An A10 Warthog
Nevada, United States
Some information given.
Currently Offline
A-10's Words of "Wisdom"
"Is it bad I kinda want to ♥♥♥♥ the rabbit" -Marshal
"I love Japan." -Marshal
"You'd probably learn after 2 or 3 burnt out clutches." -CarlosCastaneda
"It's extremely knife." -J17
"A flat spin? Trim it out, bro" - FORTY5GRAVE
"I don't want to be exta ♥♥♥♥♥♥, I just want to be kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥." -Caliber
"u own the sea, u own the game" -Sneaky Chicken, master Wargame strategist.
"I wanna play nato"- wdajohnn
"Don't be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I'm going to keep eating people." -Eis
"A10 is actually safe to eat I guess." -J17
"Pumpkins up here in Canada are great, it's like putting them in the fridge." -FORTY5GRAVE
"Yiff saves lives." -Deranged
"What happened in Poland, A-10?" - Gamerk1d11
"A-10's mom is confirmed to be an AC-130."-Ryan
"Oh, you're inside me, Ryan." -FORTY5GRAVE
"What? I got my learner's permit when I was 5." -J17
"There's a lot of trains in Kansas, one of them must have hit her." -FORTY5GRAVE, in response to a picture of The Better Ryan's girlfriend
"What does douchebag mean? Is it special word for (the) A-10's TGP?" -Kratos, German DCS World player
"Well in certain states its only bestiality if its with an animal weighing over 40 lbs" -Iamthesalt
"I heard a little bird as the same time we blew up." -MuschroomMagic, German PR player, seconds after getting hit with a rocket.
"Learn French, so you can be romantic with Big File." -Dewie Cox
"There's no way it's 3:30, oh wait, that's not my clock, it's my altimeter." - Happy, American F-15C Pilot, DCS World
"I really hope this isn't fratricide." -Rally61
"Hey, he'll kick your ass." -FORTY5GRAVE, refeering to a twelve year old
"You guys are so ♥♥♥♥♥ majestic." -SeneX
"North Korea? Can't be that bad." -FORTY5GRAVE
"He ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ shot one bullet, dude." -MastaFu420
"I won the game by swimming over a butthole." -Ryan
"I have to get killed to get the virgins? That wasn't in my contract."-British Project Reality player
"Yeah, we run the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ media mate. ♥♥♥♥ off." -Random Australian in Project Reality
"China should invest in a lot of things, like bridges not made of styrofoam" -Col.Muffdog, Project Reality Squad Leader
"I was making porn hub videos today, actually. I was sucking Bryan Silva's ♥♥♥♥." -Bluedrake42
"I'm not going to hit on her 'til her next birthday, when it's legal. Oh yeah." -Eis
"The fox is a victim. A victim of the furries, and a victim of us." -Deranged
"Doors are for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." -Ryan
"This backpack has fine camoflauge. If I were to lie down in a pile of backpacks, you'd never find me." -Eis
"You know our team was conscripts right?" -PR player on Russian team
"No one wants these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ potatoes!" -Ryan, After Stealing all of Idaho's Potatoes
"I'm really fat, I cover everything." -Eis
"Arma 3 as a "Milsim" has been ruined."-Grace, Armaholic User, in response to a mod adding Spongebob's pineapple.
"A10 is a sexually frustrated airplane." -FORTY5GRAVE
"I hope I have AIDs." -Ryan
"Ryan, you're the kind of guy that would shank the Knights of Colombus after they gave you free food." -J17
"It's so warm in Winnipeg. It gets up to 32 degrees in the summer." -FORTY5GRAVE
"IM LIKE IN THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SUPPORT CLUB FOR AUTISTS IN WHEELCHAIRS"-J17, CS:GO silver competitive, Christmas Day 2014
"I dont believe in luck. I only believe in Shekels." -J17
"If I couldn't get through immigration, I'd just go to Africa and find a nice hut." -SandyBullet2011
"He thought 556 and 223 were different calibres." -FORTY5GRAVE
"I have no lube on the end of it either, so it's going to go in dry." -GreenBannana
"Why did you do that?" -S.S. MacReady, After being knocked unconcious and robbed, DayZ S.A.
"Did I tickle your pickle, Ryan?" - Medplec
"Yeah, we're no-clipping in a competitive. It's great." -J17, CS:GO
"Oh, it's Medplec. It's the guy who showed me those...things." -Gamerk1d11
"I like to tickle pickles." -Medplec
"A-10's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ plane, don't believe him." -Medplec
"Spaced God and normal God have competitions to see who's the better god. I typically win, but right now he's beating me." -Eis
"Forty, you can't masturbate in space, it'll become a snowglobe." -J17
"I'm retarded, A-10." -J17
"That's how I imagine women." -Ryan
"You guys should have a threesome, it'd be great." -FORTY5GRAVE
"Heaven's gone pretty downhill." -J17
"James is a good guy, it's just that he's Dutch." -Disnoxxio
"What the ♥♥♥♥. I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥." -Eis
"So God look at Wichita and said, 'there's nothing here anyway, we don't need clouds'."-J17
"Satan loves me more." -Eis
"I've got a ♥♥♥♥, leave me alone." -Eis, in response to being flirted with when using a female character in game
"We're sandwiched between some Fierce Dragons." -Ryan
"My intestines still hurt." -Ryan
"Oh God, he has a penis." -J17, Browsing the Unity asset store
"Looks like I'm a sex offender now, some little kid was sucking my ♥♥♥♥ on a video game." -Eis
"It's like playing Where's Waldo, but everyone's Waldo." -davidknights333
"That sounds offensive." -Ryan
"Oh, you're dead? Are you sure Pickachu band-aids won't help?" -SoundOfTheBlade
"Are you good at the game or not?" -Ryan
"You're a cat, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥." -Eis
"It's just two foxes on top of each other, getting it on." -BASED COOK, in response to furries
"Sometimes it's OK to go in dry." -Slayer
"I gotta keep my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ somewhere" -Slayer
"Hell is totally worth it." -Slayer
"Hell is basically our home away from home. You want to get anything? Go to hell." -Ryan
"i drnk some alcohol stuff. just waiting to die" -Slayer
"Let me cheat in peace!" -Slayer
"I wouldn't call (my sister) fresh."-Ryan
"I'm at a McDonald's in Missouri and every employee is white."-Ryan
"Europe: Not even once!" -FORTY5GRAVE
"We survived satan twice; and now we're slugs." -Deranged
"is everyone a furry now? knot what i thought was gonna be happening..." -Harkuno
"My box was to small to fit transistors, so I wrote trans-sistors. Because if i left it just trans, I wouldve felt dirty" -Threase
"It's hard to sound sober." -Threase
"Comcast doesn't need to know about this." -Slayer
"I asked my girlfriend 'is my ♥♥♥♥ small?'"-Marshal
"omfg I obliterated him" -LeonRebek
"it should be illegal to use emojis" -FORTY5GRAVE
"I love being a slut" MisterJacko
"I think I punched my controller into my nuts" -Marshal
"Finding roasties with roast beef" -Austin
"Seems like its literally pooping back and forth except super gay and not funny at all" -Tanuki
"Actually autistic people are neat" -FORTY
"You two are basically one person." Vaun
"gay sex is amazing but you WILL have to learn to say no sometimes" -Avro
"It got all over the desk, it was disgusting." -Austin
"I like to put rocks up my butt." -Fenix
"I'm the biggest ♥♥♥ ever, so yeah." -Chenler
"It's an odd place, but I like it here" -Gunn
Frsotie 5 Jan, 2024 @ 9:50pm 
climate criminal 16 Jun, 2018 @ 10:37pm 
At least in their Bends era, Radiohead made music that non-robots might want to listen to. Sure, it was whiny and boring but if nothing else, you could tell it was being made by a real band with real instruments and not an electrician trying to fix a DVD player that got a copy of Tron stuck in it. In their nearly 30 years as a band (yes, 30), they’ve journeyed from mediocre alterna-rock into who-the-♥♥♥♥-knows-what-genre. Ask any casual music fan to name a Radiohead song. The most common answer you’re gonna get is “Creep.” The second most common answer: a blank stare, because who the ♥♥♥♥ knows the name of the 800 songs that go “beep blorp bop beep boop 010101?” No one. “Creep” is fun to do at karaoke. Any other Radiohead song would clear the place out because it’d sound like someone doing an impression of a stroke victim.
Greg Coomer 30 Mar, 2018 @ 2:57pm 
"im only attracted to dogs" - karbyne
Aubury 26 Jan, 2018 @ 6:12pm 
Chenler 10 Aug, 2017 @ 8:15am 
Strafe me daddy :2016weiner:
Saint Kelly 2 Jun, 2017 @ 11:41pm 
Autism is a hell of a drug