♫You ain't gotta walk no thousand miles-
In my shoes just to see what it's like to be me ♫♪♪
I'll be you, let's trade shoes, just to see what it'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's minds, Just to see what we find
Look at ♥♥♥♥ through each other's eyes ♪♫:sog_heart:
Looking for Friends ( Read well, please )
Hi! You can call me Angel! :winterbunny2023:
I am enjoyer of vast variety of Games, mainly MMORPGs, Open World Survival Craft, Sandbox and alike :terraria:

Looking for insightful, wise friends with a lot of time in their hand, and interest in making friend group of 4 - 5 people, where we conquer games together as a few, enjoy long talks about deep topics and views, and support one another

If this sounds anything for you, please contact me here :fraise:
LGBTQ+ :approved:

Relationship fishers / Impatient people, please stay away uwu.
Review Showcase
5,520 Hours played
Objectively S Tier