory situation, when you get completely out of the party, a second extreme can occur. If the whole gang stays together and pounces on Jason with weapons, Jason usually won't even cross. Needless to say, the game loses its charm in such a situation.

An exception may be an extremely capable player, but I have not met that in the game yet. In addition, stronger players exaggerate a bit with godliness, so when you wait for a new sword, you have to hold out until the last seconds of the game, or jump out of the game and log in to another game. Sometimes it delays unnecessarily, but that's the fate of these online games.

One on one

I must admit that the game has a relatively fast start. Without learning anything, in two games you are at the peak of your strength and you have a relatively good time. However, although the creators tried to revive it with various badges, achievements or perks that you can equip the victims with (higher running speed, higher car speed, starting the game with the first aid kit, etc.), all the magic disappears relatively quickly.

It is true that the creators operated only with a limited budget, which they collected through Kickstarter. However, it is also true that there could have been a little more possibility. A total of three maps, three main destinations, and that's it. Even the game environment is relatively austere. Except for a few weapons, items and drawers, you won't touch anything. You can only hide in the closet or under the bed. By that I mean that if you want to play this game today and every day, you will soon get into outrageous boredom. But if you turn on this game once every two years, you will have a royal fun.

It's also worth saying that we should look forward to a single-player game during the summer. However, since the game still suffers from some technical problems (for example, the trap levitates two meters from the ground, the character's teeth stick out of the mouth, as if he had no faces, etc.), the question is whether the release will not be delayed yet. In any case, the date has not yet been officially announced

A faithful rendition of the cult series. The entertainment is almost instant, but it also fades just as quickly. If there were more options and environments, one might last longer. But who knows. Pretty good for a few games, but you don't come back that often. The impression is spoiled by weaker graphics and technical processing.

Posted 10 March, 2021.
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41.0 hrs on record (25.4 hrs at review time)
Among Us is a game for a group of people who already know each other or will soon get to know each other, and whose task is to keep the spaceship running, while fulfilling a number of related duties. The only problem on this beautiful otherwise beautiful voyage to the depths of space is the wrecker on board the ship. One crew member lies to the others about his activities and one by one gets rid of them.
Among Us was released at the end of 2018, but at that time the game did not catch on much and the developers apparently had problems with the servers. At the moment, however, it is one of the most streaming games on Twitch. And I guess I understand why, who wouldn't like stabbing a 2D pole in the back of their friends and strangers?

The game is not exactly a breakthrough, either graphically or mechanically, but there is beauty in simplicity. Your task is simple, whether you play as a crew member or a cheater. As a crew member, you try to do your job while staying alive. If you manage to detect a cheater, you win and live to see another day in empty space. As a cheater, you try to get rid of individual crew members quite inconspicuously, your task is not to get caught and ideally to lead your opponents off the trail.

Among Us is a really simple game and although a lot of them have already been released, it somehow stands out. The game is for 4-10 players and you can either play it in front of the computer with people you know or you can join the aliens and try your luck. The game can also be played on a mobile phone, so you can download it with friends and play while sitting on the couch.

The only rule in the game is not to betray yourself as a cheater and not to challenge others who killed you. Logically, it's not worth playing a round in which you know who is going to kill you and you can simply avoid it. It will also ruin the whole round when someone is asked who killed him in a fit of rage. Personally, I think you'll laugh more with your friends at the game. But no matter who you play with, you're sure to have fun.

The game costs € 4 on Steam and recently broke a record with 1.5 million players simultaneously in the game.

Among Us je hra pro skupinu lidí, kteří už se znají nebo se brzo dobře poznají, a jejichž úkolem je udržet v chodu vesmírnou loď, a přitom plnit řadu povinností s tím spojenou. Jediným problémem na téhle krásné jinak krásné plavbě do hlubin vesmíru je záškodník na palubě lodi. Jeden člen posádky lže ostatním o svých aktivitách a jednoho po druhém se jich zbavuje. Among Us vyšla už na konci roku 2018, ale tehdy se hra moc nechytila a podle všeho měli vývojáři problémy se servery. Momentálně jde ale o jednu z nejstreamovanějších her na Twitchi. A asi chápu proč, koho by nebavilo vrážet 2D kudlu do zad svých přátel i neznámých lidí?

Hra není zrovna přelomová ať už graficky nebo mechanikami, ale v jednoduchosti je krása. Váš úkol je jednoduchý, ať už hrajete za člena posádky nebo za podvodníka. Jako člen posádky se snažíte dělat svoji práci, a přitom zůstat naživu. Pokud se vám povede odhalit podvodníka, vyhráváte a dožijete se dalšího dne v prázdném vesmíru. Jako podvodník se snažíte zbavit jednotlivých členů posádky pěkně nenápadně, vaším úkolem je nenechat se chytit a ideálně svést svoje protivníky ze stopy. Among Us je opravdu jednoduchá hra a i když takových už vyšlo hodně, nějak vyčnívá z řady. Hra je pro 4-10 hráčů a můžete si ji zahrát buď před počítač s lidmi, které znáte nebo se můžete přidat k cizincům a zkusit svoje štěstí. Hra se dá hrát i na mobilu, takže si ji můžete s přáteli stáhnout a hrát zatímco sedíte na gauči.

Jediným pravidlem ve hře je neprozradit sebe jako podvodníka a nevyžvanit ostatním kdo vás zabil. Logicky nemá cenu hrát kolo, ve kterém víte, kdo se vás chystá zabít a můžete se mu prostě vyhnout. Stejně tak zkazí celé kolo, když někdo vyžvaní kdo ho zabil v záchvatu vzteku. Osobně si myslím, že se u hry víc zasmějete s přáteli. Ale ať už hrajete s kýmkoliv, určitě se budete bavit.

Na Steamu hra stojí 4 € a nedávno překonala rekord s 1,5 miliony hráči současně ve hře.
Posted 10 March, 2021.
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63.8 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Phasmophobia (also known in our newsroom as "no, thanks") quickly reached the top of the best-selling games on Steam. And even though it may not seem so at all, it has more to it than it seems at first glance.

The premise itself is very simple: your task is to climb up to three other people where they seem to be haunted, find a ghost, find out the information you need about it and get out of there. Of course he lives. Compared to other horrors of this style, Phasmophobia differs precisely in the investigative part - by the collection of information - which plays a key role here, as some form of expulsion or elimination of the spirit does not figure here. With a variety of tools, you need to find out as much as you can about it in an American barracks, an abandoned farm, or a high school building. This is so that you can pinpoint its type, ie whether it is, for example, Genie, Poltergeist, Demon and so on. All the evidence must then be written in a diary and simply left. That doesn't sound so interesting? …Maybe. But believe us, in practice it's a completely different scary fairy tale.

Although Phasmophobia does not dazzle with its visual side - and certainly not with animations - it can surprise with its playability and, above all, its atmosphere. For example, there are usually only ambient sounds between you and the spirit; I vividly remember when I first turned on the game and tried the tutorial. From a relatively safe van, I flew into the house full of vigor, only to be greeted by… complete and complete silence. Even though I knew that the tutorial spirit would do nothing to me, the emptiness had a strong effect on me. Of course, it's a little different with other players, because communication and agreement is one of the cornerstones of this game. On the other hand, there are still moments of complete silence and solitude, which balances the horror experience again.
Posted 10 March, 2021.
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37 people found this review helpful
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60.8 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I am very impressed with this game. Its worth FAR MORE THAN $20.

It fills the following niches;

* Open World; My god, its HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE
* Crafting; HUGE crafting tree with tiers of upgrades
* building; you can build some very impressive homes, castles, towns, etc
* survival; oh yes, food, health, temperature, shelter
* lore/gameplay; significant effort put into crafting a unique yet familiar worl
* social gameplay; up to 10 fellow gamers ; open, locked and public worlds

* log into any world you want to at any time with any of your characters and carry stuff between worlds
* Use a world as a home base, while hunting, gathering, fight in, in other worlds
* up to 10 friends can co-op play with you, you can join their worlds, they yours - carry stuff between

I was hooked almost from the beginning. Your clumsy character makes you think the game is clumsy, no, you are just a noob and need to train up. get to work, make an axe, and then hunt down everything in sight.

You can make a world, and keep it just to live on, and even lock yourself in the center of a castle, and when you want to play the game, go into any world you want to, or make a new one, gather stuff there, complete your store there, and use your home world as a storehouse and life raft. You can logout at any time, and what you do in one world can be carried to the next both as items, and as experience.

Its been a long time since I was impressed enough to say the following about a game:

You'd be a fool to pass this game up.

Posted 23 February, 2021.
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8.4 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
První Mafia je minimálně v malé zemičce uprostřed Evropy totální kult. Nejen proto, že jako jedna z prvních her uspěla ve světě a dostala Česko na herní mapu, ale samozřejmě i kvůli českému dabingu, a především díky svým kvalitám.
Na ty se pokoušela navazovat s větším či menším (ale obvykle menším) úspěchem pokračování, která i když nebyla špatná, obvykle donutila člověka hlavně k tomu, aby s láskou vzpomínal na jedničku. Čas vzpomínání teď ale končí, protože první Mafia se vrací v přepracované edici, díky níž si může příběh Tommyho Angela prožít nová generace hráčů. A ta stará si připomene, proč u něj před osmnácti lety proseděla nejednu noc.
Mafia: Definitive Edition v kostce
Přepracovaní verze osmnáct let staré herní klasiky
Skvěle vymyšlené a nadesignované mise
Postavy, které si zamilujete a budete se o ně bát
Drsná akce, strhující příběh a skvělý dabing
Posted 27 October, 2020. Last edited 25 November, 2020.
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1,660.0 hrs on record (1,613.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 15 October, 2020. Last edited 2 November, 2024.
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