blonde dike
Khor, Al Khawr, Qatar
put it in H
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7 metre crack pipe 27 ENE 2017 a las 6:33 p. m. 
free willy 3 i give it a 3 out of three
7 metre crack pipe 18 ENE 2017 a las 2:55 a. m. 
oh u have 7 k hours on tf2 u goopy eyed rock licker
7 metre crack pipe 18 ENE 2017 a las 2:53 a. m. 
danny u little ♥♥♥♥ how many hours do u have on tf2
7 metre crack pipe 8 JUN 2016 a las 4:20 a. m. 
So you think you're a good player and your ego is sky high, the reality of facts is that you're bad, all you can do is hold angles.

Not once have I seen you actually use skill to win against me in a 1 versus 1 situation, the reason you won that matchmaking game is because you abused tight angles and unfair game mechanics such as preaiming.

I honestly doubt I'll ever see you in a professional counter-strike environment because we both know you're nothing but a one hit wonder, try to beat me again in a matchmaking game and see what happens because we both know deep down that I will win.

You are nothing compared to me and I honestly hope you uninstall the game and get a life.
7 metre crack pipe 23 MAY 2016 a las 6:16 a. m. 
On yard duty, I love the tall smiling African student, who greets me with "Hi Miss," their beautiful white teeth shine, in stark contrast to their dark skins. Some of these students have experienced the most traumatic events in their countries of origin. I feel privileged to be able to work with them!
2200 24 MAR 2016 a las 2:47 a. m. 
can you buy me unturned?