
Arsinowey の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:223.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.4時間)
This is an older game but for folks that don't want a story and enjoy hidden object scenes, this is your game. It's a nice, relaxing and fun few hours and it's at the best price during the summer sale. . . .
I play these types of games with my 4 yr old grandson, it helps him learn how to find items and he doesn't get all bored and wonder off, like he does during other HOG story portions. . .
投稿日 2017年6月27日.
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総プレイ時間:8.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:7.5時間)
I had this one on my wishlist for a minute. I bought it through Amazon and activated it here. Turns out I'm really enjoying this game.
To the people that don't like the new Hidden Object/Adventure genre, you may not like this game. They don't really advertise it as a HOG on Amazon . I'm thrilled with it. I love HOG's,they were my favorite for a long time.
About this game:
Voice acting-very well done in my opinion and it saves people from reading,which keeps many people from playing games that are really great. . .
Backgrounds- very pretty,looks like they took the time to actually get the scenes correct and nice to look at. . .
Music- I usually turn down most game music most of the way,it tends to get annoying- I did the same with this,so can't really comment on it.
Hidden Object scenes- were very nicely done. It's not the "giant jumble pile" a lot of games tend to use. The things in the scenes were relevant to the game and you really had to "hunt" for them.
Puzzles- They became the same few puzzles over and over,but they were in places you'd expect them to be and they helped move on the game. . .

For me,overall,I think I'd give this game an 8 out of 10,it was worth the price I paid (5 USD) but I don't think I'd pay full price (10 USD) for it personally,I think they try to charge way too much for HOG's that you will usually only play once anyway.

Thanks for reading and Happy Gaming Everyone !!
投稿日 2016年7月20日. 最終更新日 2016年7月20日
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総プレイ時間:1,689.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,264.4時間)
This game has given me a new hope for Early access games,I never thought I would say that,but it really does !!
The Long Dark sat in my wishlist for 7 months and if I would've known how much enjoyment it was going to bring me I would've bought it then and saved the hundreds of dollars I spent on games that held my interest for an hour or two and were then deleted and the next new one played and put aside and on and on. . . .

Very intense gameplay and omfg it's so much fun and what a challenge !!

You can play so many different ways too,you can explore and gather everything you can find or you can try and hunt and gather to survive for the long haul,you can be just a hunter and try to live off of the things mother nature offers or you can set up a cushy home base and go out on re-cons to exhaust all the resources of one area and then move to another and on and on. . . .

And thats just the start of it !! Hinterland Studios has kept their word and give us very regular updates and are always expanding the game,adding new areas to explore and new ways to do things and all of that is in EA !!
We're waiting on the next update and hopefully it's going to be the new story mode I've been researching on the Hinterland forums,it promises to be something very special !!

For now,we have around a 22 km of map to explore,survive in and if its your cup of tea(or coffee or soda) to exploit !!
I cannot express enough in this review,how much pleasure this game has brought to me and it does it all without one single monster,zombie,evil warlords or any other catchy little thing most of todays devs are tossing into survivor type games !! It's all mother nature and her critters !!

So,in a nut shell,buy this game if survival is what your into or if your into hunting or exploring,just buy the game,it's a 20 very well spent !!
Thank you Hinterland Studios,for the best game in my library !!!

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投稿日 2015年10月18日. 最終更新日 2017年4月19日
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5 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:19.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:18.0時間)
~Early Access Review~

I know games in Early Access have a certain stigma,some questionable devs have been slapping an "Early Access" label on complete POS games and selling them for insane amounts of money and not updating or completing their games. . . .THAT IS NOT THE CASE WITH THIS GAME !! So far there have been several updates and I've only had the game for 6 days,I'm really pleased so far with these devs and this game !! The devs are active in the games forums and really seem to be wanting to give us a quality game !!

When I saw this game,I waited a few days and read through the reviews,I trust what my fellow gamers have to say a whole lot more than those that get paid to write reviews. . .It looked like a really good game,so I took the chance and so far so awesome !!


I love the way the entire game is nothing but a glorious mind f*ck !! It's everything a horror experience should be !!
I love the way the enviroment changes as I look around in a 360 degree circle. . .this game got the insanity feeling that I was hoping for in Hektor,spot on !!
Some fellow gamers have alluded to how this game reminds them of PT,but to be honest,I have no clue what PT is/was so,for me,that aspect dosen't matter . . .
I also want to touch on the things that make it a good game,in my opinion,the atmosphere is so twisted that I get jumpy all the time. . .A rat skitters across the floor making it's "squeaky" rat noise and I threw my controller,swear to the Gods,I threw it and my dog just looked at me as if I were crazy !!
I love the way there are various "warnings" on the walls or in the enviroment !! Listen to what those warnings say !! It could be the difference between life and death !!
I've loved getting snippets of the story via various notes,letters,diary pages,writing on the walls and so on. . .

There is soooo much more to this game and the devs are updating it regularly !! So,for me,I love getting to do another "play through" after updates and I honestly cannot wait for the ending !! It's got to be wonderful and I'm excited to get it !!

I think if you like horror,you need to buy this game. . .If you like story-rich games,you need to buy this game. . .if you like exploration,you need to buy this game. . . .I recommend this game,whole-heartedly !!
投稿日 2015年9月13日.
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7 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
OUTSTANDING ! ! ! Tiny little game,HUGE thoughts,feelings and emotions !
It's all about exploring,just a simple little place,with a few doors.Figure out how to open each door to get another slice of a very emotional pie. . .By the end,flashlight flickering,protagonists thoughts on the screen,it ends,taking me back to my desktop,a little confused,somewhat shaken up and full of thoughts racing through my own mind ! Now,the fun begins,in my opinion,as I get to toss the game all over in my mind,what did this mean...why did that happen...what was meant when he said. . .It's a wonderful thinking game,where I get to run wild through my imagination,tossing bits of this story back and forth until I'm satisfied with my hypothesis and I put it to rest. . . .Until the next time,when some little thing happens in my life,that opens this game back up in my mind and I begin the process again and again and again !! Just enough on screen to make it a never ending story in my mind !!
Thank you Devs,I absolutely appreciate what you did and where you took me !!
Do I recommend this game-100% yes !!
投稿日 2015年8月4日.
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5 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
This is gonna be a really quick (I hope) review of Decay-The Mare. . .

I'm actually in game as I write this,I just wanted to say something really fast about this game,yes,it's a point and click !! But I believe that for this game,it really works !! I personally love P&C games,they are the first type of games I played when I left the world of HOGs and started looking for a more involved genre of games to play !! Just like P&C mystery games,this game has a nice flow,so far. . . .

It seems to me to have all the ambience of a decently made horror game,you feel creeped out being in this seemingly abandoned rehab hospital. . . I like the subject of the game too,going through treatment for drug abuse,it's a bold subject and could have been taken the wrong way by the audience and could have offended A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE !!
I,for one,think it's an outstanding subject and I believe that there is SO MUCH that can be done with this subject matter and I'm hoping to see way more ideas about it in the future !!

O.K.,about the game itself,it's a fairly standard point and click mystery/horror game. I think the surroundings are pretty creepy,the music lends itself to the feeling of dread,it's very unobtrusive but at the same time,it's always there,in the background,quietly sending out creepy vibes !!

There is plenty to do here and plenty of places to go and doors to enter. . .I've only come across 2 mini games so far and they were pretty straightforward P&C puzzles,if you take your time and observe your surroundings you'll find the answers to the puzzles,but you do have to be diligent and pay attention-you never know what is a clue and what's put there to throw you off the scent !! I think thats one of the things I look for in this genre,I want the answers to be in the gameplay,I don't want them to be so obscure I have to resort to a walkthrough,thats not a fun game,thats a crappy made game and those are the games I delete right away !! One thing I often do with games is I take notes !! Yes,take actual handwritten notes,that I can refer back to and use in case I get stuck and am not sure what to do !

You have an inventory,accessable by the I key on the keyboard,while in the inventory you have the ability to look at everything you've collected,you can turn things around and look at the backs of things,I suggest you should do that,if they give you that option,they do it for a reason and I believe you should take full advantage it. You also have a "combine" ability while in your inventory,as with the examine ability,I believe they give us this for a reason and it's never hurt anybody to try every insane combo you can !! You never know what will work together and what will not,unless you experiment around with your items !!

I'm gonna slide back in game now,I'll repost in this review as I progress deeper in game. . .
投稿日 2015年6月21日.
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総プレイ時間:5.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.9時間)
I bought this game for my 2 yr old grandson,Elijah . . With him being 2,I of course,have to help him quite a lot and that being said I think this is a really cute game for the 10 and under crowd. . .

There are lots of activities to do in this game for older kids. Right now about all Elijah can do is the picture painting and he completely loves doing that. . . The older he gets,the more he will be able to play. . .

I think I picked this one up for 39 cents and in my opinion I would have paid up to $3.99 for it,its well worth it.Some of the activities are checkers,painting,a memory type game,word finds and a game we call "Dots",where you have to make random lines on a grid of dots,in hopes of making boxes before your opponent does,the one with the most completed boxes by the end of the game,wins. . . And in all truth,I still play this game on paper with my 21 yr old daughter as it's a great strategy type game. . .

I give this kiddie-activity game a solid 9/10 and I do recommend it. . .
Happy Gaming Everyone. . . .
投稿日 2015年6月13日.
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:20.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:18.8時間)
Okay,yes,this game is old - well,lets not say "old",lets say,it's a "classic"...yeah thats it ,this game is a classic and for a classic,I've got to say its still a great looking game ! In my humble opinion,this is one of a handful of games that has deeply inspired a lot of the present day games of the genre. . . The game has an overall atmosphere of dread. . . It does a wonderful job in the fright department without resorting to cheesy,un-needed jump scares and gore. . .

We play as Phillip,a 30 yr old man searching for his presumed dead father. . .Phillip talks to us throughout the game and the voice acting is above par I think. . . The story unfolds by way of notes and letters,journal enteries and our own thoughts,voiced again,by Phillip and Red,that talks to us over a PA system and walkie talkie. . . I need to say something about Red (no spoilers) ,he is stupid-funny ! ! I sat at my laptop and honestly laughed out loud so much from what he says to us ! ! Don't get me wrong,Red is an annoying butt monkey,but he does it with humor or at least I think so. . .

The game is set in Greenland in an abandoned mining research/living facility and,like I mentioned earlier,we find various notes,journal enteries,research papers and so on. . . And thats how we find out what the hell happened to all the people that used to be there,including Phillips father,where they went,why they went there and just what in the world could have gone oh so wrong that they're all long gone. . .

There is lots to do,explore,learn,find,solve and run from. . .We even get to do a little killing,but the controls for the combat system are somewhat sucky and should be avoided if at all possible,except when you absolutely have to and there are times you have to.

So,in my opinion,I must say I really loved this game and it had a story that I was invested enough in,that I thoroughly looked forward to finding the next clue so I could advance the story and find out all of the who,what,where,when and whys . . .

I 100% recommend this game and the rest in the series,as they only improve upon what I think is a great story. . .

I give this horror/survivor game an 8/10,

Happy Gaming Everyone !!
投稿日 2015年6月13日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:72.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:60.6時間)
I love The Elder Scrolls....I love Morrowind...It's a true RPG...
You get to build your character from the ground up and in this one,there is no hand-holding or help...
You get a journal,it's not very helpful,but it helps keep you up with what you're doing at the moment...
You have the ability to create your own spells and enchantments...I personally love the Alchemy in the game where you can create all your own potions and poisons ...
The world is HUGE !! And your free to roam it for as long as you want to without even continuing the main quest...There are TONS of side quests,faction quests,mini quests and personal quests...I personally love that part of the game too...
There are so many things to do in Morrowind and you really can play forever if you wanted to !!
The best reason to buy it is it's an Elder Scrolls game and they are all amazing !!!
投稿日 2015年5月8日.
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総プレイ時間:2.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.0時間)
I have to say this was a really great story...It has all the things one would feel,that's what I loved about it,it made me feel...I felt bad he didn't know where his wife was and I felt bad when he started remembering his life with her...I felt even worse at the end for him,but I won't give the story away...
All I can say is this was my first Visual Novel,but it surely won't be my last,I'm going shopping right now....you should try this,what have you got to lose? An hour? It's free and can't hurt to try something new,I did and I can't wait to find more like it...
投稿日 2015年1月13日.
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