United States
I am a person thing with fur
"I always carry 2 pieces of bread with me"

1. Flank
2. Abuse Unlocks

"You just fisted an entire robot army to death, there must be something valuable on it"
BIGBRAIN GAMING - Offentlig gruppe
god im so smart
I spill
I samtale
Fwick it, wewe do it wive. ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
You haven't changed. So swow to catch on. Seven minyutes. Seven minyutes is aww I can spawe to pway with you. Youw futuwe hinges upon this fight. You'we mewewy postponying the inyevitabwe. You can't hide fowevew. I tiwed of wasting my time with you. You disappoint me. Is that the best you've got? Ohhhh pwaytime is uvw. How unfowtunyate fow you. Don't you evew tiwe of faiwing youw mission? I'm nyot destwoying the wowwd, I'm saving (・ω´・) Onwy a handfuw of humans twuwy mattew. Evewyonye ewse is just so much chaff. Uwobowos wiww be weweased into the atmosphewe ensuwing compwete gwobaw satuwation. A nyew Genyesis is at hand and I wiww be the Cweatow. Nyatuwaw sewection weaves the suwvivows stwongew and stwongew (・ω´・) The human wace wequiwes Judgement (・`ω´・)
Chwiiiiiiiiisss!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Nylig aktivitet
8 447 timer totalt
sist spilt den 1. feb.
121 timer totalt
sist spilt den 1. feb.
34 timer totalt
sist spilt den 1. feb.
Prestasjoner   33 av 150
Rosella 18. jan. kl. 7.10 
ill think about it
Mosi ☾ 17. jan. kl. 22.30 
Rosella 14. jan. kl. 19.32 
im good, my girlfriend does that for me
Mosi ☾ 14. jan. kl. 10.03 
better start sensing these nuts
Rosella 2. jan. kl. 23.53 
im sensing a pattern
Mosi ☾ 2. jan. kl. 17.53 