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Análises recentes de Andr3w Pott3r

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798.8 horas registradas (756.4 horas no momento da análise)
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At the moment 756 hours played. I Love this game!

There are not many games out there that allow you to be limited only by your own imagination( and being terrified of the cats, thats another story) So many ways to play the game, relaxed, calculated, environmentalist, or destroyer of worlds.

Most of all from this game, I love the multiplayer aspect of it. Different play styles and aesthetics.

Thank you for providing a game that focuses the mind but is pleasurable to play. I always get excited when a new video comes out with another addition. The community team are fantastic with epic skills on raising the hype and keeping the community engaged in the game.

Highly rated!
Publicada em 13 de novembro de 2022.
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