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Reseñas recientes de Andrei2560

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175.8 h registradas (161.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Sony has been defeated good job Helldivers now we can go back to spreading managed Democracy.
Publicada el 4 de mayo. Última edición: 6 de mayo.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
11.8 h registradas (3.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great remake 10/10 would Alt+F4 again out of fear

M̵͙͌a̴̛̬k̷̹͌e̶̙͋ ̵̥̕Û̵̺ṣ̵͆ ̸̼́Ẅ̶̳́ḣ̴̯ò̶͇l̶̰͐e̶̼̓
Publicada el 29 de enero de 2023.
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257.3 h registradas (158.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of the best games I've played in the past few years. An Open World game that actually has a rich and fun world to explore world not just 20km of nothing or copy paste assets that gets boring quickly.

Now pls port Bloodborne on PC, I beg of you
Publicada el 31 de marzo de 2022. Última edición: 23 de noviembre de 2022.
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59.3 h registradas (7.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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The 3 sentences "Mankind is dead. Blood is Fuel. Hell is Full." explains this game very well, you are a robot who went to hell to find more blood since all humans are dead.
I strongly recommend this game to people who love "boomer shooters" or people who enjoy fast paced games and have decent aim(to be able to do the coolest mechanic of this game, more on it later) for the rest I can't 100% guarantee you'll enjoy the game, you are free to try it since the demo is free and it does a great job to show you how the game is.

Now for the in depth description of the game, will try to not spoil too much
The games starts off at the entrance of hell that's also where you are introduced to the first weapon, the pistol and it's "Piercer" variation, primary fire is your average pistol it shoots a bullet and deals low damage, the alternate fire charges up for a bit then shoots a higher damage bullet that pierces enemies.
After the first level you are able to buy the 2nd variation of the pistol, the "Marksman" which is THE most fun mechanic I've seen so far, your alternate fire becomes a coin which you toss in the air, if you shoot the coin while it's in the air it will ricochet and hit an enemy weak-point, furthermore timing it properly and you can make your shot split into 2 thus hitting 2 targets.

Soon after you get the 2nd weapon...a shotgun! The primary fire is what you'd expect and it's alternate fire is more of a grenade launcher. The other variant is a pump action, which increases your damage the more you pump, if you pump more than 3 times instead of a shotgun blast you'll make the gun explode(dealing damage to you as well). And on top of that you can PUNCH YOUR SHELL, as soon as you fire press your melee button and you'll make one of your shells to become explosive dealing more damage.

The 3rd weapon is a Nail Gun that shoots Nails, the alternate fire shoots a magnetic rod that attracts nails to it and the other one is a short burst that deals massive damage, great to take out tankier targets or deal massive damage to bosses

And your final weapon is a Railgun, which deals a lot of damage and also pierces through enemies, the 2nd variaton shoots a projectile that explodes and the 3rd one shoots a drill that gets stuck inside enemies and deals damage overtime. Also you can deflect coins with it, thus increasing your damage. As a downside the railgun has a long cooldown.

You get some "gear" in the form of arms, your basic arms which is made to parry projectiles back at the enemy(also your own shells or coins), another arm that deals more damage on melee and can easily take out squishy enemies with a blast, as a downside you can't parry projectiles and you melee speed is slower. The 3rd arm is more of a spoiler so I'll let you figure it out.

Movement wise you can wall jump, dash, slide and something I won't say since you unlock it pretty late into the game. Not that great at expressing/explaining properly so just trust me, it feels very fluid and smooth.

Overall a solid game for people who like fast-paced games, filled with secrets for you to find, I tried to stay away from bosses and some other things you may find so you can see them for yourself.
Publicada el 9 de octubre de 2021.
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820.0 h registradas (807.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you were to ask me if this game was worth it a year or so ago I would've said yes, but at the current state of the game and how WG treats it's own community and some of it's own employee I would advise to look at another game to play, the game only gets worse with each update.
The only good thing to this game at this point is the art, the art team alone is carrying this game.
Publicada el 11 de septiembre de 2021.
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199.9 h registradas (32.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of the best games I've played in a long time, I loved DOOM 2016 but this one blew me away even more, more fast paced, more demons, more demon guts, more metal soundtrack from Mick Gordon and more RIP & TEAR

Yeah there are some things that people won't agree like the new movement system with the climbing and the monkey bars or the decision to make your ammo pool smaller than previous games but I found this to be a welcome change making you think more of how to manage your resources.

The cutscenes well some will hate them others won't, well for me it's a mixed bag, they are very cool with a lot of fan-service for the DOOM fans but also I'm one of those persons who don't find it to be fitting for a DOOM game, overall they don't ruin the experience since they are pretty well made showing how the Slayer is an absolute badass.

The movement system in my opinion is overall good the one thing I dislike is the climbing they feel a bit weird in my opinion, the monkey bars they are not bad but not good either, I did not find myself using them that often during battles it was mostly only for traversing levels, the dashing is my favorite it gives you so much more mobility and it feels pretty good using it.

The demons well we have the normal roster like Imps, Zombie/Possessed, Mancubus, Cacodemon, Pinkies, Revenants, Hell Knights they all pretty much work like in 2016 DOOM.
-Arch-vile make a return and he's a pain in the ass just like in the original games
-The Baron of Hell is now faster and more dangerous with a new look
-Pain Elemental also makes a return from older games, it's just a more tanky Cacodemon in my opinion
-Prowler he makes a return-ish from DOOM 2016 Multiplayer it's meh a more dangerous Imp that can go invisible for a second
-Arachnotron makes a return from DOOM II, I found them as a welcome addition to the game
-Tyrant is basically the Cyberdemon from the original games with a new name and slightly less powerfull

Now the new demons:
-Gargoyle is basically a slightly better Imp
-Carcass are pretty annoying enemies who put a wall in your faces from time to time
-Doom Hunter is meh the design for them is meh the fight with them is ok-ish the fact that they have a 2nd phase is again meh for me, not bad but not good either
-Dread Knight oh boy if I am to hate someone he gets the top spot, they are rather fast demons who make environmental hazards and that's the main reason why I hate them despite the fact that they are fast and aggressive they also have that, yeah no thanks, I usually try my best to take them out first
-Marauder oh boy a very good concept but bad implementation, the idea of how they work is very good but how they actually function is...let's say not the best, they are usually the last enemies you fight and they will block any kind of attack you want to throw at them you need to hit them at the right moment and they'll get staggered for a second....if you're lucky, there were times where I blasted them when I needed to with my Super Shotgun but they did not get staggered and instead continued their attack and hit me
-Whiplash I find them slightly annoying takes a few hits to put them down and they crawl on the ground to move also they have some mid ranged attacks which can really ♥♥♥♥ you up but overall I found them quite enjoyable to fight

The music I think is a step up from 2016 DOOM so good job Mick Gordon you outdid yourself you damn legend

The weapons have been slightly tweaked I still used the Super Shotgun 80% of the time so I can't really talk much here about the other weapons except that the Gauss cannon has been removed and replaced with the Ballista which feels weaker to me than the Gauss Cannon

The level design is absolutely amazing and not just talking about the playing zones I'm also talking about the backgrounds they look amazing every single level had something that made me go "Woah that's soo cool"

There's also a new feature "Extra Lifes" which are exactly what they sounds, when you die if you had at least one extra life your health gets filled back up and you keep on Ripping and Tearing, I don't really like this feature, there's an option that disables them if you want so that's cool

Did I miss something? Well there's the multiplayer it's pretty simple 1 player who is in control of the Slayer and 2 players who are in control of 2 Demons and they fight, it's quite simple the slayer is more powerful than the 2 demons, obviously, so it's like a battle between Skill and Strategy(or so they are saying, haven't played a lot of multiplayer)

And now to finish it off, would I recommend this game? Yeah definitely, should you pay full price for it? Well I'd say yes, it's an amazing game sure it has it's fair share of negative stuff but overall the game is very good.

COVID-19 is temporary but DOOM, DOOM IS ETERNAL
Stay inside and play DOOM Eternal

PS: If there are any mistakes present in my review please do excuse me, I am writing this at 3AM in the morning, thanks

Update: The game is still amazing.
Publicada el 22 de marzo de 2020. Última edición: 27 de noviembre de 2020.
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20.0 h registradas (14.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'll try to keep my review as short as possible, also sorry for any mistakes, I'm writing this at 4AM.

The only reason why I recommended Azur Lane Crosswave is because I'm a big fan of the mobile game and I recommend it to people who are also big fans of the mobile game, for those who are not big fans, I don't suggest them to buy it or at least not at full price.

The game's story is presented in a Visual Novel style, the story itself well I have mixed feelings about it, it's not the same story as in the mobile game nor is it related to the one on the mobile, I don't wanna spoil it but on short the story is about THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!. But I enjoyed the new characters Suruga(well she's not that new since she's on mobile as well but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and Shimakaze , also I enjoyed the fact that characters from the mobile game got some more "Character" to them in this game Some even have different personalities

The gameplay it's meh, battles take around a minute or so and I found them to be rather easy even on the hardest difficulty, I don't have much to talk about it since it's pretty much the one on mobile but from a third person view instead of top down view (Also 3D)

Problems I personally have with the game:
- Keyboard controls suck
- No graphics preset like Low - Medium - High or any way to change your graphics besides resolution
- Not being able to quit or save in the middle of the dialogue
- The arenas in which you fight are rather small

Shimakaze is a cinnamon bun that must be protected at all cost

Final Verdict: 63/100 Not Great not Terrible
Publicada el 15 de febrero de 2020. Última edición: 15 de febrero de 2020.
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24.0 h registradas (5.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A surprisingly good game, good combat pretty souls-like, the story is pretty generic but it works out, the graphics are pretty amazing.
I can say this is the best Star Wars game we got in a long time
Publicada el 27 de noviembre de 2019.
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7.3 h registradas (5.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A pretty fun game to play with your friends
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019.
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22.6 h registradas
A really good Visual Novel with great voice acting, beautifull art and music, loveable well developed characters and a beautifull story.
Overall a good Visual Novel that's not mainly focused on sexual content(thank god, I'm sick of them) but focused more on a "slice of life" approach which I really enjoyed.

Just what I'd expect from PixelFade, I would also suggest you to play Ace Academy, also from PixelFade.


Publicada el 7 de septiembre de 2018.
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