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148.2 h registradas (139.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 22 de febrero.
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Automate CEOs
Publicada el 18 de febrero.
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15.9 h registradas
It's simply unfinished, so right away I can't recommend it. Someone mentioned this game may have been in development for as many as 10 years. I have to say someone was clearly lied to. This feels so underbaked and rushed, but that may be the one familiar thing about this game so far.

First of all, the slogan was betrayed; "Can you build a Civilization that will stand the test of time?" no longer applies. Because your civilization is forced to evolve its culture to something completely different at the era transition stages, and your units disappear or upgrade automatically depending on circumstance, and your converted cities become towns again without certain legacy point expenditures, you can hardly be called the same civilization at all. All of this is automatically done for you unless you follow some bizarre rule sets, or achieve legacy points to save converted cities. I'm all for gameplay innovation, but when you radically change the mechanic that makes the game identifiable, it feels like a needless risk that clearly didn't pay off - cause everyone clearly hates it.

The AI is pretty much on par. You'll get triple-declared, smack all of your opponents back and take their cities, and then they'll beg for peace just like always, but they'll give up ridiculously upgraded cities to appease you. Then they'll turn around and attack your ally immediately afterward, drawing you right back into war. Once you transition ages, they all forward settle you and place cities in areas completely devoid of resources, simply to crowd you. In 6, these cities would've evaporated within a few turns because they were so far away from their respective capital cities. I understand some of this is going to be fixed, but why wasn't it fixed ahead of release? The last game came out 9 years ago, the last major expansion 6 years ago. What have 2K had Firaxis doing this entire time?

A cursory search of Civ 7 video reviews will reveal the nasty consensus that the features included are either unfinished, or completely devoid of information available to the user. The amount of things I simply cannot find in the Civlopedia in-game is astonishing. "What's this mean? What's this do? Guess I have to guess" is a common thought process. The UI, for all its ugliness, is also materially lacking. There's just no information. The quality of life stuff is all gone - where's my trade route cap? Where's the 1-click victory panel? It's next to impossible to differentiate districts in your cities, because you can build anywhere you want. Everything is the same color. It's pretty to look at, but a nightmare to organize and build with any kind of quick and easy planning.

The list of gripes goes on, and on:

-Religion is yet again an undercooked afterthought whereby the AI pumps out overwhelming numbers of missionaries, so converting cities feels like a fruitless endeavor because they'll all just be reconverted within 2 turns. Immediately ran into an issue where I couldn't spread religion in a "holy city" of an opponent. "What's a holy city?" I asked myself, quickly heading to the civlopedia to again find nothing about "holy city(s)". Some of the short-term bonuses for converting settlements are nice, but ultimately negligible the further into the game you get.

-I've had issues with opposing units attacking cities from a river tile, whereby they can attack me, but I can't attack them. Bug? Feature? Who knows.

-The tech and civic trees cannot be plotted further than the next unlockable option, so you can't beeline shipbuilding or something like that. You have to manually click each time your tech or civics upgrade. Another feature from the past several games unceremoniously stripped away from this one for no apparent reason.

-Damaged units can't be deleted (presumably if they're not on your owned tile), so if your unit gets locked behind closed borders, and you can't get them open, you're now maintaining a useless unit that can't be deleted.

-I think the "Show More" option in the game menu is the perfect microcosm of everything wrong with this game. Why not have fewer options in the menu, or smaller font instead of hiding EXIT TO DESKTOP behind MORE OPTIONS? Someone had to take time to code in an expansion button...FOR THE MENU.

-The leaders have no personality. You don't even play as a leader. You play as a ghost observing a leader. They didn't even give your leader lines. They just grunt, or grimace, or smirk. Declaring war on someone? Bare your teeth and "arrgh". Being declared on? Grunt. Establishing a game-changing alliance? "Hnnn :P". Again, bare minimum development for a once very simple, satisfying immersion system that now feels jarring and out of place.

I fully blame Take-Two and 2K. They simply ruin just about every franchise they get their grubby hands on. They just can't help themselves bastardize a series with 35 years of prestige, a genre leader in almost every way now reduced to paid beta test with slimy pre-release editions. I could've bought Kingdom Come 2..
Publicada el 16 de febrero. Última edición: 18 de febrero.
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21.9 h registradas (21.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's a lot of fun, and it's very frustrating, too. I'll blame it on early access, but the pacing in this game really sucks. I didn't play POE 1, so maybe it's by design, but I can't stand having to give up on a boss entirely because I'm not 7 levels over where the world map says you can be to do it. The motto is "overgeared and overleveled", but it takes ages to level, and it takes ridiculous amounts of gold to buy gear, otherwise you're just grinding RNG like any other MMO.

I'd actually recommend waiting until it finally releases F2P. The 30 bucks is really just the supporter bundle. They give you some kind of coin you can use to buy cosmetics and tabs or something, but some of the cosmetics are like $84. Literally $84. I wish I had researched that bit before I bought into early access, because it didn't seem worth it in hindsight. I'm not a big ARPG guy but the positive reviews got me, I guess. I'll see it through, but it's a very frustrating experience for someone who doesn't like to minmax or theorycraft. I just want to play.
Publicada el 6 de enero.
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2.2 h registradas
Surreal horror done pretty well. The game's a bit short, I finished it in under 3 hours, and only found 3/18 achievements. Still a fun experience, and a pretty fresh game on the whole.
Publicada el 3 de enero.
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27.3 h registradas (11.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Like an abusive partner, I keep coming back to this very flawed franchise, but this time I have some good news.

I scored a 3-pointer in my first game as a 60 overall - WITH AN IMPERFECT SHOT RELEASE. That's how I know MyCareer is worth playing again. It took them like 7 years, but this mode isn't worthless now. I don't dabble in online play; YES WE EXIST. I think the Park and VC were the worst gameplay decisions in this franchise's history, and it ruined everything, but I can enjoy MyCareer in peace again, at least for a short while. I've already put up multiple 20+ point games, and it still doesn't feel like I'm being handed anything on PRO difficulty. This is a monumental quality of life change that the series has been missing for years.

The upgraded attributes system lets me know what I can unlock with each skill point, new animations, new badges, etc. From what I've seen, you don't have to pay double to learn animations once you've upgraded the skill to unlock them. I just keep seeing more and more "FREE" jump shot animations for purchase the more VC I put into 3-point shooting. The creator also has prebuilds from various sources, including the Community at large, to help create comfortable archetypes without investing too much time.

I don't know what the AI tuning was like at launch but I read a lot of horror stories back then about dumb AI, only tossing up tres and nothing else. I've experienced something very different. AI players are playing to their real-life strengths. Jokic goes inside a lot, Jimmy Butler slashes a lot, Rudy Gobert blocks A LOT. I'm concerned because normally NBA2K is not this enjoyable. There's always a glaring error in MyCareer that ruins the entire thing and sours the experience, usually tuning-related or unskippable advert-related - I haven't really found it this year yet. Everything has been largely pleasant. Some graphical stuff now that we're in current gen, and I think I may have had one crash in between games, but largely it's been a positive experience. I can't imagine 2K will allow this to continue, because I'm not their model consumer. I don't buy VC, so I don't experience a lot of their online advertising. I'm the enemy, but then this is why I find ways to get this game on the cheap.

Not a return to form, not by a long shot, but I'm enjoying my $19-with-a-3-year-old-remaining-giftcard-balance-I-forgot-about experience.
Publicada el 23 de diciembre de 2024.
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16.6 h registradas (10.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's in a good spot for early access. Looking forward to new brand editions and game types.
Publicada el 26 de septiembre de 2024.
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23.6 h registradas (21.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)

Stern, but fair.
Publicada el 24 de septiembre de 2024. Última edición: 26 de febrero.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 27 SEP 2024 a las 13:05 (ver respuesta)
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0.9 h registradas
It wasn't for me. It felt like Subnautica's illegitimate sibling, living forever in its shadow and neglected by its parents. There are some janky features in the UI, sound design, and crafting menus that just bother me. The collection animation particularly makes my eye twitch, especially when you realize they put the ability to just yoink materials off the ground, but only if you've dropped them or they came crashing down from orbit. Why, then, must I suffer the weird animation of suctioning up what looks like 10 materials (but it's really just 1), and if I don't sit there and stare for the duration of the animation, my character doesn't pick it up? Little things like that are bothersome because I'm expected to use this animation hundreds or thousands of times. Limited inventory makes early game exploration kind of difficult. If you don't carry a bunch of oxygen, you can't hardly wander 500 feet from your base before you have to start going back. I'm sure the game opens up after a while, but I kept running into irksome features that just didn't feel right. Maybe Subnautica spoiled me.
Publicada el 10 de septiembre de 2024.
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5.8 h registradas (4.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's in a fairly good spot as far as early access titles go. There is some missing content, and then there are quality of life issues, too. It needs a native windowed mode, and the escape key does nothing in-game where a lot of menus are used throughout. It's still a pretty fun little time waster. Great if you can't really pay attention every second, but still want to progress a character.
Publicada el 16 de julio de 2024. Última edición: 23 de julio de 2024.
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