Sonic 4 Jul @ 8:46pm 
🇺🇸🎉Hoping you and your family had an amazing 4th of July today! A great time to be alive.🇺🇸🎉
moon 24 Apr @ 8:24pm 
hey i know youre not trading but i still want to ask if your trencher's is for sale
Sonic 31 Mar @ 8:56am 
Hey! I hope you have a great Easter!
KingDogeThe3rd 23 Mar @ 4:42pm 
added for trade
DoucheBagDave 25 Feb @ 1:25pm 
10 Cent Unusual Discord Kitten :ujel:
boka [GER] #FixTF2 21 Jan @ 2:11am 
thanks for your reaction to my "ad" and the focused information contained :-)
Sonic 31 Dec, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
Happy New Year! Here's to another good (And hopefully, even better) year!
Starman Deluxe 25 Dec, 2023 @ 7:18am 
🎄Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!❄

Hopefully this year has treated you well, & may the next one be even better. Thank you for being a cherished friend, & I hope to see you in game, or play one with you sometime!

Much love from mine to yours...
ez$ Dom 25 Dec, 2023 @ 1:09am 
Merry Christmas Mari! I hope you & yours have a wonderful day. :happy_cats::esc_heart:

Much love,
Sonic 24 Dec, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
Merry Christmas! Have a good day with your family. The end of the year is near!
Taska (he sucking futa dick) 17 Dec, 2023 @ 10:28am 
I'm glad to be your friend.
MarianneLovewell 17 Dec, 2023 @ 9:36am 
Assuming that translates directly, there are worse things to have on my wall, lol.
And yeah, that sort of thing works
Taska (he sucking futa dick) 16 Dec, 2023 @ 2:05pm 
江邊晨露流淌,海面平靜。這些水最終將成為我明天用來清潔睪丸的水。Kinda thing, right love?
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
Archiving this whole conversation, including their deleted second comment here:

I still have no idea how someone could act like this, lol.
Like it says at the top of my profile: Have fun! No need to be toxic, y'all~
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:46pm 
Smh all this from someone I didn't even send the trade to, nor whose items were being discussed. THEY declined with grace and respect.
I've made my own reasons for the value of my trade clear, and I think you've made your own opinions clear.
You don't like this perceived image of a lonely child you have of me and think the trade was ♥♥♥♥.
Only one of us has lost their damn mind. Like "It has been made abundantly clear that you did not receive enough attention during adolescence, and I am merely sympathizing with you" what?
Lmao I have two parents that love me and each other, friends that value me, and a significant other that means the world to me.
From my perspective you're a just another high and mighty trader so sure that everything they say is right.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
As jovial as this conversation is, I will not be replying to this thread anymore. You know what you did, and what you continue to do. Other people can see it too, and choosing to spam the classic "im trans" cop-out to avoid punishment is omega male behavior.

Instead of accepting responsibility for your actions, you choose to lash out against dissenters like a wounded animal. There is no helping you; you are incapable of saving. The only thing we can do is hope you're eventually capable of self-introspection and do a complete 180 on this whole degenerate facade.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:36pm 
The love and attention comment had to do with your "identification." It has been made abundantly clear that you did not receive enough attention during adolescence, and I am merely sympathizing with you on that front. That comment WAS relevant, as it would explain why you are so delusional and self-absorbed.

Again, that was NOT my item. It is someone that I know's item, not mine. I don't know why I have to tell you everything multiple times. :skullold:

I love how you keep diverting the attention onto me. There is no source of pure copium quite like redirecting the conversational narrative towards someone/something other than what was originally mentioned.

I know you send offers like this to others, that much is obvious. Do you really expect me to believe this is the first time you have ever grossly overvalued your awful items? :funkymonkey:
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:29pm 
You claim your issue is with my "gross overvaluation" but took the most toxic, hate filled, belligerent way to get that across.
I disagree with your assessment but I could at least respect your choice and reasoning, this though?
It just makes me sad to know you're an actual person on the other side of this.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:18pm 
More delusional ramblings, lol.
How do you know I send "one-sided offers to children"? You keep making ♥♥♥♥ up lol.
Earlier you claimed I didn't get enough love as a child like that's at all relevant to what you're saying.
I really think you have gone mad, sweetheart, because at this point you're just rambling because.... *checks notes* you think I lowballed you on an item you were explicitly "Open to any offers" on.

Please, honestly, get help. Intentionally being an ass and gaining a reputation for such is not a thing to be proud of as you seem to be.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:54pm 
"...They "fixed" it and immediately walked back on the change..." Hence my use of the word "impermanent."

I am literally looking at the celestial sale, bro. It is 350. Your gross overvaluation is my major point of contention. Listings =/= lowball offers.

We take trading too seriously? That is your excuse? :funkymonkey: I know for a FACT you have sent offers this one-sided to several children that happened to unbox something you perceive as rare. I KNOW you are doing this to other people, as there is absolutely no way this was an isolated incident.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:46pm 
And there it is~
Another wild accusation~
Most of my purchases are made in full with keys. I make what I genuinely believe to be fair offers, I'm not ABC lmao.
Of the sister effects, Celestial is currently listed at 700, Sylicone at 1000. My 1111 is a placeholder price also looking for offers.

QS miscs are here to stay, not sure what you want on that front. They "fixed" it and immediately walked back on the change. I have yet to see any word from Valve on them changing this, though I'll happily eat my words of it comes to that.

You're a white knight for no one that asked or needs it, and waaaaaaaay full of yourself. I said it once and I'll say it again: people take trading too seriously.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
I know I am a prick. I have made a reputation off of it, and you could do an in-depth character study on my descent into madness. This, however, is not about me. This is about you low-balling anyone and everyone.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:29pm 
Pumpkin Moon blast was recently priced at around 200.
Celestial blast just sold for 350, and that is objectively a better effect.
Flames blasts have been selling for less than 150 too.

I don't know why you're pulling out the arbitrary "my item is worth more because I say it is" moniker, but you are not substantiating any of your claims with even a shred of evidence.

QS miscs have been on a downward trend ever since the impermanent fix for them. However, as much as I hate the Captain Space Mann, it is still an incredibly rare misc that is more than 3x the value of what you offered.

Your offer was 420 AT BEST, and that is embarrassingly low. The text you added on top of the offer was just chef's kiss. You cannot make this ♥♥♥♥ up. Most people wouldn't call you out on your malfeasance, but I have nothing to lose. You require a reality check.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:20pm 
Maybe, just maybe, you're the prick here?
Since receiving my trade, you've made wild claims about my personal life, called me a scammer multiple times, tried to hide behind the label of 'parody', and been generally rude.

I encourage you to be kind and empathetic in your next interaction, and wish nothing but the best for you Sweetie~

I shall reiterate, I have no intention of deleting anything in hopes that this can be a learning experience for all~
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 8:18pm
The deleted comment is in there, I'll admit steam is jank sometimes with stuff like that *shrug*

Alrighty~ let's play the trade game then.
I offered a Morning Glory Powdered Practitioner, Scorching Valley Forge, Molten Mallard Bolted Birdcage, and likely the big point of contention, the Global Clusters Blast Defense.

That for a Voltaic Space Mann, priced at 1100 and quote "open to any offers".
Clearly you're not actually open to any offers. Perhaps be more clear about what you're looking for?

My first three items are priced at roughly 225~ keys, while GC Blasts have very few sales. I personally value it at around 900~ based on similar effects and the constantly rising listing prices of other limited Blasts.
In particular the Frozen Icefall QS miscs for demo have been seen going for anywhere from 600-1000.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 7:51pm 
I didn't delete anything, I don't do that. Steam is known for having issues with that, though.
Muh muh *insert thing about how old tf2 is, providing no actual reasoning for a blasphemous statement*

Your only response to what I have said has been "haha triggered" which further bolsters the sentiments that were present in my first couple of comments. Using me as a straw man does not make you look better, btw, it only serves to make you look worse.

*gets called out for offering scam level trades*
"Not like this trading ♥♥♥♥ actually matters..."

Congrats, you clowned yourself.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 7:13pm 
Pixels on a screen, lol. Like any of this trading ♥♥♥♥ actually matters in a 16 year old game.
Do you just live your life like this, taking insult over every little perceived slight?
Deleting your comments on my profile is a nice touch, too~

I can do this all day, sweetheart, we're both monkeys flinging ♥♥♥♥ lmao
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 7:01pm 
You offered your steaming hot garbage on my friend's items, not mine.
I cannot believe you didn't register my profile as a parody; that ♥♥♥♥ is hilarious and proves how delusional you are. Accusations are different from objective truth, btw. I know what I said hit the nail on the head, and you are grasping at straws trying to defend yourself.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 6:36pm 
Lol, talking a lot of ♥♥♥♥ for someone who both has heart-emoji and pronouns in your own name AND makes random accusations.

I'll reiterate, your best option was just declining the trade and blocking me~
Just cause you don't like an offer doesn't make it a scam. I'm fairly certain you're response makes you a garbage person though~
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 6:18pm 
I am not getting into your delusion, as that is a rabbit hole of depression and anguish. I am sorry you didn't get a lot of love as a child, but that lack of attention does not change the laws of biology and science. If you truly felt that way, you wouldn't feel the need to plaster your fake pronouns on every form of social media, especially this one. This is nothing but an attention-seeking cry for help, and I really hope there is someone qualified to help you through this bout of lunacy.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 6:11pm 
I could delete these comments, but instead I'll leave them to show what kind of person you shouldn't be.
A sane person would just block and move on if the offer insulted you that much, but instead you chose to be toxic and gatekeep what, my sex?

I don't hide what I am, I'm a born male, non-binary, trans person. If you don't like the way I type, deal with it~

Kinda sad y'all got triggered so badly from a trade offer, lol.
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
And stop adding squigglies to the end of every message. It does NOT make you appear more feminine. You should count your lucky stars that you were selected to be given a comment from someone with infamy such as mine, as I am literally the Mao Zedong of the tf2 community.
MarianneLovewell 26 Oct, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
People take trading too seriously, lol.
Take the previous comments for example~
Rabican | MAGA 26 Oct, 2023 @ 3:57pm 
-rep lowballer shark
ten 26 Oct, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
Hey there! Sorry have to pass both on the spacemann offer and mentioning the pusher, i would need alot of adds as celestial blast has sold for 350 before and is up for 700 currently.
Tyce | 17 Oct, 2023 @ 2:01am 
Added to negotiate for my stellar ascent tundra top
kluri 11 Oct, 2023 @ 3:27am 
hey man, sorry but i'm not really in the mood for having to resell 5 new items that i don't even know the price of. plus i don't really like them enough to keep them around
MarianneLovewell 6 Oct, 2023 @ 11:49am 
Man I love all my screenshots and comments getting deleted because of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :] At least I kept my items this time, lol.

Remember that mobile authentication is your friend